Political report:

Brothers and sisters, coordinators and members of the General Secretariat in the Arab and Islamic Gathering in support of the choice of resistance
Greetings and Peace to you all
I send you the strategy document of the Gathering revised on September 2,2020 which was sent to all members of the General Secretariat and was approved after making the amendments as a result of the observations and suggestions of the members of the General Secretariat.
The strategic document that you have before you will be approved at the conference.
Please read it agian and send any comments or suggestions before the end of this month to be taken into consideration.
Our third conference was scheduled to take place at the end of November 2019 in Damascus. It was postponed due to the security conditions in Lebanon and Syria.
Since the Corona pandemic will not allow us to hold the conference with personal attendance, we decided to hold it through
-ZOOM-video conference
Social media (online video conferencing).
Conference date: Saturday, July 10, starting at 4 pm Al-Quds time.
The timing should be suitable to everyone on five continents.
Suggested program:
Changing the group’s name from “The Arab and Islamic Gathering in Support of the Choice of Resistance”
to become “The Global Gathering in Support of the Choice of Resistance”
(Approval of the strategic document after discussion and consensus via social media before the conference is held)
Third: Amending some articles in the statute – and if there are suggestions, please do send them.
Fourth: Electing a new executive body, a general secretary, four assistant general secretaries and a secretary.
Kindly send any suggestion before the end of this month, June, so we can make the necessary amendments.
Whatsapp: +9613279270
Best Regards,
Your brother, Dr. Yahya Ghaddar
Secretary General of the Arab and Islamic Gathering in Support of the Choice of Resistance.
Political report:
The world is changing and the resistance alliance is advancing
Foundational Introductions
A radiant century passes at the end of the tunnel…
The last months of the last century became heavy, and refused to go into oblivion without witnessing major events that indicated promising qualitative shifts, including:
1. December 1 – 31, 1999 – Russia bowed out and decided to return to its time and geography as a pivotal power in the history of Europe and the future of the world. This was embodied in the withdrawal of Yeltsin and his clique from political life and the easy handover of the Kremlin to the representative of the military establishment, “Putin” and his team, full of patriotism and hostility to the West, What should be to restore Russia, as the Russian elite has been imbued with geopolitical theory – Russia’s geopolitics – Eurasia project .
2. May 25, 2000, the Islamic Resistance and the Lebanese people achieved a precious, qualitative victory that is miraculous by all standards and traditional military science curricula. A victory that changed the basis for strategic balances in the Arab-Zionist conflict, with what is the eternal struggle between East and West. It ended an era of defeats and revealed the futility of the compromise and treacherous choice of regimes and elites. This has been done by imposing the Israeli withdrawal under fire and without negotiation. In addition, it devoted an ascending historical model and context to the nation’s values and sacrifices that evokes its nature of resistance. And with the same extent, breaking the will and capabilities of the West through its aggressive creation, the exclusionary settlement state.
It also broke the image of the obeyed state, and decided that the occupation no longer helps her to impose its conditions. In addition, it assured that the choice of resistance based on historical right and willingness to sacrifice everything even its leadership. These resistance movements also proved the capability of restoring rights and imposing them by force. Hence, the victory dropped all perspectives of skepticism by the resistance and its choice, as it was reflected in specific imbalances in the balance of power in the Arab official regimes. Yet it ended the era of Saudization and Saudinization – invoked the resistance alliance as an effective driving force in the events of the region, and the victory changed Lebanon’s balance, stature, and the functions of its entity.
3. June 10, 2000: The nation loses one of its outstanding leaders – the founder of its era of resistance. The news has fallen like a thunderbolt. However, the sudden departure of President Hafez al-Assad did not leave Syria and its resistance alliance in a state of emptiness, as the enemies planned and desired and intimidated friends, to the extent that events showed that it was prepared with its system and administration To complete the transition as best as possible.
The Syrian Arab people chose President Bashar al-Assad and authorized him to take the lead to accumulate victories and to consolidate Syria’s standing. He led Syria and its alliance during the darkest circumstances and the most intense conspiracies against its historical values and patriotic and national commitments, and increased the effectiveness and stability of the strategic resistance alliance, and with it the fact that the era of defeats has passed.
4. On a parallel line, Bush Jr., representing the “Likudniks in the White House – Neoconservatives” team, was elected as a President of America at the end of 2000, with controversial results and flagrant fraud. The Supreme Court decided the result by a vote! This indicated that the United States of America had entered an era of anxious balance in its structure and conflict between its blocs and its lobbies. Along with that, it unleashed aggression, barbarism, wars of annihilation and the formation of nations. The hawkish rape of the White House was not interrupted by the defeat of “Israel” in Lebanon as a seismic event that would prevent it from serving the plans of the lobby American globalization is aggressive and qualifies America for direct military occupations.
In light of these specific events, developments in the early years of the new century proceeded along parallel lines, which were reflected as follows:
• The victory of the 2000s in Lebanon caused the rise of the option of resistance and confidence, accompanied by the first clean and qualitative victory that changed circumstances. The settlement negotiations were disrupted and Palestine exploded with the second intifada, the “Al-Aqsa Intifada,” and its cause returned to a central priority. However, the September 11, 2001 operation carried out by al-Qaeda in America provided excuses for the neoconservatives to put their plan for the American century into immediate implementation, and Bush launched the so-called “war on terror” and accusations against Arabs and Muslims of brutality and terrorism were accusing Arabs and Muslims of brutality and terrorism. Theories of civilizations and religions war were circulated, and alliances were formulated Resolutions were imposed on the United Nations and international organizations in line with the neoconservative project. The war was launched against Afghanistan in 2001, lies and fabrications were arranged, and Baghdad was occupied in 2003.
• While Russia, in its collapsing phase, had no interest in confronting the Atlantic alliance to topple and dismantle Yugoslavia, and the invasion and occupation of Afghanistan, its distinction began to appear in the war on Iraq, and Putin began his campaign to restore Russian wealth and limit the power of the oligarchs.
• Syria decided, through President al-Assad’s words, that the US invasion of Iraq is unacceptable, and an Arab resistance front is required. Damascus has embraced its constants and traditions for the resistance in Lebanon, Palestine and Iraq, and rejected the dictates of Colin Powell, believing that time and age have become the era of resistance and its victories, and ready to bear the costs and fight without Respite.
• The July 2006 victory was the most important in the history of the Arab-Israeli-Western conflict, with historical and future connotations establishing new worlds. The resistance broke the Israili long arm, deterrent power, and the ability to wage blitzkrieg wars in the enemy’s environment. In addition, the resistance and its alliance have proven that it is of a new pattern that builds on victories and does not neglect them and that it is capable of deterrence and possesses its means, weapons and science, and accumulates victories and power, which was reflected in historical victories in Palestine, so Gaza was liberated, and Gaza was liberated. The settlements planted their first stones in Gaza, “the buried-Sharon” and “Israel” withdrew under fire and without negotiation. The choice of resistance prevailed in the Palestinian parliamentary elections with the power of funds and the popular will.
• The resistance defeat the Zionist entity. In addition, it proved its lack of its functional role, its inability to serve Western interests and projects. This was coinciding with the rise of hawks and visionaries (the American century, nation-building, and the golden billion). Hence, America transformed itself and its armies and imposed its alliances from outside the Security Council and international legitimacy. It also pushed its armies, private security companies, and mercenaries into the region. It also invaded and occupied directly to secure its interests and to protect its tools from families, regimes and deficient geography. These systems are designed to measure the Western interests co-operative with the Zionist entity. It also aimed to besiege Iran and try to overthrow the resistance in Lebanon and Palestine. Damascus became its target, and the Hariri killing crisis and Syria’s exit from Lebanon were fabricated. It has also embarked on the implementation of plans to cut the road to land communication between Beirut – Damascus – Baghdad – Tehran – Moscow.
According to the reality of time and major events of history, the twentieth century began with Arab and Islamic features. Moreover, when the First World War aimed at dismantling the Ottoman Empire and occupying the geography of the heart of the world, the foundation of civilizations and the homeland of religions. Sykes-Picot scissors also worked in it, and it continued with the Balfour Declaration. Down to the mandate of Wahhabism – Saudi Arabia to rule the Arabian Peninsula. So the Trilogy of Serving and Serving was established to secure control, and America inherited it after World War II and strengthened it.
However, the sustainable resistance of Arabs and Muslims occupied the last century throughout its extension with wars, uprisings and revolutions. The nation and its region never calmed down and did not surrender, and if some of it surrendered, the “Arabists’ nation ”rejected it and generated its resistance, so the past century acquired its characteristic as the century of Arab and Islamic resistance, one of the consequences of its sacrifices is its obvious seal “Victory 2000”.
Today, we can confirm the fact that everything that happened in the new century, and during the two decades. In its Arab and Islamic capacity, it was characterized by the escalation of the choice of resistance and the attainment of a qualitative influence in reshaping the global system and what it would settle on. In addition to reshaping the region and its forces. It is logical that the resistance option is the secret and the central reason for reshaping the Arabs, their environment, and the future of the region’s nations.
The world in the epoch of hyper history and hypersonic time:
In a related context, humanity has made revolutionary progress in discovering the laws of nature and its inexhaustible reserves. Moreover, it succeeded in adapting it and increasing its products and diversification. The economy of the mind “knowledge” became dominant. Invention is only limited by the limits of imagination. The means and means of reaching and disseminating knowledge have also evolved and become available, and technological and technological developments have approached the limit of creating intelligence. Therefore, it began to leave qualitative effects in the mechanisms and causes of social organization among human beings, individuals and groups. In addition, it caused a fundamental change in the rules and regulations of human relations in its various fields. All this coincided with the communications revolution and the domination of “geo-communication”, which was based on the interests of multinational companies to the supranational formations. It also established its foundations, values and interests, transcending the effects of geography, linguistics, and inherited traditions and beliefs. In this way, the future industry will be transformed as a priority and as a conscious, intrusive, effective humane option to meet the material needs of human beings. It introduced the fourth revolution of human technology in the era of excessive history, the world of “infosphere” and erased the distance between the virtual and the real in a person’s life and his relationship with the other. (How the informational cover reshapes human reality … “Nanotechnology, the Internet of Things, the web, cloud computing, smartphone applications, touch screens, GPS, unmanned aircraft, driverless cars, wearable computing equipment , Social media, and cyber warfare … ”all have become environmental, anthropological and social forces, shaping our world and relentlessly reshaping how we are interconnected. The breakdown of the boundaries between life is connected to a computer network and not connected to it. We are all included in the “Informational Infoshere” on the Italian professor of philosophy and ethics Luciano Floridi.
The total revolutionary transformations that humankind has accomplished in two decades is equivalent to what it has produced since its founding on this earth. It is logical to say that it will change the individual human being and groups, and the reasons for their formation. It also undermines many structures, formations, and patterns of production and distribution. This was reflected in qualitative productions in minds and in the importance of production forces and their new natures. This will reformulate many human life patterns and their human rights, cultural, and material consequences. It is also reflected in the understandings, conflicts, their elements, and their governing issues, and it expresses itself in the fall and decay of the old, the rise of the new, and the change of power theaters, tools, and geography.
Likewise, mounting shifts have boosted the value of time. With weapons, hypersonic and hyper-strategic transports, experts tell us a change in the human way of life and perhaps a change in the person himself. The implantation of electronic chips in the brain, and perhaps the production of hybrid and cloning human beings, the implantation of human cells in animals, gene therapies, the development of the “genetics” of the brain and the cell, the ability of computers to read thoughts, and the technology of transmitting memory … all will inform humanity of worlds of transformation very quickly. Blockchain technology also promises us a massive leap. It would eliminate many of the functions of states, agencies, and human rights systems to preserve property, and turn it into scrap and a burden on peoples and nations.
None of these hyper-historical and strategic transformations took place in a break with the shifts in social structures and economic patterns that prevailed, tested, and lost their temporal powers. It fulfilled what it could as a mechanism for organizing human groups. All of them interact in the creation of objective premises to bring about a shift in the nature, mechanisms, laws and rules of regularity of the world order. In addition, it assisted in the production of new alternatives that are consistent with the facts of what humanity has reached and what has been tested in history.
Among the institutional transformations, we monitor:
From universalism as a natural path for the development and rise of human groups to their usurpation by Americanized globalization:
After the fall of the Soviet Union, America dominated and imposed its economic model, values, culture and lifestyles throughout the globe without competing and by force from the dispersed resistance, and with its liberal, arrogant and monopolistic aggressive model, it prevailed. Around the globe, in different ways and models, the revolution succeeded in South Africa and indicated a different human future, and Latin America and the Caribbean tried to evade the hegemony and the American style, as well as Asia rose and sought to impose its formula and socio-economic model as a more humane, participatory and productive historical alternative.
After the capitalist system prevailed in the form of American liberalism, it began to erode and was hit by deep structural crises. And it expressed itself in the bursting of the American bubble in 2008, which did not address marginal changes in the system and its rules as much as America delayed the explosion of the model. In addition, that by generalizing its crisis to the world. It increased its usurpation of rights and the imposition of royalties on the Gulf States. Today we hear and read a lot of confirming data from the major role of expertise and in-depth and specialized strategic studies: that a collapsing crisis will strike the “liberal” global economy soon.
America and its European and global alliance have experienced major failures in wars. Moreover, it incurred astronomical costs. Technical developments and their impacts have provided the objective conditions for reshaping the global balance of power to produce a new system that keeps pace with emerging transformations. This contributed to the emergence of emerging international blocs, and a shift in the balance of economic and geopolitical powers in favor of the Eurasian project led by Russia and China. So he achieved qualitative leaps that outmatch America and its West in the international balance. Trump declared that America was a rogue and false country and that it had fabricated excuses to invade Iraq. She is fighting ridiculous wars and has incurred trillions of dollars on her adventures. In addition, Trump’s decision to withdraw from the east of the Euphrates dealt a heavy blow to the Zionist entity and America’s allies. He made sure that she used others as shoes, and quickly dumped them in the waste.
America and the Atlantic West have lost the most important elements of supremacy that put them in the ranks of the major and dominant countries in the world. The biological structure tilts in favor of Asia, the Arab world, the Islamic world, and Africa. American and European societies and to a large extent Russia and China are aging, and the population is decreasing. Racism and Islam-phobia escalated, and hostility to the “colored and Hispanic” stranger increased. In addition to what was left by the Syrian refugee crisis, and the return of brutal terrorism to the countries and societies that produced it. America and Europe are no longer able to fill the gaps and make up for the shortfall by importing labor and brains for free. As societies age, productive capacities decline in the post-revolution fourth world. Thus, the scale is tilted qualitatively for Asia, Africa and Latin America. More dangerous than biological deficits, technological backwardness is advancing, and Asia has advanced by great strides.
The Russian hypersonic weapon became at least two decades ahead of Western production. America’s geography has also become the field of any war, after it was its fortress and its distinction from the geographical distance from the theaters of wars and the protection of the oceans. Hypersonic weapons, technological advances, biological poverty and anthropological shifts towards the end of the era of imperial nations brought it down. Biological decline and technological backwardness are interspersed with the production of global variables. The evidence is many. The Chinese “Huawei” has exceeded the capabilities of American companies despite its monopoly, and it protects it from competition. The Iranian experience is also indicative, as the average age of Iranian nuclear experts and technology scientists is under thirty years. While the average age of experts in America and the West is over fifty years. This characteristic that delineates will be the future, creativity and mastery in it.
Then the Corona pandemic struck her. And it decided that the entire progress, with its scientific and hospital fields, the production of vaccines and medical equipment, has become Eurasian luck. The protocols dealing with the pandemic belonged to the socioeconomic systems and remnants of the traditions of socialism. So Cuba, its medical teams, and its medicines came to treat the plagued European countries after America had besieged and rejected them and stole their shipments of respirators and masks. The pandemic has severely exposed the US liberal economy, its paradigm, and its overwhelming impotence in confrontation. It accelerated the prospects of a global liberal economic meltdown that was in the stage of clinical death. Thus, funding, self-management strategies, and the infusion of printed currencies are not of much use in it. Experts confirm that the pandemic of the collapse of the dollar and the euro rears its head, as evidenced by the sustainable increases in metal prices and the gold’s reaching the threshold of 1900 dollars an ounce. The rise in the price of silver to 40 dollars has not reached it before, and it records the first big increases in forty years.
The locomotive of the future of humanity and the global order in the era of the digital revolution is driven on wheels with four inconsistent axes of effort and tension.
The conflict between: the Atlantic – and the Eurasian – on the one hand
The third role of the Arab and Islamic Resistance Alliance
While the revolutionary transformations in the productive forces and the status of man and mind are fourth
How can the locomotive navigate its tracks and at what costs, and directions?
A. The Colliding Axes:
The outcomes of transformations and developments, the paths and consequences of wars, and their repercussions on the international balance of power, draw the features of the new world order. Two axes advance in it:
– The axis of America, which is still dominant, powerful, and possessing elements of feared power, capable of destroying the world or taking it to a devastating, collapsing economic crisis. Its aggressive natures, and its rejection of transformations and offensive fighting, to hinder it on the one hand.
The second axis formed in the Eurasia project led by Russia, diplomatically and militarily. Its elements establish and establish the blatant superiority of China with its economic power. It explains how and why the global economic, commercial and financial war is raging. Crises escalate from all directions, and new arenas and regions open up for wars, chaos and clashing with mediator. The question is magnified over what will be the results of the West’s chances, retreat, and its transformation from world leadership.
The third axis: the resistance and its alliance as a rising axis. It has a qualitative role in disturbing global balances and in providing environments for the rise of Eurasia and impeding the aggressive American offensive. In addition, it will bleed and defeat its projects and plans for global hegemony, “the American Century.” The chronicle of events over the course of half a century and more witnessed the Alliance’s victories and historic founding achievements. It blew up the basis for strategic balances in the region and the world. On its impact, a process of ignoring and ignoring it takes place, with the intention of intending or dominating old mentalities in reading reality and its transformations. The wars that prevented the total global hegemony of America took place in the environment of Arabs and Muslims, in their geography, and with them. They and their resistance prevented the achievement of the American century and provided the conditions for the rise of others. More than this, the crises that hit the West in general, its economies, its model and its values, diminish its capabilities and limit its power. Moreover, all of them were manufactured in Arab and Muslim countries. The world has not witnessed grinding wars that changed balances and broke America and its tools since the 1973 war, except for the Arabs and their ruling geography. From Beirut, to Palestine, Iraq, Somalia, Yemen and Afghanistan, in addition to the ongoing confrontations in the Gulf. In addition, in which all defeat America and its alliances. The axis of resistance advances to prevail, according to the sciences of history, geopolitics, anthropology, geopolitics, and strategy:
Whoever defeats an enemy the size of America and the West united with sheikhdoms and industrialized regimes, and in the height of their control, and where nations and continents have turned away from confrontations, they must form an ascending, ruling power and locomotive in the future of humanity. Were it not for the wars, confrontations and sustainable resistance of Arabs and Muslims, America and its west would not have reached formative crises, and its military might would not have been broken. These are the matters that have secured Russia’s return, ascension and transformation into a global pole that is balanced and decided, and from the Syrian platform, “the heart of the resistance alliance and its arm.” This, of course, was due to its ability to manage and win the ongoing Great World War. China has possessed the time and the strength to rise and emerge from its great wall. It was able to legislate participation in the war against terrorism and plant military bases in global parts. It provides Germany and Japan to stand against America and reject its dictates, and South Korea, Malaysia, Brazil and South Africa have opportunities for economic and technical development.
The fourth axis: human life and its regularity mechanisms. In addition to the rules and regulations of the interaction of production forces, its media, and production relations and patterns. Production is the goal of the individual and the group to provide the causes and conditions for material and spiritual life. Moreover, with that, it entered an unprecedented qualitative era. It is logical to say that the human rights rules, formations and products will change to coincide with the nature of the variables in the material elements and their means of production. The capitalist formation, in its brutal liberal phase, which is more concentrated, monopolistic and aggressive, has no longer the ability to live and – or to reform and renew itself.
In addition, lived experiences as alternatives to “socialism, the welfare state, and monopolistic state capitalism” fell by the force of their impotence and the exhaustion of their historical period.
The means of power and control that secured the elite and the advanced countries and gave them the ability to dominate were also transformed. It became the common property of the public. The traditional media has lost its role and is no longer a monopoly with the new means of communication, communication and artificial intelligence, and biology and technology bias towards other continents and nations. Also, weapons and their manufacture are no longer limited to certain powers and countries. Likewise, the fourth generation of wars brought down traditional weapons and formations and raised the status of resistance, guerrilla wars and popular wars. The manufacture of explosives and weapons in all its advanced forms has become easy and easy for those who seek it. Moreover, the conventional military force and its weapons are unable to achieve victories, break wills and change new historical trends. The Gaza experience, and its incendiary kites and balloons, is a testament to that. And Lebanon has enabled the resistance, see also. The most indicative is the experience of “Ansar Allah” in Yemen, and the progress achieved by their industry, which brought down weapons and its advanced technology in the West as a whole and with “Israel”. Frictions in the Gulf between America, its alliance and the Islamic Republic of Iran have also perpetuated the refraction of American power and its inability to fight wars. Rather, for the first time since World War II, America has acknowledged its inability to protect seas and control the passages.
The nature of the knowledge economy raised its position as a pivotal engine of transformations as the economy of minds. And the minds with the communicative and its networks have become interactive and documentation. Archiving and education has become easily accessible through smart devices. Many professions, institutions, and state forms and systems have almost gone through decline and disappearance. The importance of places, buildings, roads, translation and law, and traditional medicine and its specializations also differed. The displacement of money and cash began in favor of digital currencies. All this confirms the truth of the Creator through his creation and that man is the most precious capital. The new human being turns to non-social traditional patterns of his life. Personal and individualistic liberalism began to prevail. Then the traditional bonds and ties, “the family – institutional identities – recognized identities – local and spiritual identities” disintegrate and disappear. On the other hand, the saying that the commodity will remain a social product is reinforced. The mental products of commodities and brains became “artificial intelligence” collective social products. The rules and patterns of material production changed after the domination of mental production. In this way, intellectual and cultural products, beliefs, spiritual needs, and the relationship between man and the Creator will change. And all of them returned as God intended and sent his messengers and books to consecrate them as a special, individual, bilateral relationship without intermediaries and without politicization of religions and sects. Consequently, human attempts to use God Almighty, the prophets, messengers, and faith in their service will be diminished, to lure others and throw them into wars of savagery. Thus ended the time and environments of politicization of religion and its distortion and ideology.
Everything that is happening around us and what we are in, leads to a certain truth and future trends in judgment. It boils down to the necessity to produce a global order that carries the features of new in reality. This eliminates the claim of nations, races and geography of their superiority as “God’s chosen people”, which ruled and prevailed according to their characteristics and for themselves.
This new world, which is being formed, played in the haste of its birth the resistance alliance and the victories it achieved that changed alliances and strategic balances. To return to the Arabs and Muslims and their geography and human beings the actors. Here, they must step forward and be the centerpiece of the making and regulation of the new world.
Founding note in the political report
Our report is formulated on a cognitive approach, with a vision whose angles differ from the prevailing traditional theories, and with rules consistent with the current developments in humanity and the world and its balance. Foundation to build a promising future – what we are making today is the future.
Our approach is liberated from the mentality of defeat, from the logic of stability of things and dealing with America and the Zionist entity as if they are a permanent destiny of power and control. What will be tomorrow and consciously intervenes so that tomorrow becomes his property.
We will not pay any attention to optimistically describing our report, for most of what is contained in it is documented and derived from the same reality, monitoring the flow of facts and events and reading their implications and what they cause and interact to produce phenomena that establish new ones.
Optimism is the characteristic of a serious and active person. It is also one of the nature of the resistance and its choice. We assure that the data and analysis that came in it are not interrupted by what President Al-Assad has said repeatedly. Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah repeated this, such as his description of the spider’s web and the strength of the resistance and its alliance. He emphasized his ability to extract victories and change environments. It is consistent with the leader Khamenei saying and echoing Iran’s leaders.
Our endorsement of those speeches is intersecting with monitoring their performance and effects in the field and the structural and strategic changes that are being achieved in shaping the reality of the balance of power and influencing the future choices and paths.
It is hoped that the document will be discussed on the basis of rational and interactive dialogue. Let us leave the rules of previous and traditional dialogues that are governed by textual and controversial.
The choice of resistance is a dynamic, dynamic choice that sees things from different perspectives and plans its strategies and tactics with optimism and with a lot of hope and dream and work to change reality and its heart in reverse. And he sees his victories ..
The world is tense over its changing equilibrium and humankind is searching for its alternative options
The rising resistance alliance decides what will be the global situation:
In fact and its data:
After the collapse of the Soviet Union, America subjugated the West, and the European Union. Then she consolidated her dominance and launched her model and values, and obligated everyone to adopt them. It also made up its mind about its choices, its social and economic structure, and its ruling elite on its rules and nature. And the states and allied elites have turned into tools to serve their projects. Likewise, regional and international bodies and organizations have turned to outposts in the administration and apparatus of American aggression. It acted with bullying and replaced international legitimacy and relevant organizations when it did not fulfill its options. So it established aggressive alliances from outside it and thrust it into its wars and its mood.
It has become imperative, when discussing the status of America that the situation of the European Union and its allies be dealt with in one package.
1- America is in crisis, and it contributes to aggravating its world and its alliance:
The lived data, studies and reports provide us with a huge amount of material facts. All of them assure that America is in a structural crisis that affects the pattern and the economic and social system. It puts it on the threshold of one of two options. Americanization means a return to the island and the “Trumpian withdrawal that is being implemented.” Or rejecting the current and opposing the logic of transformations and rushing more to wars and fabricating explosions and fires as much as possible. In addition to spreading global chaos, and causing global or continental wars that may lead to genocide. Between these two options, internal collapse should not be ruled out. There are many indicators and studies indicating this possibility.
The qualitative American crisis is reflected in the following data.
• The stalemate continued to adopt strategic options for restructuring America and its role for twenty years. Militarism, wars, and imposing the model were tested by force, and it was defeated. Trump was right in describing it as a rogue and pseudo-state. Then came the Baker-Hamilton report 2006, which acknowledged defeat and the impossibility of achieving America’s interests through invasions and wars. He acknowledged that the Arabs and their region formed a solid, reluctance, resistance force that incapacitated and drained America. It also reduced its capabilities and the elements of its power and restrictions. He called for a shift to Asia and the Pacific, where the danger is rising. Here, the ruling establishment tried to change its skin and color to present itself in a different way, “black, emigrant, smiling and of Islamic origins.” And he used conciliatory rhetoric with Islam and targeting Africa during the Barack Obama era. However, the balances of its internal forces and the Likudnik’s control over ruling joints in its apparatus and administration, “The Likudniks are the leadership of the American globalization lobby” thwarted the effort. The American elections produced its unconventional phenomenon that sought to change America itself, to change the world. Trump arrived at the White House outside the traditional American historical context and formations. And immediately set off wars inside the United States. He unleashed crises abroad, adopting a non-strategic strategy in foreign policies. He focused his efforts on breaking the globalization lobby. And as in America, too, in all the countries of its influence and control, such as the European Union and South America, where his hand is long. And his decision to withdraw from the east of the Euphrates and leave his agents in the open is evidence that he is serious. Evidence that America will withdraw from the region, and its withdrawal will trigger the era of the collapse of systems and geography. It is the one that arose according to the results of the First World War, the Sykes-Picot scissors, the Balfour Declaration, and the mandate of Saudi Wahhabism on the island, Arabs and Muslims.
• Trump repeated his statement that the wars of Bush Jr. are absurd and cost America in Iraq and the Arabs 8 trillion dollars, to no avail. And the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan, maintaining 8000 and from Iraq to the limits of 4000 and zero presence in Syria.
• Trumpism is not a bastard in America. Rather, it is an authentic expression of its essence and natures. It became a ruler and may continue as an approach. It stands at a fork. Whatever is going on in it and what it is trying today is focused on a watershed tour of its balances. Trump is seeking to secure a second term. In addition, nothing prevents him from using the weapons and the gunmen he has long threatened. It also inflamed class and racial contradictions to their maximum limits. All of these are attempts to impose the options of the American lobby, with withdrawal and isolation. Moreover, he is trying to focus on treating the crises of America, resurrecting them and keeping them as a global power, balance and his leader.
• America is fighting a kind of civil war. In addition, it uses all the media and means. The vertical divide deepens, and in its lobbies concentrate elements of violent power. The globalization lobby has broad powers and influence in Parliament, Congress, agencies and the traditional media. In addition to its control over “Wall Street” and the arms industry, wars and technology. The lobby is fighting to cut off Trump’s arms in the European Union, the Gulf and its affiliated countries. The Khashoggi crisis in the face of Trump’s ally, Mohammed bin Salman – Erdogan and the Muslim Brotherhood are allies of the globalization lobby. It is seen as a way to hinder his openness to Russia and to focus his hostility towards China. On the other hand, the US lobby “Trump” is looking forward and spares no means or effort but uses it to defeat the globalization lobby and its tools. He is constantly changing positions and officials. He is also constantly fluctuating in policies and tweets. Not far from him is the fabrication of global economic and financial wars, and his withdrawal from contracts, common markets, and international organizations. In addition, he is still committed to his motto of destroying globalization and its tools, liberating America from its contracts, or subjecting the contracting parties to his project with America’s priority. Not to mention the belief in the great American nation and the necessity for the world to push to get it out of its crises and the danger of its collapse.
• America’s preoccupation with its border conflicts at home and institutions distracts it from having an effective and offensive strategic vision. Which presents her, confused and tense, rushing with one hand, carrying an olive branch, and scrambling to negotiate the second.
• American internal war, marketing itself on its worlds and alliances. It also leaves imprints and a devastating impact on the European Union and the possibility of exploding its unity and deepening crises of its national unity. Trump has committed to destroying the European Union and withdrawing from the Atlantic. In addition to withdrawing from the task of protecting Europe and Asia if it does not pay and increasing its shares in NATO’s funding. European countries are financially, socially and regionally in crisis. It suffers from astronomical debts – budget deficits – declining market share – underdevelopment of its industries, and the obsolescence of its military forces. The crisis of its founding identities and ethnicities escalates, and the rejection of liberalism, its elite and its economy, increases. In addition, the vulnerability to social explosion increases in the countries of the South and France. Germany appears to be the only capable locomotive, and Trump is targeting. Germany is trying to shelter in a different position from the crises, including the blockade, estrangement with Russia and the economic war with China. In addition to its relationship with the crises of the Arab and Islamic East. Trump’s dictates refused to invoke its military forces in Syria and to engage in the protection of tankers in the Gulf.
• America, militarily broken and defeated, in its armed wars, faces the threat of a major defeat in the economic and financial war. While Russia and China have demonstrated qualitative resilience in confrontations, response and refusal to comply. The Eurasia Alliance has launched a qualitative step in deepening the strategic alliance and reviewing aviation power and joint air operations in the China Sea and Asia. This is considered an unconventional shift in its indicators and confirms Eurasia’s seriousness in confrontation, including military confrontation. It confirms China’s decision to prepare for war and armed confrontation. China and Russia dealt a fatal blow to Trumpism via North Korea, provoking it with missile tests. In the economic war, China announced its beginning to use its heavy weapons, “such as stopping the import of American food and agricultural materials in a blow to Trump’s social base. China also lowered the exchange rate of the” yuan “as a warning to start the financial war and currency war. And it threatens to use economic weapons of mass destruction with its share in bonds The American debts amount to a trillion dollars. It also has trillions of dollar hard currencies. It is likely that Eurasia will win the economic and financial war as it has outperformed with hypersonic weapons and technology. Faced with the Corona pandemic, it will triumph as America and Europe have failed. In addition to threatens the dollar’s position as a devastating global American weapon.
• The talk began about vertical cracks that plague the American society and threaten it with wars and civil disorder. This is no longer just words and wishes. American cities have witnessed tours of violence and noisy demonstrations, the removal of historic America symbols and the destruction of statues in addition to burning the American flag. Religious and racial polarization escalated, as well as armed operations and looting. Semi-chaos and local civil wars emerged with the murder of George Floyd, who lit its racist field. That war reverberated across Europe. And racist political and armed formations began to rise in America, to be matched by other formations. Whereas, the role of the left-wing forces and groups that are tightly organized and effort is advanced, “the Antifa Organization. It is the organization that Trump accused of being primarily responsible for street battles and crowds of angry. Trump rushed to call on his supporters to impose matters and liberate states ruled by Democrats by military force, and some states witnessed armed demonstrations for Trump supporters. Nevertheless, Trump succeeded in circumventing US laws by preparing semi-militia military forces with official cover. He also used customs experts and security observers; He armed them and dressed them in uniform. Thus, he packs his order weeks before the presidential elections to seize the White House by force if he loses them in the boxes. He thus establishes his coup by rejecting the elections by mail or the Web. He also accused Democrats and his rivals of pre-rigging. He began launching tweets promising Americans that he will remain. President of the United States, despite what the opinion polls provide from the collapse of his popularity compared to M. Democrats nominated. That prompted John Biden to say; we will be tempted by the Pentagon to get Trump out of the White House. In addition, we read in an unprecedented way in the American literature and studies of major strategic institutions and the creation of ideas and plans about the possibilities of a military coup.
America is on a journey of decline and retreat, and it may rush out of its universality by its preoccupations in its internal conflicts and between its lobbies. In addition, the exacerbation of crises and the explosion of racial conflict – social class -. Under the influence of the Corona pandemic and the flaws of the liberal economic pattern in its brutal US version, the ample possibilities for an economic financial meltdown are mounting. This is accompanied by the platforms of its lobbies in the European Union, its worlds and its subsidiary countries. As she recedes, she is bound to take her world to retreat and possibly collapse. It is not unlikely that Trump in the next few weeks will ignite wars and fires everywhere. Eyes focus on the war with China and its sea. The involvement of America in a major war allows him to remain in the White House under the declaration of a state of war – emergency. There is no one or any force that prevents Trump from taking his adventure. His goal and preoccupation is the White House, even if everything collapses.
2- The world of America is in crisis and at the crossroads of major transformations:
A. The European Union and its anxious future:
• The European Union, its elites and its constituencies are engaging in conflicts over the bias of Washington’s beloved lobbies. Trump is piling up his cards in the face of the globalization lobby’s allies. He succeeded in attracting Britain through his snout, Johnson. On his way, he will withdraw from the European Union without an agreement. Or take Britain to early elections and a political crisis that threatens its unity and stability. And if he did it, and the European Union did not rush to appease him by amending the separation agreement, then logically it will cause qualitative dysfunctions and crises for Britain that is preoccupied with economic, social and political crises. It is also busy with its unit, which is threatened by the secession of regions from it. This is reflected in severe tensions throughout the European Union and the structure of its states. And it contributes to destabilizing its units, which are in deep crises, such as Spain, Greece, Portugal and Italy. France is not far from that. It is smoldering zero jackets crisis. This is a practical test of a class social movement in the face of the choices of economic liberalism and dependence on the globalization lobby. Macron came from the Rothschild family and financial home, and the relations between Trump and Macron are more than a personalized conflict.
• The conflict between Trump-Johnson and the European Union will deepen and deepen the rift. Trump will not spare an opportunity to blackmail and impose his will to reformulate agreements and economic markets. And it will try to make Europe more costs and taxes on its products and their exports to America. In addition to the threat of a tax on French wine – and a tax on European steel exports. The aim of this is to force it to restructure itself and its economy in the service of Trump’s “America First” project. It also aims to break the globalization lobby in the world in order to break it in America.
The conclusion:
The European Union has aged, and it is no longer effective or independent. It is in crisis in his countries and in his union. And it has become a battleground for America’s lobbies and settling its scores. It is located on the border of the conflict between the two global axes Eurasia – America.
The impotence of the European Union appears bleak in the Arab East, Libya and Africa, as well as in the Gulf and the Arab-Zionist conflict. In addition to the conflict between emerging Eurasia and receding America. All of this reinforces the European retreat and preoccupation with social and national crises, and is considered a ruling in the future of Europe.
B. Latin America:
• Confrontation in Venezuela: The Trump campaign to topple the Bolivarian Revolution in Venezuela failed. And it failed to limit Cuba’s capabilities and influence and increase its power on the continent. Cuba has succeeded in confronting Corona and has contributed tens of thousands of medical teams in South America, Spain, Italy and the old continent. The American project achieved failure due to the originality of the revolution, its relationship with its people, and the cohesion of its institutions. Because of the pivotal role played by Eurasia, and the willingness of China and Russia to fight and support the legitimate Venezuelan government. Despite the defeat of the Trump coup, attempts to plunder the Venezuelan money continue. An attempt is also being made to bring it down from the inside, through the siege, aggravation and fabrication of civil and continental wars. While the data, evidence and the elaborate management of the battle by Venezuela, indicate that Trump’s attempts will be disappointed. Trump will not be able to do what he wants. And its steadfastness was strengthened by the transformation of the axis of resistance to offensive at various levels. Iran defied and besieged America and sent ships, food vessels, oil derivatives and spare parts to repair energy networks and oil refineries. Moreover, it brought her right to the Caribbean and the ports of Venezuela. Iran dropped the American intimidation strategies with the fatal blow. Washington can no longer make gains through blockades and closure of straits and passages. The laws of its leaders, who are incapable and lacking in power, ability and equipment to impose their laws and bind the world by them.
• Brazil:
Trump won the Brazilian elections, and brought in a president who agrees with Trump. The social experiment led by Lula de Silva and the Labor Party has proven powerful. Thanks to its popularity, Brazil and its people have gained enormous prestige. And this contributed to Trump’s failures and racism, and the exposure of fraud and scandals to the liberal strata and their representatives in the Brazilian state. All this prevents Trumpism from gaining control of Brazil, removing it from the BRICS organization, or using it as an arena to tighten control over the continent. At the same time, contradictions and conflicts are raging in Brazil, and the elements of power are turning against Trumpism. The imbalance increases Trump’s preoccupation with the presidential elections and the lobby struggle. It also enhances the possibility of Brazil regaining its sovereign and social options, the crises of America, its global losses, its reticence, and Trump’s wars against all.
• Mexico:
Trump’s attempts to produce a Mexican “Trump” fell. The liberal social movement won the round by installing a “leftist” social president with declared Russian and Putinian tendencies. While Trump did not secure America’s land borders from Mexico. So the issue of financing the construction of the wall and the immigrants has turned into a crisis that preoccupies Congress and the Senate, and affects the American internal balances.
• Argentina:
The results of the test elections indicated the rise of the left in “Peronist” Argentina, at the expense of the American liberal elites. This indicates that Trumpism and globalism are in crisis, and that Latin America is heading firmly and steadily towards liberation and separation from the White House, whoever resides in it.
• Ecuador:
The Ecuadorian model of Trump precedes the social and revolutionary movement, even if his name is “Lenin.” A storm erupts in his face, preparing for a massive popular revolution. The storm will surely bring him down and take with him the liberal model and dependence on America to the dustbin of history. The current revolutionary situation in Ecuador will be reflected in the resurgence of the liberal social movement throughout Latin America. This trend is further intensified by Washington’s accusation that Venezuela is behind the popular uprising. This accusation constitutes a clear admission of the defeat of Trumpism and the steadfastness of Bolivarianism and its transformation into a model force capable of repelling America’s struggle. This contributes to launching the era of liquidating its agents, its model and its blatant aggressive interventions. Valgari in Brazil and Argentina, and the steadfastness of Cuba and Venezuela, indicate that an era of great liberation is stimulating the invasion of Latin America. It forms the twin of the Arabs and their rising Islamic region. All of this increases America’s confusion and retreat from the leadership of the global system, shakes its model, and strengthens the internal conflict between its lobbies.
C – America in Asia recedes:
• South Korea and Japan
Trump is threatening to withdraw from South Korea and Japan if not paid.
US strategies for the Baker-Hamilton Report to rally and focus on Asia-Pacific to prevent Eurasia from gaining ground have been disrupted. The Syrian crisis prompted America to return to the East, where it was ambushed and defeated and its power restricted.
The American administrations were unable to form a balanced Asian alliance to confront China and Russia. Efforts to ally with India, activate Japan’s role and price the conflict with Russia over the islands failed. While Eurasia succeeded in presenting Trump, and America a dwarfism in the face of North Korea. The intimidation and negotiation operations exposed the limits of American power in Asia.
Trump desires global withdrawal. As well as from Asia, America’s last fortresses, fortresses and wall in World War II. In South Korea – and Japan, America spares an opportunity only and tries to blackmail Japan and South Korea by bartering the US military presence for payment and switching to support America and its ailing economy. And, of course, at the expense of the Asian economies and their people. However, states and peoples are showing resistance and restlessness from the occupation and extortion, and from exporting crises and fabricating wars. Russia has succeeded in mitigating its conflicts with Japan. It is trying to remove it from America’s claws, and this is at the core of its project for Eurasia. China does not stop economic networking with Japan, South Korea and Australia, to secure them and contribute to the mission of winning them. The most likely possibility is that Eurasia will succeed in reassuring Japan and South Korea, and thwarting America’s efforts to establish an Asian alliance that works in its service. Neither Vietnam nor India are ready to play the role of the local proxy for an empire that is exploding upon itself and unable to protect its interests with its crumbling and crumbling forces. Pakistan has left the US incubator and strengthened its economic relations with China and with Iran. The Iran-China strategic agreement worth 400 billion dollars represents a strategic shift in the balance of power and its future trends in Asia and Central Asia. It also contributes to the economic war between China and America and to the military war if Washington dares to do so.
• India:
America did not succeed in singling out India and stripping it from its historical understandings with Russia. The Indo-Russian relations witnessed qualitative developments in exchanges, economic contracts and armament contracts. Russia also plays a central role in dialogue, negotiation and easing tensions between China and India – Pakistan. And that as polar countries and developing economically and technologically. In the logic of developments and as a reflection of Trump’s aggressive policies, it is logical that the circumstances tend to favor India’s inclusion in the Eurasian system over its remaining in the US astronomy.
• Pakistan and Afghanistan:
America lost its war in Afghanistan and agreed with the Taliban to hand over power in exchange for a transitional period. Trump announced the withdrawal of US forces from Afghanistan, leaving 8,000 temporarily. The Taliban fell into the embrace of China, Iran, and Russia. Eurasia and Iran are trying to use the Afghan arena to further blackmail and exhaust the US and NATO military, and forcing them to withdraw under fire. US newspapers and agencies launched an organized campaign, accusing Russia of funding and bribing the Taliban to target US forces and their agents in Afghanistan. Pakistan, its political orientations, and its geopolitical position have shifted in favor of understandings with Eurasia. Sino-Pakistani economic relations have been progressively strengthened. It is likely that Pakistan will become a platform for attrition for the Americans and maximizing China’s economic power as one of the most important platforms and junctions in the Silk Road and the Belt. Pakistan’s transformation is a qualitative event that ends America’s last post-World War II bases and platforms. This is to block Asia and to ward off and drain the communism of the Soviet Union. In addition to limiting China’s capabilities and its rise, and the return of “Putinian” Russia to its strategic environment and security. Attempts to blockade Iran in Central Asia will also fall, and relations between Pakistan and Iran will deepen in various ranges.
Pakistan today faces security, economic and political pressures from the American-Zionist-Saudi-Indian axis due to its courageous positions, including:
1- Its rejection of normalization with the Zionist entity. Moreover, standing by the Palestinian people and Al-Quds Al-Sharif.
2- Its alliance and rapprochement towards China, Iran, Russia and Turkey.
3- Adopting it and standing with the Kashmiri people.
4- Its economic cooperation with China and the trade corridor project between them and the activation of Gwadar Port
5- After weakening and eliminating the most powerful armies in the region, we fear that the next target will be the Pakistani army in order to implement a plan to divide and destroy the entire region.
Pakistan is an Islamic military and political power. It should be used, not to bomb Yemen or other Arab, Islamic or regional countries. Rather, it should be employed to consolidate the independence of the Arab and Islamic nation and reduce its dependency on the United States. Rather, it is possible to benefit from Pakistan and its political orientation in strengthening local and regional peace. As well as in its attempt to avoid sectarian and sectarian conflicts. Pakistan is made up of an ethnic and ethnic mosaic, and sectarian diversity.
The ongoing shift in Pakistan’s position is linked to the weakening of Saudi-Wahhabi influence in Central Asia. He is supportive of the return of Mahathir Muhammad to the leadership of Malaysia and is not far from liquidating the legacy of Wahhabism and liberalism and cutting off corruption. Malaysia is returning to the offensive movement under the headings of confronting Zionism, America and Wahhabism. In addition to calling for the rise of the Islamic world and Islamic unity between Malaysia – Turkey – Pakistan to form an effective regional and global axis. All of these are important factors and transformations in Asia’s options and future directions. It is considered evidence of the acceleration of the decline of the American model and the crumbling of its pillars and promotional platforms.
• The Kashmir Crisis:
The Kashmir issue is one of the major Islamic and humanitarian issues of the present time. For seventy years, India and Pakistan have witnessed demonstrations over Kashmir. Relations between the two countries were also strained again due to the recent Indian decision. It is unfortunate that many do not know anything about Kashmir and its cause, which we must highlight to the world.
The escalation of the Indian Kashmir crisis after India’s decision to end the state of self-rule unilaterally is an indication of a serious American desire to create a crisis that engulfs Eurasia. Kashmir is one of the most important belt and road corridors and transmission lines in Asia and between Pakistan and China. Trumpism is seeking to price it and provoke a devastating regional war between two nuclear states, both of them approaching the Eurasian project and joining the Shanghai Organization and ASEAN. While the data, the imbalance of power and Trump’s withdrawal indicate the possibility of containing the conflict and strengthening the Eurasian project to secure India and settle the conflict with Pakistan.
• Hong Kong – Myanmar – and the Rohingya:
In the three explosive crises, we find America’s fingers and its political and military Islam. It aims to fight China and curb the rise of Eurasia. In addition, that by trying to blow up the squares and provide the conditions and reasons for the transmission of terrorism to occupy the continent with wars of destruction. Circumstances, however, no longer allow her to mess around and play with adults.
D – In the Arabs and their Islamic and African region
• Turkey – Erdogan in a structural and structural crisis – on the edge of a knife – Erdogan is slaughtering Turkey and involving it with four war fronts simultaneously.
Atlantic Turkey was one of the most important platforms in the West and America after World War II to subjugate the Arabs and Muslims, control Asia and its course, and repel the Soviet wave. It was prepared to support the Shah, Iran, Pakistan, and the Zionist entity, to establish Western control over the region. And also to support the Gulf families in their sheikhs, to activate minorities, protect the ruling families, and confront the nationalist and Nasserist tide.
After the fall of the Soviet Union, it was entrusted with the task of securing control over Central Asia and the Islamic republics, and containing the transitions in Iran, Iraq and Syria.
As the religious wave rose to its climax, it was manufactured as a moderate Islamic platform. It was considered as an attractive economic miracle. It was employed with the mission of containing and reformulating “Sunni jihadism” to build an Ottoman-Zionist-American Islamic army.
In addition, when her watch came, it was used to sabotage the Arabs, and to price their war. Moreover, it turned into a mission to arm, train, and throw hundreds of thousands of militants into Syria, Iraq and Libya. Erdoganism shifted with the Arab fire from the task of containing jihadist Islam, Syria and Iran, to seeking to restore and impose Ottomanism. Erdogan increased his rhetoric that he was the agent of globalization in managing the new Middle East.
The first commandment of Peter the Great was that whoever governs Constantinople controls the world, “because of the importance of its geostrategic and geopolitical position. Erdogan transformed with it from zero problems to zero relations. Her efforts for seventy years to join the European Union for its Islamism were unsuccessful. It did not integrate with America’s projects in the Arab Spring. It clashed with Russia in Syria until Putin subjugated it by force and siege, Erdogan apologized in Russian. Relations with Trump almost broke with regard to the S-400 missiles and the arrest of the American priest, so Erdogan joined the globalization lobby campaign to aggravate Trumpism and in the region with the Khashoggi case, in addition to focusing the accusation on Prince Mohammed bin Salman for weakening Trump in the midterm elections.
Thanks to his ingenious maneuverability and his pragmatic mindset, Erdogan was able to control the majority of parliament and institutions. And he succeeded in imposing the “presidential” sultanistic system and putting powers in his hands. He restructured the state, the army and the authorities in a way that would prevent the army from being able to take a second coup. And in his wars at home and with Syria and abroad, he has brought back all the regional and international crises of Turkey. The same applies to Cyprus and oil and gas exploration in the Mediterranean. He adopted the Muslim Brotherhood and allied itself with Qatar against Saudi Arabia and the Emirates. He antagonized Egypt, and tried to plant bases in the Red Sea through Al-Bashir and the Muslim Brotherhood in Sudan. On the other hand, he adopted and supported the Brotherhood’s government in Libya. He is still maneuvering with regard to Syria and the Idlib, Astana and Sochi crises. It is also maneuvering in the occupation by Turkish forces and their militants of parts of north and east Syria, and is working to “leave them”. Moreover, his ultimate goal is Mosul and Aleppo, which in the Turkish mind are still Ottoman and should return.
In order to secure his authority, uniqueness and his party, Erdogan tried to Islamize Turkey. And he strengthened religious conflict by evoking the practices of his predecessors from the sultans. He announced the conversion of the Hagia Sophia “the most important and greatest Orthodox cathedral” into a mosque. He recited Quranic verses with his voice in desperate attempts to seek refuge in religion and mobilize the Anatolian Islamic rules to support it. He lost control of his party, from which he had displaced senior leaders and declared rival parties. Erdogan’s party has left more than one million members. And he appealed in his media campaigns to the Alawite – Sunni conflict. On the other hand, it provokes “globalized” Izmir capitalism in favor of Anatolian capitalism and its traditional Islamic social base. It fought with the Kurds in a war that is still burning in southeast Anatolia. Knowing that the Kurdish majority live in 13 provinces and on the borders of Iraq, Iran and Syria.
The Justice and Development Party rose at the expense of the Islamic movement and its founders. Erdogan clashed with “Gulen” and his deep state. And he tried to liquidate it and the opponents under the pretext of the coup. He continued with smack and dancing on tied ropes, maneuvering between Eurasia, Europe and America, and “Islamization”. And the qualitative transformations continued in the Syrian war. The liquidation of the Muslim Brotherhood began after it was exposed as an American-Turkish-Israeli tool. And the liquidation of the “ISIS” that Turkey protected and secured began. Kurdish separatism escalated in Syria and Turkey. The Kurdish Workers’ Party – the first enemy of Turkey – was stationed in northeastern Syria, with the protection of the American and the European. Idlib, to which Syria has deported terrorist militants, has turned into an intractable crisis for Erdogan. This revealed Erdogan’s evasion of his commitments to Russia and Iran, and his embrace of groups designated as terrorist. With Syria’s insistence on liberating all the land, and Russia and Iran standing by its side as fighting allies with it, the Erdogan crisis deepens in its “Ottomanization” projects and in Turkey’s management itself, which opens it up to all negative options, including:
– The bursting of the economic bubble and the collapse of the liberal and rentier economy that the Justice Party established to portray Turkey as an economic miracle “with high-cost debts. This contributed to boosting consumption, liquidating the public sector and spreading corruption in the party and the family. Experts assert that Turkey has no choice or opportunities but financial collapse – or The upheaval in the role and the geopolitical position. Perhaps the moment of economic storm is approaching. Trump’s threat to crush the Turkish economy is considered an indication. Likewise, the Congress’s tendency to impose harsh sanctions due to the military campaign in the eastern Euphrates is another indicator.
– The dance and the dance time on the ropes have subsided. America is pressuring to determine Erdoganism and its alliances. The Khashoggi case and the Muslim Brotherhood are considered a revenge for the globalization lobby tool. And Russia is running out of patience after he implemented the LS-400 deal, abiding by US conditions not to operate it. And also because of his coup against “Putinism” in the Crimean issue, his aggressive statements, and his contract to manufacture weapons with Ukraine.
– The results of the second Istanbul municipal elections were a devastating blow to his person, his reputation and his model. Moreover, it enhanced the chances and possibilities of reducing his presidential term, or deporting him in a “populist” military coup. Alternatively, the solution may be Turkey exploding with intense ethnic, social and party conflicts, and their time is rapidly approaching.
– Erdogan got involved in the east of the Euphrates. In the wake of Trump’s withdrawal announcement, the military operation that he initiated provided conclusive evidence of the indications of the structural and collapsing crisis that is hitting Turkey. According to all the political and military science and methods, this operation is considered a foolish blow. Where he decided to commit suicide and slaughter Turkey in a futile attempt to escape his internal crises by being involved in the invasion of Syrian lands. Moreover, this is considered a failed excuse before the Turkish interior and in the regional and international environment. Erdogan did not find a supporter except for the hypothetical invading emirate of Qatar. The fate of the Turkish invasion is defeat and defeat. Turkey’s army is outdated, in crisis, and hostile to Erdogan and his party. Erdogan has thrown half of his officers in prison on fabricated charges. And his party began to crumble and the elders got out of it. As for his army of mercenaries, which are more than eighty thousand, it will not compensate for the shortage and impotence of the Turkish army, its lack of loyalty to Erdogan and his foolish adventures. Turkey has no right to invade. All that Erdogan relies on in justification is no more than antique illusions of the defunct Ottoman. The most that can be achieved from his invasion is to dispel the capabilities of his mercenaries and throw them into the Holocaust, and to break the illusions of the Syrian Kurds of secession or the formation of a Kurdish region with no basis, origin, and no capacity for it. The attrition and erosion of Turkey’s power and its armed groups and the American Kurds and its mercenaries in the east of the Euphrates are in the interest of Syria and its project of liberation and the restoration of sovereignty and unity. The logical thing is that the Syrian people, with all their groups in Hasaka and east of the Euphrates, will rise up and revolt against America’s response and agents after Trump left them in the open. The logical conclusion is that the Turkish adventure in Syria will reshape Turkey itself. Also, their response will not give up as much as they will rise up. And the Kurds in Syria, after their prudence, will be more hostile to Turkey and seek revenge. It is logical, according to the experiences and lessons of history, that the Turkish adventure and its consequences will reopen the case of the Syrian Brigade of Iskenderun, Cilicia and Antakya. And he will put it on the agenda in the near future. The defeat of Turkey in the east of the Euphrates would add to Turkey’s aggravation and accelerate its explosion. The adventure will inevitably turn back and time impose its facts, so that the truth will return to its rightful place, and the areas that were stolen from Syria will return to them. Erdogan’s endeavor to liquidate the Kurdish issue will turn the opportunity to revive the Kurdish question and focus it deep in Turkey. The Kurdish presence in Syria has also turned into an incubating environment and a safe zone for the depletion of the Turkish military forces. In the Turkish depth, we find that the Kurdish question is already concentrated in Turkey and threatens its unity, “the 1923 Geneva Convention.”
– – The Justice and Development Party suffers from vertical cracks and the displacement of the founding leaders and active cadres, as if everyone is fleeing from the sinking ship, which indicates the extent of the weakness that Erdogan has become.
– The economic crisis worsened and the national currency fell. Inflation rates and indices of debt default and rising costs have increased. Bankruptcy cases were also widespread in companies and the construction sector. And the tourism sector collapsed, the jewel of the Turkish-Jordanian economy. Fiscal and monetary policies were troubled. And Erdogan dismissed the governor of the Central Bank. All of this constitutes conclusive evidence that Erdogan’s time and normal days are shrinking.
– The ongoing battle and liberation of Idlib, with the support of Russia and with the active participation of the resistance alliance, will be one of the most influential events in the future of Erdoganism and the future of Turkey’s stability. The Turkish adventure in the east of the Euphrates speeds up the Idlib battle and makes it easier and easier, as Erdogan’s compulsion to withdraw the factions loyal to him to push them into the process provides reasons, conditions and better environments for the work of the Syrian Arab Army and its allies.
– Being one of the most clashing platforms between Washington’s lobbies, “globalization and Americanization,” additional elements are available for the loss of their opportunities and the possibility of the Justice and Development Party itself exploding. The resignations and the establishment of groups and parties in the base of justice is a qualitative indication of what awaits it.
– Evidence is mounting on the extent of confusion and impotence and the shift from rationality to acrobatic. Erdogan became agitated, as if he was carrying a sword and standing in the middle of the crowd like a blind man. Turkey was exposed to an intractable crisis and stupid adventures. Erdogan opened to Turkey, along with four fronts at the same time.
Turkey is in a deep, violent structural crisis. In light of global and regional changes, it is possible to assume that it is going to chaos, disengagement, and possibly civil strife. Today, Turkey is fighting four axes (Kurdish – Turkish, secular – “Islamization, loyalty to Eurasia or the West, and Trumpian – Central or NATO).
Only divine providence, awareness and rationality can save Turkey from the danger of chaos and internal strife. The importance of its decision becomes greater between the rickety and declining Eurasian or Atlantic option, its power and presence.
Turkey manages its presence and role in Syria and its crisis, and with Iran and Russia regarding the commitments of Astana and Sochi. And looking at what will be the results of the deadly adventure in Libya, northern Iraq and the Caucasus. In addition to Lebanon, and the attempts to stir up strife and chaos through the Turkish security tools that necessitated French intervention in the person of President Macron to impose a mandatory Lebanese government on the centenary of the birth of Greater Lebanon ….
Moreover, the most important element is how Turkey behaves with its tools of savage and terrorist Islamist groups. It will also try to determine its position in the Muslim Brotherhood alliance and the globalization lobby and its extensions. Or in the role of eliminating them, and the question continues, will the brutal Islamism and the Brotherhood turn against Erdogan, or will it remain his supporter and turn into a solid force to protect his power in Turkey itself in the face of the opponents of Erdoganism while it is increasing and amplifying the power.
3- The Eurasian Project, its rise and strengths
The Eurasian project rises on the ladder of achievements of the resistance alliance
• In reality and its data:
From the above, a balance has been made between the elements and environments of the rise of Eurasia, the crises, failures, America’s tension, its alliance and the conflicts of its structure. We have also noticed a decline in the elements of her supremacy and power as the leader of the West and world dominating. We have also witnessed two decades of global, scientific and economic transformations and defeats at the hands of the Resistance Alliance and in the theaters of the Great World War and the geography of the golden triangle corners for making human history and glorifying empires or launching the process of their collapse and dismantling “Baghdad – Beirut – Jerusalem – Bisan”. We have also witnessed the effects of the war led by Syria as the heart and grip of the Resistance Alliance, with great ability and competence. In addition to the concrete results that have been achieved in terms of defeating the Islamic practitioners – and the defeat of America and the strategies of Baker Hamilton. We have also witnessed America’s regional alliances and its failures in managing and leading local, civil and regional wars from behind, and soft and smart wars, and all their forms. As Syria constitutes a platform for defeat for the West as a society, and with it its tools and Arab, Islamic and international alliances. And it has turned into a platform for Russia to recover its soul and escalate it into a ruling giant. Russia has also turned from a besieged and targeted country to a global mighty power that decides who will rule the White House and how and what the European Union and its formations will settle. Syria became the only platform that brought China out of Confucianism and reflected its traditions by exiting for the first time in its history outside its Great Wall. We have witnessed the strengthening of the strength of the resistance alliance in Lebanon, Palestine, Yemen, Iraq and the Gulf. It also broke the elaborate Iranian direct military responses to US military and security harassment. The US and its allies’ attempts and maneuvers to form regional or global alliances that could bear the costs of wars were aborted. Iran has become strengthening its steadfastness in the face of the blockade and is conducting a qualitative war in diplomacy and thwarting Trumpism, including begging for negotiations. Europe was forced to revolt against the American dictations. Thus, the firmness of Eurasia’s position in defending Iran and the international legitimacy and agreements, and the Trumpian state of confusion, was strengthened. All this contributed to the confusion and panic of the Zionist entity, the breakdown of its political contract, and its entry into structural and formative crises. This led to the collapse of the Saudi-Emirati aggressive alliance in Yemen, as the UAE fled and sought to reassure and beg Iran.
These hyper-strategic shifts allow us to read more accurately the developments in reality and the collision paths between the axes of retreating America and rising Eurasia, so we set them as follows:
• Eurasia accumulates elements of strength and progresses:
The Eurasian project, as announced by President Putin, derives its scheme and projects from the theorizing of the minds of the Russian ruling elite. Alexander Dugin stated in his book “The Foundations of Geopolitics – Geopolitics of Russia” that Russia was and could be the focus of European developments. Dugin believed that Russia is able, due to its location, wealth and history, to turn into a force carrying a project for interaction between the emerging Eurasian powers and the capable European countries and powers. All of this is possible based on deep understandings with China and India, and on alliance with Iran with its revolutionary Islam. Which enables it to confront the US liberal tide of aggression. It contributes to besieging and dismantling NATO, as well as in destroying its platforms and elements of its power. Consequently, it contributes to rationalizing America or returns it to its island to live its crises and stop afflicting the world with its aggressiveness and wars. The Eurasian project is designed to restore and develop international legitimacy, so that it is closer to protecting world peace. It contributes to the interaction of nations, the protection of the environment, and the organization of managing world affairs and human life without wars, in a way that enhances the ability of man to subjugate nature and develop its products by popularizing and deepening interactive, reciprocal and human relations, understandings and interests.
Russia secured itself and recovered some of what the “globalists” plundered from its Jews and Zionists. The Russian state regained its position and re-activated the “mechanisms” of its role in planning, economic and social development, and liberating capabilities, capabilities and wealth. And when it increased its military strength, it intervened in a stormy fire in the Sukhoi storm in Syria on September 30, 2015. It dealt crushing blows to the armed American Ottoman Erdogan’s army in the Latakia countryside. And thus turned into a leading force in the formation of a global coalition leading the war on barbaric terrorism. So the world has turned from Syria, with the alliance of resistance, to considering the war on savage terror as the priority task.
Over the course of a decade of war in “Old Arabia”, the conditions were provided for the rise of Asia and the formation of a rising power.
Its basis was the offensive Russia, and China the economic base, which was turning into a qualitative, feared and advanced military power. This was revealed by parades of hypersonic weapons and fifth and sixth generation aircraft in the victory celebrations. Likewise, the language of the Chinese president, confident of China’s strength and military capabilities, also expressed this shift. The increase in the volume of expenditures on armaments and the development of weapons technology has added to the economic power of China and Russia’s military power, important elements that favor the empowerment of Eurasia and its supremacy in arms and the economy over the West as a whole. The Russian-Chinese alliance became a rapporteur in the Security Council and the United Nations. A double veto blocked the possibility of NATO intervention in Syria under the UN flag. The decision was tantamount to unleashing the effects of a multi-polar world at the expense of the single pole of America.
Since that date, “Shanghai” and “ASEAN” have transformed into economic, social and military alliances with strategic depth and future targets. It decided a role that would contribute to global shifts and change the pillars of the global system and its ancient axes. Their understandings deepened and expanded, and the “BRICS” became involved in economic and power shifts. The G20 summit became a field for America’s recognition of the elements and the defining signs of the New World, the retreat of America and the West, and the rise of Eurasia economically, scientifically and militarily. China was active and realized that the possibilities of liberation from the US economy had all their elements. The Chinese parliament passed laws allowing the Chinese army to go out and contribute to the war on terror, plant the necessary military bases, and secure Chinese interests. In early 2017, it launched its Road and Belt Strategies to develop trade and economic exchanges with the world and secure alternative routes to the seas and corridors controlled by America. This provided alternatives for the Chinese economy to the troubled US market. Shanghai established its global banks to support emerging economies, and to contribute to building infrastructure and ensuring integration and harmony between global economies.
The Russian-Chinese economic relationship and the military and technical industries have been strengthened at a very large rate in a short period of time. Currently, systematic and strategic attempts are underway to reduce US influence in the China Sea and Asia. It is also trying to contribute to reassuring South Korea and securing its economic interests, and to win over Japan and the attempts to settle the historical differences between it and with China and with Russia. The Sino-Russian alliance has invested in North Korea to subdue and rationalize Trump. And it aimed to put the issue of the US military presence in Korea and Japan on the table for discussion, in return for the North Korean nuclear file, to stop the missile forces’ opposition, and to work to solve the Korean issue.
Russia made an effort to try to win Germany over and get it out of the US occupation by reassuring and securing it economically and politically.
It tries with care, patience and diligence to remove Turkey from NATO, “Idlib – Sochi – Astana tactics.” The central goal of Eurasia is to dismantle NATO and secure Asia to the south and west of the European Union. It also aims to secure the Arab and Islamic East. The Eurasian strategy seeks to end the advanced and most historically hostile to Russia and the pivotal partner in overthrowing the Soviet Union, “Israel”. Russia is seeking the same pattern with Turkey, and is managing its tactics in Syria and the Arabs and their region.
The Eurasian idea is based on understandings and solving dilemmas with Japan, winning Germany and relying on Iran. It aims to win or dismantle Turkey, the hyper-Atlantic and remove the advanced American Atlantic bases in the heart of the world, “Syria.” Thus, you understand the Russian tactics regarding the Zionist entity and its aggressions against Syria and Iraq and the insult to the Iranian presence in Syria – to secure the ruling geography “the global island” and to overthrow NATO as a striking and harmful American tool.
Eurasia surpassed economically. It is militarily superior in hypersonic weapons and the theater of ongoing wars by proxy. And showcases its power with technology and announces new strategic weapons.
Eurasia will succeed in trimming the American influence, limiting its war adventures, and igniting wars. The Iranian nuclear file and the frictions represented a golden opportunity to dwarf the US capacity and float the rising Eurasian power and strengthen its platforms.
Over the past decades, China has also succeeded in wooing Africa and its security and magnifying its infrastructure and economic capabilities. It did not leave it to America and Europe, which tried and could no longer compete with Chinese influence.
Russia and China are trying to break through the US-European wall in Arab North Africa and the Nile Valley. Russian-Egyptian relations, and Chinese-Egyptian relations have achieved great transformations. And Egypt and the Nile Valley will turn into emerging and non-colonial Eurasia. Egyptian economic exchanges with Russia and China are expanding their circle and diversifying their commodities.
In the face of the Gulf States and emirates, Russia is trying to regulate the oil and gas market. And it seeks to win over Saudi Arabia by securing it and reassuring it economically. And it is trying to boost exchanges, investments and selling arms, and along the same lines, China is making an agreed strategic plan to wrest the Gulf from America’s hands and its Trumpian bullying.
• In Australia and Latin America, China and Russia made achievements and trade and interest exchanges. This was reinforced at the expense of the US – European. In the European Union, China has become the most attractive. Its surplus funds and investments have become the safest for the aspiring elites and the escalation of crises and attempts to contain them by revitalizing relations with China and generating its investments and funds.
The conflict between America and West is deepening. Its aggressive projects, its semi-suicidal offensive attempts and its desperate endeavor to impede the development and progress of Eurasia are exacerbated. And it takes almost universal forms, contents, theaters and sectors. The ongoing war with its diversity is approaching the entry of the financial war and the global economic war, the dangers of which experts warn of and the possibility of it turning into a devastating one.
While Eurasia is advancing in cyber warfare, airspace, and hypersonic weapon quality. And it is able in economic war and currency war. Its cohesion and ability to invest in America’s crises and with its allies and in the inheritance of its backwardness and its inability to win wars is increasing. It wins more power and geography at the expense of America’s decline and the increasing restrictions on its military and economic capabilities.
The war is comprehensive, and Trump is resorting to ending international agreements to control and control missile weapons. He is trying to provoke a space war. And it enhances the capabilities and financing of US armies in the arms industry and space wars. However, the matter seems settled, and Eurasia has achieved a breakthrough that America, its economy, and its collapsed infrastructure cannot catch up with. And in this achievement the saying “treachery of history” is realized. The battlefield in which America succeeded in draining the Soviet Union and toppling it, is turning against it. Today it is Eurasia that can drain America.
And because the war takes on such intensity, theaters and diversity, it can be said that it is a relentless war. Rather, it is more like a life or death war. Eurasia will not escalate, with its model and strategic plan, to build a world in its own likeness, except at the expense of the American, his values, traditions and liberal, aggressive, exclusivist. America will not survive and regain its aggressive hegemony unless Eurasia falls. This explains the inflammation of wars and Washington’s aggression towards Russia and China, and its efforts, while withdrawing, to bomb squares and explode wars as much as it is able to.
These data explain why there have not been any historical accords or settlements and major deals as long as the ideologues of Madawism and its men have been echoing them in the media.
And it itself drops the saying that America is capable and leads, and it is the one who distributes benefits and job roles to China, Russia, the European Union and emerging powers.
The trajectories of the locomotive of human history are clearly tilted towards Eurasia, and it breaks down that the world of Eurasia is the most sovereign.
4- The Arab world and the Islamic world – the resistance is winning:
According to ancient methods of analysis, it can be said that the Arabs are in the lowest historical period. And they are ashamed. They are backward, plundered, divided, and confused, who squander their wealth and fatigue in the service of American-Zionist projects. Various crises and backwardness strike them, and some of them gasp for normalization and alliance with the Zionist entity in attempts to liquidate the Palestinian cause and the scattering of their material and human wealth and their ruling geography. Rather, they neglect their present and their future.
However, these data can be confirmed by the Arabs of surrender, their options and their Arabized systems. The truth is that the Arab nation and the Islamic nation are like nations, always divided into two groups. The first is the slices of surrender, betrayal, alienation, and always, which is a powerful and authoritarian minority. And on the other side, the main mass of nations and peoples as environments that create resistance and rebellion. And what a miserable situation is, except from making slices of surrender and betrayal, the description of its reality and what it established.
Ibn Khaldun says, “When corruption intensifies and taxation increases, guardianship ends, and chaos is the necessary period prior to advancement. Civil wars and destruction are a conditional pathway for the progress of nations.” This is Russia’s affair, in the past and present, and this is the history of China. Like it, Europe’s affair was in its one-hundred and thirty-year religious wars that ended with the Treaty of “Westphalia” which enshrined the national question and the separation of religion from the state, and this is the very experience of America in its war of independence and its devastating civil war.
The resistance alliance advanced at a time when the artificial “Sykes-Picot” systems and geography exploded with measures of the interests of the imperialist West. And the Islamists began to express their savagery. Their betrayal and loyalty to the West were revealed. These wars struck the Arabs and their geography, in addition to the state of impoverishment, displacement and destruction. All this means that they are motivated and lead to a new birth, expressed by a qualitative and cumulative series of victories. The nation and its choice to resist have done an excellent job, and have prevented America, which is unique and dominant, from completing its global hegemony and building its century. This is also a testimony to the resistance alliance. The wheel of Arab times is moving an acknowledgment forward. And they are forming, with their resistance Islamic alliance, headed by Iran, the Islamic Revolution, in a third axis driving the locomotive of the history of the future of humanity.
The events, lived phenomena and current events remain stronger indicative and more serious and decisive in determining what the object will be and what we will read:
• Palestine
Between liquidation deals and opportunities for completed release:
The Palestinian people are mythical with their unabated resistance for a century and two decades. Its elements, tools, classes, and leadership forces have changed. It has made the issue of Palestine always present as a central engine in transformations and wars with the Arabs and the region. Palestine is again the most important, effective, influential and foundational engine in shaping the future of the Arabs and the world.
The Palestinians were not satisfied with the option of reconciliation, settlements, and abandonment. Their main political and military forces in the last century were in agreement with the Zionist entity, the “Oslo Agreement”. This agreement detracts from the issue, and transforms the authority into a mere Israeli expansion, a security apparatus, and the administration of a large prison in the West Bank and Gaza. It also gives up Palestine and the right of return to perpetuate the entity as a dominant and dominant force in the Arabs and the region, and as an aggressive American tool to subdue world powers.
The Palestinian people generated their resistance and changed their leadership forces and environments. The sustained and co-operative resistance with the Islamic Resistance in Lebanon, and the incubator of Syria and Iran, produced a breach of the balance of power and invested the resistance and its alliance. Israel was defeated and broke the elements of its strategic strength and lost the elements of tactical power. And seized the liberation of Gaza. The choice of resistance rose and dominated the Palestinian parliament in free elections under international supervision.
“Israel” and its Arab, Islamic and Palestinian alliance conspired. Gaza was isolated and besieged in the most unjust siege in human history, with Egyptian and Gulf partnership and direct conspiracy.
Gaza stood firm, fought, derived from nothingness the means of struggle, and continued the resistance. For a year and a half, the great return demonstrations continue to bear witness to the people’s strength, resilience and resistance. Gaza made from nothing air paper weapons and incendiary balloons obligated “Israel” to pressure America to oblige Qatar to pay money and Egypt to open the crossing. With this, Gaza achieved a remarkable victory, building and accumulating on its victories and supporting the sovereignty of the resistance alliance.
Gaza brought the Zionist entity into its political crisis and exploded it. He has not yet succeeded in restoring it and producing a government capable of leading it in the current deadly time.
The Zionist entity is living in a state of fear, as it will be in the coming days Gaza is solid, and Hamas has returned to its support, Iran. Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah announced that the Islamic Resistance in Lebanon is now manufacturing precision-guided missiles capable of reaching every atom in Palestine. As well as announced the Palestinian resistance factions in Gaza. The West Bank, Jerusalem and the Galilee are ablaze with the uprising of resistance to knives, trampling and locally manufactured weapons. “Israel” and the authority of Abu Mazen did not succeed in breaking the will of the Palestinian people. Not to forget Netanyahu’s claim that the Shin Bet prevented 600 guerrilla attacks in coordination with Abu Mazen’s apparatus. “
The entity and its leadership are in a state of terror of what the resistance alliance will be after the Syrian war. The exit of the Syrian army in a qualitative crushing victory was a major blow. The army and its units have qualified, reconfigured and armed in a new type of war, in which Israel and America will lose. And the fear increases with the expertise and experiences of the Lebanese Islamic Resistance, as well as the men and weapons it possessed.
The state of Israeli terror is based on the possibilities of the eruption of the West Bank and Palestine in 1948, into an intifada, which may take place at any moment. The state of fear is increasing at the intersection of fire, missiles, weapons and resistance armies from the south, north and east. The Aramco operation is a witness and a fact that terrorizes the Israelis and increases the morale and will of the resistance in Gaza and the uprising in Palestine and the West Bank. It also contributes to the expansion of the theater of military operations from Bab al-Mandeb to Tehran, via Beirut, Baghdad and Damascus.
The entity’s crisis is deepened by the retreat of its international allies ’capabilities. The European Union is preoccupied and powerless. America, beloved at home and helpless in the Gulf and in Syria, is no longer a feared support force. Its capabilities have been revealed and no longer frighten anyone. Trump’s withdrawal from the east of the Euphrates is considered a very important development in reducing the capabilities of “Israel” and its bets on America and its tools in the Arabs and Muslims.
As for the gifts presented to Netanyahu in the elections, they did not give him a chance to save himself as the sole prime minister. Time and the transformations in Palestine and in the Zionist blocs promise more defeats and a decline in his options, despite Trump’s promises.
And the Zionist entity threatens a financial and economic crisis. And a political crisis threatens to hit his structure and being deeply. And the formative crises increase in terms of the explosion of racism with the Palestinians and between the formations of the same entity. The crisis of the “Falasha” Jews came as a harbinger that revealed much of what the entity has in store, from the possibilities of exploding its crises. The crisis escalates between the secular and the religious, and between the poor and the rich, leading to ethnic conflicts.
The case can be summarized as follows. Israel was defeated in 2000 in Lebanon, in the July war and in the Gaza wars. So it turned into a dry tree in a field. It continues and worsens. They remain because no one has decided to uproot them, and the storm did not blow to uproot them. And approaching the chance of the three factors to uproot it: the vigor of the farmer, what the moth did in its trunk, and the storm. These elements are combined in the fundamental changes and ongoing transformations in all fields.
This confirms the entry of “Israel” into a crisis of entity, a crisis of a political system, and a crisis of identity. It is also confirmed by its inability, after three early elections, to produce a strong and capable government. It produced a fragile and divided government with two heads, and its power would not be increased by Trump’s announcement of the so-called Abraham Agreement with the UAE and the Arabists who would follow it. Knowing that this normalization has existed with this Arab reaction for years. This announcement is clearly seen as a service to Trump in the upcoming elections in front of the Jewish lobby in America. It is also a service for Netanyahu in the face of corruption problems that afflict him in the courts.
Faced with this reality, all the noble forces in the Ummah who reject normalization must engage all their forces. And to invest in word and events and by all means to expose all these normal people and thwart this great betrayal.
This lived reality makes the words of Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah and his promise to pray in Jerusalem a present matter. When he displayed the map of the resistance operations directly on the screen, he prompted the terrified leadership of the entity to begin fortifying the Knesset building, the government, and the electricity company. This constitutes a very important indication of what the entity is experiencing in terms of fracture and defense, and its attempt to shelter in the walls and concrete fortifications. The former Israeli prime minister, “Olmert”, its leader, said it in the defeat of the July War, “Israel is going beyond its normal days.”
Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah said after the victory of 2000, “Israel is weaker than a spider web.” This was confirmed in wars over the past two decades. He repeats: The war may occur, and if it does, we will transform it from a challenge into an opportunity to liberate “Jerusalem and Palestine.”
In light of such a balance of power, its transformations and the accumulated victories of the resistance alliance, it is logical to understand that the projects to liquidate the Palestinian cause under the name of the Deal of the Century, the Bahrain workshop and normalization, and the efforts to liquidate Palestinian asylum are nothing but absurd media attempts to discredit and delude it with no horizon in the current and dysfunctional balance of power.
Today, the UAE and Bahrain’s step of normalization with the Israeli enemy and the official Gulf and Arab silence has emerged. The conference of general secretaries of the Palestinian factions was held in Beirut. This resulted in an understanding on unified action and an end to the division through the Palestine Liberation Organization and building a strategy to confront the enemy through comprehensive popular resistance and launch a comprehensive uprising in all the occupied territories. And relying on a unified leadership of all factions. The meeting emphasized all the means that the United Nations legislates, including armed ones.
This conference does not live up to our aspirations and the goals of the Palestinian people for complete liberation. Nevertheless, it is necessary to value its holding at this level after a long time. The policy of division has been entrenched in the Palestinian arena, and the policy of exchanging speeches and media statements has replaced dialogue. This became the dominant feature in the Palestinian situation. Whereas, holding this meeting is considered a positive step on the road to breaking the ice and getting out of the deadlock.
In this context, it is good for the meeting to agree to form a committee to end the division, and another to activate popular resistance, and to work on forming a unified leadership.
The time for America to rule, decide and impose its decisions is over, forever. In addition, the option of the Arabized regimes to surrender, their reactions ended with the expiration of their capabilities and their systems deteriorated. And the time for the resistance alliance to prevail, and its options have come nearer and the dawn of his era. Since the speech of Bint Jbeil 2000, time has passed on the clock and timing of the Resistance alliance and the decisive elements of power accumulate in his hands and in its squares and extend.
In the same context and its qualitative implications, we see what the Zionist entity is experiencing in terms of phobia and aggravation as a result of what will be the response of the Islamic resistance to the martyrdom of one of its mujahedeen at Damascus airport. Tel Aviv is also witnessing an explosion of the socio-economic crisis and the sweeping of squares and streets in Tel Aviv from massive demonstrations. Israel lost its security and economic immunity and was unable to confront the Corona pandemic, which also killed the army. Netanyahu’s attempts at internal bullying fell by announcing the annexation of the West Bank and the Valley, and the matter was postponed. And the project to liquidate the Palestinian cause collapsed, known as the Deal of the Century. In spite of normalization with Gulf families and some Arab and Islamic administrations, the state of confusion, tension and turmoil of the Netanyahu government is increasing. Moreover, there is talk about the possibility of calling early elections that would increase the cracks and crises of the entity and its blocs. All this adds to his military and security deficit in Syria, Lebanon and Gaza.
• Lebanon:
All the data indicate that Lebanon has entered a deep structural crisis, which is reflected in the crisis of an entity that has lost its job and protection role. It is considered the crisis of a system that has gone bankrupt and no longer has life and a current governance crisis, and it is threatened by the prospects of a socio-economic explosion and financial collapse. “It has become common and does not require much explanation and detail.”
In society, and in the structure of the system and its sectarian, denominational and partisan quotas, we are witnessing a deep crisis. We are also witnessing an imbalance in favor of the option of the resistance. That is capable of decisive and change if he wants, but he knows his ability and does not want his wisdom.
Since the victory of the 2000s, balances have been disrupted in Lebanon and between its components and alliances. The resistance wanted to manage the crisis by preserving its unity and stability, and waging detailed battles to protect its choice. It tried to focus on building the deterrent force of the Zionist enemy and confronting the attempts to conspire against the resistance and its society to protect it. Resistance is a specific historical act that targets major historical transformations in the Arab-Zionist conflict and in wars with the West, and victory by the big must be done by the small and achieves the desired.
Resisting Lebanon succeeded in creating deterrence for the Zionist entity and curbing direct American attempts and through its allies in the Lebanese structure. The weight of the resistance and its capabilities are advanced, because it reassures the balances of local forces. The resistance went far beyond the borders of Lebanon as a central partner in Syria, Iraq and Yemen. In addition, it prepared as a deterrent force against the possibility of aggression against Iran and any of the resistance forces and their arenas.
The Resistance Alliance manages the conflict in Lebanon and, accordingly, as matters of detail in a detailed arena under control. It does not seek or want to push it to collapse and the possibility that some of its areas will become a haven for defeated terrorist groups in Syria, Iraq and Yemen. He negotiates, maneuvers, and makes partial concessions. He declares his desire to preserve Lebanon until the strategic changes in the Arabs and in the regional and global environment become evident, to build on what is required of it.
But things remain on dangerous paths. The financial crisis raged and exploded in an unprecedented way in human history. The political class and the muhassaba system succeeded in plundering the country and the people. Signs of public order collapse, chaos, chaos, brutality and famine are accumulating. And the US blockade and the imposition of the Caesar Act, and the government’s acceptance of dealing with it. The refusal to go east and reject trade exchanges with Iran in the Lebanese currency also contributes to the crisis. And the possibility of collapse and chaos increases the frantic Turkish attempts to arm, train and install terrorist groups in Lebanon, especially its north. Nevertheless, the state’s inability to contain the crisis continues, and societal rifts accelerate and attempts to sectarianize and partisan for what was called the “October 17 Revolution”. This revolution, which exposed the system, the state, and the government, and deepened the crisis in a way that threatens to destroy or a radical change in the system, the institution, and the constitution. The entity’s function threatens to perish. The US and Israeli attempts and efforts to detonate it are increasing in an attempt to drain the resistance. We are witnessing frantic attempts, such as the financial measures that are accepted and implemented by the banking sector, to crack down on the resistance and its allies. The robbery seizure of depositors’ money continues and squanders it. It also leaves room for manipulating the price of the dollar, whose insane rise has led to astronomical rises in prices, the collapse of savings, compensation and salaries, and the bankruptcy of sectors. Throwing hundreds of thousands of workers into the abyss of poverty and unemployment. Thus approaching a stormy crisis in education, hospitalization, insurance and social security. Public services decline and electricity and communications outages increase. Lebanon is witnessing the loss of necessities such as medicine, food and communications. The ongoing collapse was preceded by attempts to booby-trap some squares, as happened in the “Tomb of Shmon”. Likewise, instances of tension targeted to intimidate the war in the face of the Resistance and its alliance, as in the attempts to blow up the Palestinian camps. However, the overall balance of power remains dysfunctional in favor of the resistance, which manages the crisis with wisdom, sophistication and tactics that seek to postpone the possibility of an explosion for a while, and the bet is that it will succeed.
However, the measures adopted by the Central Bank to legalize the dollar contributed to generating crises leading to collapse. If an accident occurred and the matter ran out, then there is no danger that the balance of power would shift in the interests of the resistance alliance.
The general crisis that Lebanon is experiencing in its second centenary, and the state of slackness, corruption and favoritism that the regime is going through, led to a terrible explosion that destroyed the heart of Beirut. The 4-8-2020 explosion overthrew Lebanon’s economic-political system, which was established over a free, commercial, and unproductive free market economy. The Lebanese economy relied on two bases: the bank and the port. As for the bank, it shot itself, plundered the people and bankrupted the country in cooperation with the governor of the Central Bank and the corrupt political class and its system. The explosion at the port destroyed the second base, and opened the country to the deepest crisis in its history.
The visits of the French President Macron and the way he dealt with the humiliated political class served as a reminder of General Gouraud and of the damned French occupation. It reflected a French-American and Israeli desire to reassign the mandate by assigning the political class to a prime minister affiliated with French intelligence. Macron asked for the political class to be obligated to produce the government and abide by the French card. This is considered as a ministerial statement that Lebanon or any country enjoying the least amount of independence and sovereignty has never accepted such a humiliating dictation. What is worse is that Macron addressed the Lebanese and the political class in private and publicly, and gave them deadlines. And he threatened to imprison her men and seize the money that they stole and impoverished their people and their homeland. And he threatened that he would place them on the sanctions lists with the American. The most dangerous thing is that the political class, with all its colors, sects and names, accepted the trade-off between uncovering it and confiscating its stolen items or handing over to a Macronian mandatory government. And they all know that Macron is nothing but a junior at the Rothschild financial machine. It has appointed him to sabotage France, its values, its governing rules and its social state. What Macron met in Lebanon did not meet him in any of the streets, cities and the French elites themselves. French taunts have spread on the media, saying: If the Lebanese love the French hated Macron, then he should run for the presidency of Lebanon, not for the presidency of France.
The existential crisis of Lebanon and the formative crisis of the regime and the entity have intensified. And it put Lebanon in an unenviable position. If Lebanon responds to Macron’s American and Israeli dictates, it will hand over its sovereignty and return to the mandate. If he refused, he would be exposed to financial, economic and social collapse and chaos. Macron did not forget to threaten the political class and warned that Lebanon might disappear.
Lebanon begins the first days of its second centenary in a state of clinical death. The period of labor is long for the birth of a surrogate. Childbirth at the hands of Macron would be disastrous, and would inevitably lead to the loss of sovereignty and the chances of a way out of the crisis. The Rothschild employee obliges the political class to place the entire country (the central bank, the banks, the port, the oil and gas and the electricity company) under the direct control of the French companies. It is affiliated with the International Monetary Fund and the tools of the US-Israeli hegemony. And he threatens and threatens the resistance that the next is greater. Although he recognizes the realism of Hezbollah’s size and popularity, he is establishing the era of its liquidation and the liquidation of the resistance. The right question becomes what is meant by two divine victories and liberation, and the possession of deterrence and balance with the Zionist entity. If you pulled “Israel” out of the southern gate and came back from all doors, under the terms and dictates of Macron – Trump Netanyahu.
Lebanon is at the crossroads of extreme danger. The old died and will not be returned to life. He is faced with the choice of heading east and resolving the struggle over identity and employment. A serious change in the system is required today to make a modern, humane Lebanon compatible with the values of life, age and human rights. This can happen by dropping sectarian discrimination and crossing into the state of citizenship. Or it is under the weight of disintegration and breakdown of security and life. And it runs the risk of terrorist forces dominating large areas backed and supported by the Muslim Brotherhood and Turkey. Erdogan decided to be the most destructive tool for Arabs and Muslims, commissioned by his American master and his Zionist master, imagining a return to Ottomanism and the blue homeland …
We are waiting for Syria to emerge from its crisis and decide what it wants in its environment and its region. We expect Iran to complete the defeat of America and its alliance, to reformulate the elements of regional power and the Islamic world. It is logical that the Lebanese situation continues as it is. And for everyone to try to keep him in “intensive care – under artificial respiration.” We cannot ignore the possibilities of war with the Zionist entity. He exceeded the limits and rules of the game with his repeated attacks on Syria and the fall of a martyr for the resistance
• Syria
Syria today is on the threshold of achieving its historic and transforming victory in the conditions of the Arabs, the region and the world.
From the foregoing, Syria is on the threshold of getting out of its crisis, which has turned into a great world war. It produced and demonstrated the qualitative global transformations and foundations for changing the world and its balances. And it unleashed Eurasia’s opportunities to rise as it exhausted and defeated everything and the last of the aggressive imperialist West’s elements, strength, alliances, strategies and tactics.
The Syrian victory, in its time, geography, and manufacturing powers, restores Syria to a capable and bearer force for projects preparing the Arabs and their worlds. And the victor is the one who writes history and leads the future. Syria was created for this mission as a land of civilizations and religions, a product of crafts, crafts and civilization. Whoever persevered, fought, developed and was able with his alliance and changed conditions in the region and the world, he may lead and turn into the vanguard of renewing and modernizing the Arab national project. This is possible by interacting with the regional powers and nations. It is based on the strategic alliance with Iran and the transformation of Russia into a leading force from its Syrian platform. On the land of Syria, its army and its people, the world has turned to the priority of the war on barbaric terrorism. The projects of sectarian strife were exposed and enforced, their defeat was defeated, and the remnants of the Brotherhood were besieged in Turkey, stripping them down, and overthrowing and disappearing Wahhabism.
Syria’s creativity has emerged in the fourth generation of wars, winning them and defeating Al Qaeda, ISIS and its sisters with the diversity of its factions. It is a victory recorded for it, unlike what happened with the Soviet Union in Afghanistan. It is a victory that gives Syria the ability to lead the Arabs to the new world by liberating religion from politics and formulating the rules of belief and the relationship of man with the Creator and the state in its creative way and in line with the values and realities of the age.
Syria has turned into a melting pot of dialogue and creative and resistant interaction between the nations of the region. And expanded to the geography of the five seas. And won the war of national unity. It failed and brought down America’s projects for division after the Sykes-Picot geography exploded and was overlooked.
It is logical to say: the maker of the thing is able to develop it. The reorganization of the Arab geography and the region on the basis and results of the Syrian victory in the Great World War is logical. Syria possesses the qualitative ability to manage understandings between Iran and the Arabs, and with the Kurds. In addition to the ability to reach an understanding with the post-Erdoganist Turks and the Brotherhood, to activate interests and commonalities. And Syria can seek a regional alliance that will rise and be able to be the most effective pillar in moving the locomotive of the human future and establishing a new world and a system and rules governing human life.
The Syrian war in its last time. Idlib will return to Arab Syria, according to the promise of the leader, who made no mistake, “Mr. President Bashar Al-Assad.” The wars went on his watch and on the timing of Damascus. And east of the Euphrates will return sooner than optimists expect. The Syrian Kurds have no refuge and protector except for the national state that is committed to the causes of its nation and is the leader in its new and pivotal era in its resistance alliance.
Syria has been subjected to devastation and social and humanitarian crises due to war, siege and aggression. However, Syria’s experience, facts, and creativity achieved in its war can be assured that it is capable of imposing its agenda. In addition, you will be able to invent its model to rise and rebuild. It will be able to establish its sovereign economic model and take its nation to where it is decided, and with it its Islamic world and its remanufactured region, on the impact of its victories.
Syria is a thousand good, and in safe hands. And her victory is a victory for the Arabs, the nations of the region, and the free nations of the world.
The Golan will keep the promise of the eternal leader Hafez al-Assad in central Syria. And Palestine was and will return to its south, and the hour of its return has come. Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah promised to pray in Jerusalem, so the liberation of Palestine would bet and be closer to the eyebrow.
It increases our confidence that the storm of the Caesar Act and the tightening of the sieges on Syria and Iran have exhausted their ability to influence. The resistance alliance rebelled, and shipments crossed the Suez Canal and reached the Caribbean. The announcement comes about the signing of a qualitative Iranian-Syrian military strategic alliance and the strengthening of the already superior Syrian air defense systems. Hillary Clinton recognized it in her testimony before Congress and in the military strategic expertise houses. In fact, it is the most powerful and important air defense system in the Middle East. The advertisement carries a qualitative strategic content. On the one hand, he drops all the nonsense of the Russian-Iranian conflict in and over Syria. It also drops all statements that the Iranian presence in Syria is in crisis, or that Syria will abandon its strategic alliance with Iran. It drops Netanyahu’s claims that his battles between the wars and his repeated attacks have prevented the alliance from achieving its superiority. The most important thing is that this determines the theater of military operations of war, especially in the air, and controlling the sky, taking a regional or even global character. Defense systems in both countries are technically compatible and Russia’s products (S200 – S300 – S400) are compatible. Naturally, it will be fully coordinated and compatible with the S400 and S500 systems. It is in line with the Russian air-space force residing in Syria, whose planes are flying overhead. It also integrates with the cyber and electromagnetic warfare systems that Russia has deployed in Syria, the first and most important in the world. All this means that a Syrian-Russian-Iranian strategic agreement has been reached to prepare for war. If the war takes on a regional and global character or theater, then the coordination of effort and the completion of the integration between the two Syrian-Russian-Iranian air defense systems will cover the skies of the region and further afield. The arms of this cover extend to southwest and central Europe and the entire sky of Palestine, Lebanon, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Turkey and Central Asia to Moscow. Here lies the importance of declaring what was existing between Iran and Syria from the moment of the victory of the Islamic revolution in Iran. All that the Syrian military, its industry, and its air defense had learned was given to Iran. Quite the opposite. Thus, the declaration is signed with the intention of declaring that the resistance alliance and its allies have completed the era of strategic defense. They are in a position to move into the era of strategic attack. This saying confirms what Iran has gone to in the tanker and corridor war. It was able to reach its ships to the Caribbean and crossed the Suez Canal.
The Lebanese crisis is getting worse. Turkey continues to try to seize some of northern Lebanon through mercenaries and terrorists. This will secure a historic opportunity for the Syrian military to enter to liquidate the terrorist Emirates. Then the discussion will be different about the future and mechanisms of restructuring the Arabs and the region, both geographically and in terms of systems.
Iraq is still suffering from the occupation and its effects. It suffers from the destruction of infrastructure, economic, social and humanitarian infrastructures. Iraq is still a theater for America through which it is trying to destroy national unity, impose fragmentation, and spread ethnic, regional, religious and sectarian contradictions. It is also trying to drain Iran and its resistance alliance. And it will not stop its attempts to cut the land road between Beirut, Damascus, Baghdad and Tehran. However, its attempts to employ “Israel” to target the crossings and the Popular Mobilization Forces, have failed miserably. And the axis of resistance decided to open the crossing, even by force and engagement. That matter inconvenienced America and pushed it and its agents to attempts to target Iran and the Popular Mobilization Forces in the just and fair demanding popular demonstrations. The government has responded and made decisions that will mitigate and address the crisis. It also decided the sharp turn towards Eurasia and joining the emerging world, and the large government delegation to Beijing signed dozens of economic agreements with China. Negotiations are underway to sign Russian arms contracts at the expense of American weapons and at the expense of American influence and control over the government and its institutions and some social, tribal and local formations. Trump’s withdrawal from the east of the Euphrates gives a qualitative indicator that is reflected in the collapse of America’s alliances in Iraq and indicates the possibility of accelerating the withdrawal from Iraq as well, which reveals all the agents and tools of America and “Israel” in Arab and Muslim Iraq. This re-creates hope for the integration of Syria and Iraq to meet the historical needs and the logic of geography, and what opens the Arabs and the region to fundamental changes in the reformulation of systems and geography. All of this is taking place in light of the defeat of America and its alliance, its decline, and the collapse of the systems and geography that resulted from the First World War.
Iraq suffers from life and livelihood crises, impoverishment, looting, corruption, and fragmentation. And America’s hand remains the ultimate evil. The American attempts to restore its defeat and break its tools of savage terrorism and defeat ISIS, the American industry, continue. The relentless US attempts to establish a central force and dominate northern Iraq, extending to Mosul and Anbar. It seeks along the borders with Syria, Jordan and Saudi Arabia to secure a geographical connection between the “Incirlik” base with its bases in Jordan, occupied Palestine and the sheikhdoms of the Gulf. It seeks to gather the mercenaries and revive ISIS after it has been domesticated and to reinforce it with weapons and money. It aims to prevent the opening of the Syrian-Iraqi borders to lift the siege on Iran and Syria. And it seeks to confront the popular crowd and drain Iran with the Kurdish issue, ISIS terrorism and the US-Saudi Islam. Israel has included in the line of targeting the crowd, its warehouses, and its camps. However, all these attempts and strategies became in the past after the crossing was opened.
All data are biased in favor of Iraq, its resistance factions, and its pivotal role in the resistance alliance. These changes will be reflected in the decline of American influence, and in the decline of America’s ability to intervene in Iraq. The same will leave traces on the choice of the Kurds in northern Iraq. It will develop their projects and accelerate their liberation from the alliance with America and the Zionist entity. So the American withdrawal attempts from Syria and Iraq, and possibly bases in the Gulf and Afghanistan, accelerate. This will provide the reasons for rationalization in the Kurds, their factions, and their society. And pushes them back to geography, shared history and future prospects. All of these factors enhance the understandings, leading to revolutionary solutions to the Kurdish question. It works to preserve and embrace it and turn it into a positive action force, not a new platform for the imperialist West to exhaust the nations of the region in the service of the crumbling Western hegemony.
And the resisting Iraq formed a practical partner in supporting Syria, and in fighting on its side. And he participated in fighting the most important battle in the last wars of the century to break the American project. The project aimed at establishing a fabricated “Sunni Stan” state on the rectangle of the Syrian-Iraqi borders to link “Incirlik” to the bases in Jordan and Palestine to the Gulf.
At the start of the “Sukhoi” storm, it was announced that a quadruple operations room had been formed, with a Syrian, Iraqi, Russian, and Iranian headquarters, with the headquarters of Iraq. The crossing between Syria and Iraq was also opened. The force was prepared to protect it, despite the harassment of America and its mercenaries from Al-Tanf.
Trump committed a foolish adventure to assassinate “Soleimani and the engineer.” The adventure sparked Iraqi popular anger against the American occupation and its tools. And military operations targeting the American presence began. Parliament and the active political movement in Iraq took its decision to impose defeat and the American withdrawal from Iraq. The processes of rehabilitation, preparation and power-building began to set the decision for the resistance and its factions. Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah announced that the response would be to defeat America and force a withdrawal from Syria and Iraq. Nasrallah considered this an opportunity to liberate Palestine, perhaps without war. He also considered it a realistic and existing possibility, reinforced by the explosive entity crises that the Zionist government and Netanyahu look like. This will not change the ongoing Israeli harassment in Syria. Rather, it is likely to happen sooner. It may lead to a violent round that precipitates prayer in Jerusalem behind Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah and the leaders of the resistance.
The American, the Zionist, and the Arab reactionary and their tools at home are trying to neutralize the Iraqi position and bring it to the axis hostile to the nation. Nevertheless, the banner of resistance will remain flying in the sky of Iraq. The Popular Mobilization factions will maintain a pioneering and vanguard role in liberating the Arab and Islamic nation from the US-Zionist military presence.
• To whom:
For two decades, Yemen has been the scene of major events. And there were six wars. And he witnessed a qualitative movement in the south, the plateau and the north. The Yemeni people interacted with the Arab fire that started from Tunisia. He rose up and rallied in the squares and demanded his rights. The victory rose and the spirit of revolution and resistance spread and took over most of Yemen. Then Saudi Arabia and the Emirates prepared, with an Israeli-American alliance and partnership, for the aggression. And announced the invasion in the name of an Arab and Islamic alliance. And the aggression continued for the sixth year. And the Yemeni people, led by Ansar Allah, recorded a myth of steadfastness, will and fighting. They were supported by the Lebanese Islamic Resistance, the Revolutionary Guard and the resistance factions. Then exhaust the invaders and swear by them. Ansar Allah was able to take the war deeper into Saudi Arabia after its exhaustion, its inability, and the thwarting of its invading war. The Yemenis developed and subjected science and technology and built long-range and accurate missiles. And they possessed drones, which have become effective and decided in the war and its future.
Ansar Allah achieved a military miracle in targeting “Aramco” and disrupting oil exports. And they were able to send squadrons of drones and winged missiles to a distance of more than a thousand kilometers. They were able to target one of the most secure, immune, protection and surveillance sites in the world. And they underestimated all American, Israeli and European capabilities and all Saudi and UAE funds. It will not stand in the way of achieving a victory that is legendary in nature. This operation revealed America, and its inability to entrust its most important allies and tools. And it broke the bets of all America’s allies in the region. It ignited anxiety and terror that dominates and haunts the Israeli leadership, and makes Israel all stand waiting for drones and winged missiles from Iraq or Yemen or Syria and Lebanon at any moment. With the addition of fear and a sense of Trump’s treachery as a result of the withdrawal from the east of the Euphrates, Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah’s promise to pray in Jerusalem becomes a present matter and the liberation of Palestine has become closer from the eyelid to the eye.
What is happening in Yemen is no less important in fabricating a historic victory that will change the conditions of the Arabs, the region and the world. The war is now in its end. America, Israel, Saudi Arabia and the Emirates have been humiliated. And the invading countries began to suffer from the effects of defeat and their strength disintegrated and at war. The United Arab Emirates is reluctant to invest in Iran and is trying to woo it to prevent revenge, and it pays a high price. Then the south explodes, and Aden experiences a civil war between the allies. With the approval of Saudi Arabia, and with American and Israeli coverage, the UAE is making an effort to try to divide Yemen and establish the beloved mini-states. All of this aims to prevent the liberation and unification of Yemen. The goal is for Yemen not to take its natural place at the expense of the Gulf kingdoms and at the expense of the fractured Saudi family.
The developments of the Yemeni war, the imbalance of power and the escalation of the strength and role of the resistance alliance and its leadership will contribute to changing the conditions of the Arabs and the region. This is what will happen. The end of the Yemen war is around the corner. Efforts are continuing to stop the aggression and leave the Yemenis alone, which stimulates the Yemeni demand and the option of resistance to move to a new stage. This requires the possession of a national vision and a national program to unify Yemen, rebuild it and advance it. It seeks to restore its historical and founding place in Arab and Islamic geography and its practical and intellectual products. Yemen has a ruling geography since time immemorial, and it will remain central. Yemen remains the southern wing of Arabia and the decisive element in shaping its future and the future of the Arabs and the region. With the Yemeni victory, the resistance alliance will achieve supremacy, sovereignty, and a leading and leading position in the Arabs and Muslims.
– Transformations of Egypt – North Africa – the Nile Valley:
The third wave of the popular movement heralds qualitative transformations.
The qualitative popular movement began at the end of the last decade with a spark from Tunisia that burned the field and overthrew President Zine El Abidine. Moreover, the spark hit Egypt. She overthrew Hosni Mubarak and accompanied him. It brought about qualitative shifts in Yemen and provided the conditions for the Houthis to become the central force in Hadath. So America hastened, its alliance and its tools and changed the movement to the arenas that should have been reached. So I fabricated films and organized overwhelming media campaigns. Libya was targeted, with the participation of the Gulf Cooperation Council and the University of Al-Musta’riba. And the US NATO invasion began in partnership with the Muslim Brotherhood and Al Qaeda, and with the support and partnership of the UAE, Saudi and Qatari aviation, in preparation for targeting Syria.
The conspiring forces and their alliances succeeded in disrupting the effects of the movement and its incentives, and the people’s participation in the fields. The slogans of the people were the transfer of regimes, and the empowerment of people to lead their states and societies. And it has declared its ability to transform it and turn the spark into environments and countries of resistance and steadfastness. It provided “Israel” with ten years of survival and wager on dismantling and defeating Syria and the resistance alliance. It also provided ten years for Gulf families and for the systems and groups that conferred and work in the service of America and “Israel”. At the same time, its results come as qualitative victories for the resistance alliance and strong indications of marginal changes in the balance of power. This reformulates the movement in different ways, origins and goals. The overthrow of the American terrorist Islamists in Syria ends their capabilities in the Nile Valley and North Africa. Defeating and depleting the Gulf Cooperation Council ends its ability to intervene in Libya and its sisters. The defeat of America in Syria, Iraq, the Gulf and Yemen, the repression of France and the European Union, and the unveiling of the crisis of liberalism and its institutions provides qualitative and historical conditions for the resumption of the popular movement in a new way that secures the conditions for achieving social and national interests.
A careful and in-depth search of the paths of events and their state of affairs allows reviewing facts and events indicating that new elements are maturing and adjust accordingly:
• Tunisia:
It was logical for the spark to start in Tunisia. The crisis was a comprehensive national socio-economic. Mobility and popular awareness reached its peak with the use of social media. While the movement lacked programs, leaderships, and organized parties that knew what should happen. And all the movement was spontaneous and with the effectiveness of resentment and the role of youth and communication. All this provided the reasons and elements for the usurpation of al-Mayadeen, with the alliance between the army and the Brotherhood’s Ennahda Movement, backed by the Gulf Cooperation Council, the European Union and America. Power was seized and shared in the name of elections and democracy. Moreover, the Ennahda movement infiltrated the Islamists to Syria and thrust them into the destructive project. I tried to reach an understanding with the Brotherhood Turkey. It also understood the remnants of the previous regime, and administered the country according to the same rules as the previous ones, by responding to the conditions of the creditors and the IMF. And I worked corruption, looting and corruption. And trying to “brotherhood” the country and power, and partisan.
The practices of Ennahda and its alliances deepened the crises of Tunisia, but did not solve them. It was not established due to its exit from the past that had exhausted its means, policies and programs. And Tunisia was formed as an incubator for savage terrorist groups and a base for the Muslim Brotherhood in Libya, the Sahara, Egypt and Algeria …
Ten years have passed since the change, and only the faces, parties and officials have changed in Tunisia. The practical reasons were provided for the continuation of the popular movement and the spread of social and economic tensions. The local and regional uprisings returned to the forefront. With the decline of the Brotherhood after its defeat in Egypt and Syria, the “Ennahda” and the dominant political forces lose the environments and countries of support and support.
Tunisia lived its days in the wake of the presidential election campaigns after Essebsi’s death and the parliamentary elections. Today it has returned to its nature and position as a generator of a new in Arab Africa and the Arabs. Its boxes have produced an unexpected surprise. It dropped the Ennahda candidate, and it produced candidates for the second round outside the political class, its formations, and its natures. The parliamentary elections produced a fragile balance in the political class and its formations. This made it not easy for Ennahda to regain its power and dominance over government, the state, and political life. The Arab national choice and the defense of Palestine, its central cause, and the axis of resistance escalated. It achieved a representative bloc that could not be underestimated as an indicator of shifts in the mood and will of the Tunisian people.
From Tunisia, a new revolutionary era begins. Just as the first spark swept through the Arabs, so the lessons of the Tunisian elections mark the end of an era and a black era. She preaches that Arabs, a region, and a new world will be born and become for people and for the people who wanted life what they want.
Evidence of Tunisia’s mobility is what the political crisis finally reached. It led to the resignation of the government and the escalation of the parliament and street movement to besiege and isolate the Brotherhood’s Ennahda Party. The Tunisian president was liberated from the humiliation of Ennahda and the Muslim Brotherhood and his threat to use the army to confront internal and external conspiracies. The state of tension was increased by Erdogan’s visit to Tunisia and his agreement with Ennahda to secure bases for support, training and infiltration of mercenaries through it. In doing so, he secured the Sarraj government and provided it with manpower and equipment to seize the strip of Libya’s western coast bordering Tunisia. The political crisis that strikes Tunisia today has many social and economic causes and a product of the practices of the Ennahda movement and its team in the country. In Tunisia and Lebanon, the elements of the internal crisis and the stormy regional and international transformations meet. It does not seem far from the current situation in Libya and the balance of its forces, which is distorted in the interests of Turkey and the Muslim Brotherhood. Where Africa and its Arab north are witnessing a campaign of siege and overthrow of the Brotherhood, and Egypt is not far from the goal.
• Libya:
Libya was subjected to an Atlantic and Gulf invasion. Despite its strong resistance, the balance of power was imbalanced in it and in the Arabs and North Africa. It was disrupted in favor of the invaders who destroyed its construction and deserted its people. They took her a hundred years back, and plundered her money and deposits. And the oil became run by European companies and protected by gangs and mercenaries.
Libya fragmented, to run its regions and metropolises, armed groups and gangs of looting and theft. The efforts of the United Nations and the sponsoring countries did not succeed in rebuilding a central state that would bring the Libyans together and achieve some of their hopes and interests. The de facto authorities, armed gangs, “Islamists”, and Zionists took control of “ISIS” and its sisters. So it turned from stability to permanent war, attrition and looting.
Egypt succeeded in securing its western front and its long border with Libya after it toppled the Muslim Brotherhood and the army took power. And it was able to do so by winning over the tribes, clans and militants in eastern Libya. And “Haftar” secured and his authority in Benghazi and supported him to end armed groups and gangs and to build an army and a semi-stable state. Russia dragged and reassured it and secured a warm relationship with “Haftar.” Its influence in Libya has increased by the explosion of conflict between the quartet of Egypt – Saudi Arabia – UAE – Bahrain in the face of Qatar and considering the Muslim Brotherhood and Turkey an enemy alliance. So the Libyan square becomes one of the most clashing and explosive squares.
In a different direction, Turkey has poured all its effort, funding, and armament. It pushed the militants fleeing Syria and transferred them to Tripoli to enhance the capabilities of the Sarraj government. This was aimed at thwarting the strategic attack of Haftar, which aimed to overthrow the authority of the Muslim Brotherhood in it. And he sought to liquidate the Turkish presence and influence and to reunify Libya, with the aim of establishing its central state backed by Egypt, its Gulf alliance and Russia.
Libya will remain an explosive arena, and its civil-regional war will continue. It will continue as an environment for the generation and gathering of terrorist groups fleeing the squares in which they are defeated in the Sahara, to target Algeria, Morocco and Africa.
It is worth noting that for Egypt, Libya is considered an arena of pivotal and strategic importance in securing it against terrorism that targets it and the Muslim Brotherhood. It is considered as an arena of strategic political and military influence. It considers its reconstruction and oil wealth a life need for its stability and development. Thus, it becomes a concept that Egypt has adopted Haftar and the Qadhadfa and their support with weapons and incubators.
Saif al-Islam Gaddafi was released and the tribes and their armed groups gathered around him, and he was adopted by Russia and Egypt. Will he return to power and “Gaddafi” again as a central partner? It is something that we should not rule out, and it may be a condition for strengthening the alliance with Haftar to disturb the military balance of power and enable the strategic attack to achieve its goals. Then it can be said that the NATO invasion, America and its alliance were defeated in Libya after the invasion provided opportunities for Russia, Egypt and their alliances. In addition, it will be a resounding defeat for the Muslim Brotherhood and Erdogan’s Turkey, which will be reflected in Turkey itself, in its projects and its quest for expansion.
Erdogan committed a foolish adventure by contracting with the Sarraj government and supplying it with Turkish experts and officers. And he tried to unify its factions, sending tens of thousands of mercenaries. And he worked to supply arms and ammunition and show his military strength through maneuvers on the Turkish coasts. With the decision of Egypt-Russia to intervene and fulfill all of its introductions and conditions, the features of a watershed period will be emerging in Libya that will change the Libyan, Arab, regional and global developments, events, and balances. This lies in the importance of Libya as a governing geographical location and enormous wealth. Libya will turn into a platform to stabilize the rise of Eurasia and cleanse the Arab project from the ruins of the Sadat and Sadat era. That era crippled Egypt from its national role, status and weight. The Libyan crisis will push Egypt to transform and return to its Arab geography, history and environment as a pivotal and effective force integrated with Syria and its genius achievements.
• Egypt:
Things in Egypt, its crisis, and the movement of its fields took place with some strange and surprising things. It revealed the strength of the deep state. It revealed the qualitative capabilities of the Egyptian army as the backbone of the entrenched state. The events were organized in a manner that resembles an elaborate plan, which is preoccupied with conception and design.
As soon as the spark of Tunis reached Cairo, the crowds of millions gathered and the army sided with the street and the people. The people toppled Hosni Mubarak and isolated him and the symbols of his corrupt regime. And the Military Council led Egypt for a year. During that parliamentary elections were held to abolish the Brotherhood’s control over it. Then presidential elections were held, in which the presidency was handed over to the “Morsi” Brotherhood. However, the army, the youth movement, and the civilian establishment formed the elements of their overthrow and marginalization. Morsi’s speech in the Cairo stadium and his announcement that Egypt would be involved in the war against Syria came as a thunderbolt that detonated the powder keg. And the army decided to finish it off and overthrow the Muslim Brotherhood. The process was carried out in an elaborate manner. The street, youth movements, and people’s movements were used. She handed over power to the judiciary for a year. During this period, the street and the country were prepared for the arrival of Sisi to the presidency and control of power. So the Muslim Brotherhood was liquidated and the authority restructured and its institutions and projects were based on the army’s stabilization of power for a long time. The army was considered the protector and ruler of the economy, politics, and social structure, and the custodian of its unity and restoration of its role.
The army relied on the street, and on its role in the economic movement and society. Where it occupied 20% of the Egyptian national product produced by the army and its institutions. And in it, the Egyptian people work. It was based on the alliance with Saudi Arabia and the UAE and its influence in the Egyptian Salafi movement. And he relied on funding and emergency donations provided by the UAE and Saudi Arabia. In so doing, he was able to fulfill the necessary needs and gain control. And it made changes in the armament and economic trends. From his early days in power, he switched to Asia. And he strengthened exchanges with Russia and China, which in turn rushed to invest and secure the army in power and meet its needs.
The government liberalized the exchange rate of the pound and deepened its peg to the dollar. It applied the commandments of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank to finance the Authority and its projects. It launched a large number of major and national projects, and lifted subsidies on oil derivatives and subsidized commodities, and raised prices. The government claimed that it is in the era of rebuilding the economy and transforming it into a productive economy. It reiterated its promise of comprehensive good and restoration of the role of Egypt and its national and regional security. The military strength increased in quantity and quality, and possessed the most modern weapons, in addition to the naval force and aircraft carriers.
The authority of the army shifted in Egypt’s position on the issues of the Arabs and their wars. It was content with negative intervention in Syria. And assured it of logistical support in the liquidation of armed outposts funded abroad.
And it leads the alliance with Saudi Arabia and the Gulf over its strategies in hostility to Turkey, Qatar and the Muslim Brotherhood. And they themselves are the enemies of Syria. It supported the invasion of Yemen without practically engaging. It rejected America’s attempts to create an Arab-Israeli-American NATO. It affirms its keenness on the security of the Gulf and its readiness to participate in its protection. It also rejects some American dictations in the region. While strengthening the strategic alliance with Asia in all fields and coordinating its efforts with Russia first.
It also disrupted the role of the Arab League in Syria, Libya and Iraq, especially as it was a long-standing tool for the Emirate of Qatar and its subversive projects.
Egypt is trying to open up to Iraq directly and through Jordan. Iran did not antagonize despite Arab and US reactionary pressures, even in the media.
It also continues to adhere to the Camp David Accords. It coordinated the effort with the Zionist entity in Sinai and its war on terror. It strengthens its relations, economic exchanges and invading contracts with the Zionist entity. Egypt is besieging Gaza with the most severe means of siege, under the pretext of its siege of the Brotherhood Hamas, which supports the plot of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt.
It normalized its economic, social and military relations with Syria without pushing for the restoration of overt diplomatic relations. And it tried to oblige its Gulf alliance to open up to Syria, despite the fact that it is managing negotiations between Syria, Saudi Arabia and the Emirates to return matters to normal.
It also demanded and demanded its president repeatedly to establish a unified Arab military force. This was not achieved due to differences with Saudi Arabia over its role, leadership, tasks and financing.
It is noticeable that President Al-Sisi talks a lot about Arabism, Arab national security, and the urgent need to unify effort and performance in his speeches. It also focuses on attacks on Turkey and the Muslim Brotherhood. And pressure on “Al-Azhar” to effect a qualitative change in its programs and books. And it tries to limit fatwas to its upper circles and besiege Brotherhood and Salafi groups in favor of Sufism.
What is happening in Egypt leads to the belief that it is following a steady and deliberate path. The growth rate for the third year is more than 5%, according to the reports of the IMF and the related institutions. But without that due to the majority of the Egyptian people. The poor increased and the middle class decreased. It also extends its hand to Arab Africa in Libya and Tunisia. And it is trying to restore the systems, trends and future of relations in the Nile Valley – Sudan to secure the Nile and water. And it is trying to liquidate the Muslim Brotherhood hotbeds and areas of influence. The Sudanese popular efforts led to the overthrow of the Muslim Brotherhood in Sudan and the liquidation of the Turkish economic and military presence that the Sudanese government secured. Sudan was under the influence of his brothers, financing Qatar and meeting Erdogan’s delusions of neo-Ottomanism.
And it still detracts from its value and its hoped-for role, its relationship with the Zionist entity and the siege of Gaza. In addition to delaying the openness and announcing the privileged relations with Syria, its army and its leader. And if it did, it would have to change the rhythm of Arab times, secure their future, and cause an earthquake. This will change in the region and contribute to global changes.
It is understood that what Egypt is and what it achieves would not have happened had it not been for the resistance coalition defeating “Israel” and tying its hand. He defeated America and its armies directly and by proxy. He also dropped the Muslim Brotherhood and Wahhabism. Syria’s expected victory will stimulate Egypt and provide conditions for the possibility of its stability and the handing over of the army to its reins to enable it and strengthen its trends. This will contribute to its return to play its natural role in the Arab world and deepen the alliance with Asia.
Egypt has a position, a role, and a strategy in facing the existential and life challenges it has faced. The fingers of America, NATO and the Zionist entity are clear in Libya. Where the Turkish provocation and the attempt to summon Egypt to protect its national, national, social and economic security and its life. Libya, its reconstruction, and its wealth represent the only dimension and opportunity for Egypt after the decline and stagnation of the Gulf. Its long western borders also represent an imminent danger if control is achieved by Turkey and the Muslim Brotherhood. Then Egypt becomes besieged from all borders by terrorism, the Brotherhood and the Zionist entity. Not forgetting the Renaissance Dam and the fall of the negotiation attempts. The Ethiopian-American-Israeli decision is clear by filling the dam and Egypt’s thirst. It aims at stripping her right to her lifeline, the Nile. It also affects it and its remarkable economic growth in recent years.
Egypt is threatened by crises. It is so dire that it is at the crossroads of life or death. This will oblige and motivate her to bounce back and move from a state of inactivation in the role and inaction, to the restoration of her role. It is most likely that it will do it in Libya, and from there it will be concerned with its action in the face of Ethiopia.
In any case, Egypt will not have a future, presence and status unless it reaches out to Arab Syria. It is the ruling in Northeast Arabia. To achieve modern Arabism and return to flying wings (Egyptian and Syrian).
• Sudan:
The power of Al-Bashir and her group of the Muslim Brotherhood exhausted all opportunities. Their fluctuations appeared in alliances. And pushing Sudan out of any interest or hope in the unjust war on Yemen and its people. Al-Bashir recruited mercenaries and pushed the army into war. And cut Sudan’s relations with Iran and Syria, which used to secure funding for Gaza with weapons. He turned Sudan into a tool in the hands of Saudi Arabia and the UAE. His power deserved the need to fall.
Sudan witnessed an active popular movement for many years. The popular movement has not succeeded in bringing about a change in the direction or structure of the authority. Until the right opportunity came. Saudi Arabia and the UAE abandoning funding for Al-Bashir and his government left them with powerlessness and loss of money. This raised the prices of fuel, services and goods to provide the spark that unleashed the qualitative and expanding popular movement for months on end. In the background, an Egyptian-Saudi-Emirati incubator appeared to punish and drop him because of his brothers and the relationship with Turkey, and to secure platforms and bases for it in the Red Sea. It also embraced Egyptian “Muslim Brotherhood” and provided platforms for them. He brought terrorists and provided a platform for them to operate in Egypt and Libya. The Sudanese arena has become a priority with the deepening of the Egyptian-Gulf alliance and the placing of the Brotherhood – Turkey on the agenda.
The army and its factions loyal to the Egypt-Gulf alliance took advantage of the crisis. And he exploited the inability of the popular movement and its leadership to complete the revolution. The demonstrations, sit-ins, and crowds were unable to turn into a coordinated and organized revolutionary action. The reversal took place through a series of changes. The Military Council overthrew al-Bashir and his team and sent them to prison. The popular movement continued to impose a new balance, establishing the possibility of Sudan leaving the rule of the Muslim Brotherhood to “democracy”. It aimed to break the alliance with Qatar and Turkey, to strengthen it with Egypt and to strengthen its role in the alliance with Saudi Arabia and the UAE.
The agreement between the military council and the leadership of the popular movement provides conditions and reasons for stability. It contributes to rebuilding, spreading democracy, and securing popular participation in the state and its apparatus. The agreement would leave impacts on the role and pivotal position of Sudan in its environment and in the Nile Arabs, North Africa, Southern Africa, the Sahara and the sources of the Nile.
The movement of Sudan intersects with the rise of the resistance option in the Arab Mashreq and the wishes of Egypt for its Arab return. This could open new horizons in the Arabs and the region.
Dialogue began in order to normalize relations between Sudan and Israel. A secret meeting took place by the Emirates between Netanyahu and the head of the Sudanese Sovereign Council, Abdel Fattah al-Burhan. It was rejected by the majority of political forces and the Sudanese people through the demonstrations in most of Sudan.
• Algeria:
Algeria, which inherited the “bloody decade”, exploded. A team around President Bouteflika tried to usurp power after it had thickened it with corruption. And try to catch up with liberal economics. And it strengthened French and American influence in the state, economic and political life.
Algeria has remained faithful to its Arab identity and revolution, and has maintained its lines of communication with Damascus and Tehran. It also rejected the dictates of Washington and the Arab League. And it did not cut the connection with Damascus, and it secured it with oil and equipment. And I tried to cover it diplomatically and politically. However, it remained a target, and some countries tried to ignite the fuses in them and lead “Rabie”. And targeted by ISIS and terrorist forces repeatedly. External powers are trying to tamper with their identity and national unity, escalate identity crises and evoke issues of “Amazigh” minorities. These forces are trying to distract Algeria from its role and history. Attempts were made to pass a fifth term to Bouteflika as a detonation thunderbolt and the street went out until the gradual change was imposed.
The Algerian army is the heir of the revolution and the National Liberation Front, and it has links with the Egyptian, Syrian and Russian armies. It has its place in the deep state and society. Therefore, he sided with the street, preventing Bouteflika from running. The army responded to the calls and pressures of the street, throwing corrupt men into prisons. Many officials were exempted in response to the demands of the community movement.
The ample data and the course of the crisis include strengthening the relationship between the army and the street. And it works to dismantle the chains and the mafia of corruption and corruption. It is trying to prevent the emergence of groups calling for exploding the issue of minorities and identities. It also seeks to raise the level of the relationship between the Egyptian and Algerian army. It aims to strengthen relations between the Algerian army and Russia and to renew arms contracts. All this represents auxiliary elements that may secure Algeria’s exit from the quagmire with the least losses. And contribute to this deep understandings between the military establishment and the popular movement, which revealed a state of maturity and mastery. The movement has facilitated and accelerated Algeria’s exit from its crisis and its failure to turn into wars and chaos. This constitutes shifts in the interests of Western conspiratorial projects and their alliances.
Algeria needs to stick to its new formula. It works to restore its freedom, deepen its sovereignty and liquidate hotbeds of corruption. Thus, it can add specific elements to the potential for the rise of North Africa, Egypt and the Nile Valley. Thus, the western wing of modern Arabia is formed, to take off and fly again. Then it will contribute to removing the region from its backwardness and crises, and restraining the conspiracy against the Arabs, Africa, and the vast and vast Islamic world of capabilities and wealth.
• The Kingdom of Morocco:
The details of the crises and the stormy problems vary in the region. Morocco is facing waves of social challenges and others related to the regional and international environment. There are open workshops for development and infrastructural transformation. All of them try to facilitate the process of producing and distributing wealth within the framework of the amended constitution. The constitution imposed participatory and orientation towards expanded regionalization and integrated development. However, difficulties are still facing Morocco. In addition to it, a public debate about the state of management of the political field. In addition to dealing with popular movements and the way human rights files are managed. In addition to managing the relationship with the European Union in the field of marine fishing, which also witnessed tremors. This is in addition to shifts in the quality of regional alliances and the escalation of disagreement between Saudi Arabia and the UAE on the one hand, and Morocco on the other. This is in addition to the security challenges and terrorism that afflict the Sahel and Sub-Saharan regions, by revealing from time to time terrorist sleeper cells. This is in addition to the repercussions of the chronic problem related to the conflict over the Sahara, which is still preventing the desire to complete the Maghreb Union project.
There is great pressure exerted on Morocco to join the wave of normalization. An attempt is being made to use the desert problem as a pressure card. But attempts have failed so far, despite what the normalization lobby is doing. This was stated by some research centers in the Zionist entity. It expresses its regret that Morocco refused to be the leader of this operation. The Palestinian issue, especially Jerusalem, is considered one of the political constants in political culture and in official and popular agreements. This makes overcoming this situation an unthinkable issue. Moreover, Morocco is still clinging to the Arab League charter and UN decisions regarding the outcomes of the concluded agreements and its official and popular rejection of the deal of the century.
In this context, it should be noted that the positions of the Arab League have not risen to the level of interest of the Arab nation throughout its history. Its position on the so-called Arab Spring, and the aggression against Syria and its removal from the university, is a minor position. Its position on foreign aggression against Libya and aggression against Yemen is also minor. It also did not deal with the dangerous development represented by the announcement of the normalization agreement between the Emirates and the Zionist enemy. Whereas, the Arab League dropped a draft resolution presented by Palestine at the meeting of foreign ministers, condemning the normalization agreement between the UAE and “Israel”.
In this lies a dangerous indication of the identification of the Moroccan position with the normalization context that some Arab countries have begun to announce.
On another level, Morocco is still facing the problem of a decline in the role of political parties in framing society. Civil society groups took precedence over parties. This threatens electoral failure in the upcoming elections. The Justice and Development Party, which leads the government, still faces the challenge of masterminding, but is under the supervision of the parties, civil society and the press. It ended with a kind of rift after the dismissal of the government in its previous version and the advent of a modified version. There was talk about a failure to manage most of the files related to education, health and other sectors. The Justice and Development Party belongs to the authority of the Muslim Brotherhood, and has a wide network of relations with the Brotherhood of the so-called Arab Spring. However, this party is under the supervision of public opinion, the press and civil society. He tries to deny this connection. Although it has produced a number of solidarity associations with Palestine, there is still confusion so far regarding the position on the axis of resistance. The cadres of the party and its advocacy association were involved in the incitement campaign against Syria and in the wave of sectarian rhetoric against the axis of resistance. These groups seek to monopolize action and conspiracy against everyone who does not pass through their coordination. This is what all their speeches and direct and indirect statements reveal over the years. All this makes their movement of solidarity with Palestine tainted by the backgrounds of the Brotherhood and the Salafists as is evident.
Morocco lives on the rhythm of the growth of a different political culture. It is noticeable that the political scramble has been going on for years in search of a new horizon on a path that Moroccans still see as being in a state of democratic transition.
• Mauritania
Our Arab region is witnessing successive events. Through it the enemies sought to tear apart the Arab nation and undermine its stability and existence. Mauritania was able, despite its geographical distance from the focus of events, and the enormous size of pressure, to cut its relations with the Zionist entity. Nor has Mauritania severed relations with the Syrian Arab Republic and the Islamic Republic of Iran. She was not affected by the various pressures exerted against her in this regard. Despite its pursuit and need to obtain financing from the Gulf states, it refused to participate with its forces in the so-called Decisive Storm. This is despite the participation of its forces in several African arenas (under the umbrella of the United Nations and the African Union).
This normal official position was the result of a large popular movement in support of the option of resistance and against the so-called Arab Spring and the aggression against Yemen. Where he declared his support for Syria in the face of the unjust global conspiracy. He declared his support for the Islamic Republic of Iran as it faced the fiercest waves of global arrogance. It was a strong and intense movement through various political parties, civil society organizations and trade unions. This movement translated the original positions of the Mauritanian people towards the core issues of our nation, on top of which is the Palestinian issue, in a clear and unambiguous way.
Recently, the Council of Ministers decided to grant the Embassy of the Syrian Arab Republic in Nouakchott a plot of land in an elegant area of the capital. Which was considered a symbolic indication of the depth of relations between the two countries.
The authority that took these courageous decisions changed after the recent presidential elections, but the honorable stances towards the nation’s issues are among the national constants of the new national system.
The victories recorded by the axis of resistance in various arenas, especially in the Syrian Arab Republic and Yemen, are a strong catalyst. It contributes to a positive development towards patriotic and nationalist positions more committed to the issues of the nation and liberation from the domination of Arab reaction.
• Somalia – Eritrea – Comoros:
• Somalia
Somalia has been a qualitative crisis for decades. And it played a pivotal role in restricting and defeating the limits of American power. But the United States, in cooperation with Saudi Arabia, was able to implicate it in the civil war. Al Qaeda factions took control and increased their infighting. Loyalty to the UAE, Qatar and Turkey – Erdogan has grown on the other hand …
With the retreat of the elements of power in the Gulf, it can be said that its fate has become closely linked to the neighbor in the Nile Valley and Yemen …
Eritrea is in a strategic location. It is important to colonial countries. Despite all this, the Eritrean people did not accept conspiracies. Rather, he was resistant in order to gain his freedom and independence, and he always found support and support from some Arab and Islamic countries, especially Egypt during the era of the eternal leader Gamal Abdel Nasser, as well as Syria and Iraq …
On the dawn of 05/25/1991, the Eritrean people won their independence from the Ethiopian colonialism after an armed struggle that lasted thirty years. Unfortunately, these achievements were stolen from the hands of Eritreans represented by the Popular Front for the Liberation of Eritrea, led by “Isaias Afwerki”. The dignity of the Eritrean human being was violated in all aspects of life (economic – political – cultural – social). Eritrea was full of forced prisons and jails. The number of detainees and kidnapped tens of thousands. The country was deprived of its abundant economic benefits. And its people lived an unparalleled ugly deprivation. The Eritrean people were on a journey of asylum and escape from these scourges. And exposed his youth to the dangers of illegal immigration. And it became vulnerable to human trafficking crimes and conspiracies. The authority was also involved in supporting terrorist elements in the Horn of Africa, such as its support and support for Al-Shabaab movement in Somalia. It also entered the so-called Arab coalition for aggression against Yemen, as this sinister coalition took the Eritrean port of Assab as a starting point for aggression.
On the one hand, on the other hand, this regime weaved suspicious relations with the Zionist entity. Today we find “Israel” arriving and wandering in the archipelago of “Dahlak” deep in the Eritrean shores. We also find Israeli experts in various fields weaving the threads of their conspiracies against the peoples and countries of the region from the Eritrean interior …
Despite all these plots, we find the Eritrean people steadfast in their resistance and rejecting policies and alliances. And it meets that with its various political, religious and ethnic components. This has not changed, despite the generous financial support the regime finds from the Gulf system and the Zionist entity. The national forces led by the Eritrean Liberation Front were able to build political umbrellas for this resistance represented by the Eritrean National Council for Democratic Change and the Eritrean Democratic Alliance …
The popular resistance takes place in various means and fields against the despotic regime linked to colonial projects. These projects target the peoples of the region and their strategic resources from the (Red Sea) ports and passages. It is trying to drag Eritrea out of its natural environment, represented by the Arab and national environment that loves peace and justice.
The future of Eritrea and its popular and social movement remains linked to the equations of the Yemen war and the balance of power in the Arabs and the region.
– Comoros
The popular movement and national opposition are active in the Comoros. In May 2018, the capital Moroni, and the capital of Anjouan, the second important city, witnessed popular demonstrations against the arbitrary measures of President Othman Ghazal. The president dissolved the Constitutional Court and amended the constitution to stay in power. The demonstrators condemned the detention of former President Ahmed Sambi, who was placed under house arrest in his home in the capital Moroni. He was also prevented from practicing his political activities due to his stances on these measures. Due to his great popularity, twenty political and human rights organizations from the Comorian opposition held demonstrations in Paris and world capitals. A united front was formed to defend human rights in the Comoros and to confront measures that endanger national unity, such as abolishing the autonomy of the islands, violating the constitution and disrupting institutions.
The movement is escalating in refusal of the President of the Republic to comply with Saudi dictates to close the embassies of Qatar and Iran. And it rejects his attempt to stir up sectarian strife and identify with Saudi Arabia’s crimes.
With the defeat of the Saudi-Emirati aggression in Yemen and the decline of American and Israeli influence, the national popular movement is likely to escalate. It will be able to impose its rights and demands to liberate the authority and policies from loyalty to the Saudi-Zionist-American alliance …
These three countries are in a state of turmoil and convulsions. And poverty, backwardness and the need is most striking in it. In their location, they are peripheral states, poor in resources, despite the abundance of wealth. However, it is looted from the poles of corruption associated with the countries that were colonizing it and which still dominate its wealth through unfair, long-term decades. It also possesses an important geographical location. They constitute operational arenas for regional and international powers, and are considered a pivotal target for the West, which is trying to plant its bases and tools and control them to tamper with, secure, and adapt to their neighbors. Therefore, it makes sense for her to be influenced and interact with what is going on in her environment. And what is happening indicates the inevitability of a qualitative development in the Arabs and the region. The crises struck in it will not be resolved until the equations of the Arabs and the region are firmly established and stabilized on their new balances. Therefore, you will be able to regulate the standing of peripheral and poor countries. In fact, the future situation in Yemen is a catalyst for positive development at the level of liberation and progress movements in these countries.
• Saudi Arabia and the Gulf sheikhdoms
She is experiencing a formative crisis, is missing a functional role, and is shifting allies – options are limited:
The Kingdom of Sands was established in 1939 by contract between the Wahhabi and Saudi families under the British Intelligence Department. It was assigned the task of protecting the sheikhdoms, and securing the Zionist entity. This is through strengthening Arab and Islamic divisions, and leading the reactionary alliance with what Britain desires and then its heir America.
Saudi Wahhabism has subjected everyone in the Arabian Peninsula to its will. And she completed her career. So it intervened financially and militarily and summoned “Israel” and the mercenaries in Yemen’s war against the Republican and Nasserite revolution. And it stood against the liberation revolution in southern Yemen. It has also contributed to the industrialization of the UAE and the Gulf Cooperation Council. Backwardness, impoverishment and division plagued Yemen, and large areas of its rich land were expropriated.
Saudi Arabia has contracted with the American to secure “Israel”. And conspired against Egypt, Nasiriyah and Syria. It financed and led the coup against the Egyptian-Syrian unity. It authorized and funded “Israel” in the 1967 war.
Its role increased after the 1973 war and the astronomical increases in oil prices and the abundance of funds. It responded to Henry Kissinger’s requests, and engaged Sadat with Egypt, plotting against Syria and Lebanon. It got involved in confronting the Soviet Union and the Non-Aligned Movement. It also financed global Salafist terrorist formations and pushed them into Afghanistan and wherever US intelligence called for them. It also dominated the official Arab system in the era of Saudization and Sadatism. Its power increased with the decline of the nationalist and liberation movement. It also clawed its claws with every stray. It reinforced its “soft” tools, launched its unbelieving Wahhabism and dominated the media. It also sponsored the brutal terror resulting from the intermarriage of Wahhabism and the Brotherhood. It implicated and covered “Saddam Hussein” with his war against the Iranian Islamic Revolution and the invasion of Kuwait. Moreover, it worked to summon direct occupations of armies, bases and fleets in the Desert Storm war. Then she was involved to the core in the invasion of Baghdad.
The history of Bani Saud is full of conspiracy, aggression, and malevolent interventions in the service of colonial projects and the Zionist entity. It also tried to contain the Palestine Liberation Organization, finance the Lebanese civil war and escalate the Hariri era.
Saudi Arabia announced Before that it is biased towards “Israel”, its coverage and participation in the July war. She helped form the “Arab moderation” axis, led by Condoleezza Rice.
Sectarian and sectarian war raged in Iraq and throughout the region. And Iran has been placed on the agenda of its enemies to punish the Islamic Revolution for its bias towards the option of resistance and victory for Jerusalem and Palestine.
The kings of Saudi Arabia launched settlement initiatives to liquidate the Palestinian cause. In addition, the Arab official system and its institutions bound them.
Egypt secured Sadat and Hosni Mubarak. It protected and protected the kingdoms in Jordan, Morocco, and the Emirates and the sheikhdoms of oil.
In addition, it played the most pivotal and dangerous role in modifying the Arab revolutionary situation that launched from Tunisia to secure itself and its allies. It financed and led the wars in Libya, Iraq, Iran and Syria. It directly interfered with sending men, weapons, experts and princes to run the operating rooms. Moreover, it has secured Turkey as a platform for tens of thousands of terrorists to enter Syria. The Peninsula Shield forces invaded Bahrain and imposed its agenda and its agents by force and force. Therefore, the constitutionality of the Sykes-Picot systems and their artificial borders dropped.
The Saudi leadership assumed that it was capable of liquidating the resistance alliance and invading its squares. She declared an Arab and Islamic alliance. It invaded Yemen, destroyed it and increased its impoverishment.
Saudi Arabia was quick to try to save the Zionist entity by opening up and normalizing with it in the face of the resistance. It conspired against the liberated Gaza. It adopted Kushner’s plan for the Deal of the Century. In addition, Saudi Arabia did everything they could to market it. Bahrain was placed in the foreground in what was called the Bahrain Porsche.
Saudi kings, princes and sheikhs of the Gulf assumed that they were the masters of the region and the historical era. They assumed that “Israel” and America would work for them and serve them. And they provided a lot of money to float the American economy and its crisis sectors and arms industries. They elaborated on their introductions to Trump …
All of their illusions fell. The forces of the field, the leaders of truth, the visionaries, and the men of God in the squares create the facts.
“Israel”, which is helpless and in crisis, takes from Saudi Arabia and demands more. It deals with them as slaves to pass its projects and finance deals to liquidate the Palestinian cause. In addition, Trump sees only bags of money in them and describes them as dairy cows until the udder dries up and slaughter becomes their fate. “Their planes will not fly and they will fall within a week if they do not pay,” he said.
Their plight in the Yemeni war bankrupted their coffers. In addition, made their very expensive weapons junk that fell before the minds of the Yemenis and their technology in the drones and precision missiles. Moreover, it turned out that their alliance was just an illusion that was dispelled when the elements of defeat first appeared. In addition, they dispersed quickly. In addition, Iran proved to be too powerful for America to try to engage it. Moreover, it has been proven that the resistance alliance is victorious and rising, and its will cannot be broken with money or brutal terrorism. It turns out that the Palestinians do not compromise on their sacrifices and their right to return and liberation. In addition, he made sure that urbanization, modernization, and the transition from a rentier oil economy to production are not just mental ideas and plans on paper and computer games. The future is shaped by the will of men, awareness, determination, and national and social rights. Whoever defeats the world controlling America and incapacitates “Israel”, does not limit his capabilities, the antics and illusions of virtual empires.
What emerged was Trump’s abandonment of his allies. The Aramco operation and the “victory from God” operation exposed Saudi Arabia’s back. Trump’s reluctance to support them and the war appeared on their behalf and in their favor. It also highlighted the stormy transformations under way in Iraq, and the opening of the crossings with Syria. The failure and collapse of Aramco’s share prices began. Conflict escalated within the family and with other Saudi tribes. Moreover, reinforces the exposure of “Israel” to its tensions and crises and the futility of betting on them. All of this put Saudi Arabia at the edge of a knife. In addition, no logical options for its prince seeking the king were to make a sharp turn and return to the house of Arabism in a small way. All that remains before him is to ask for forgiveness and forgiveness, to seek reconciliation in Damascus, and to offer public apologies. It must hand over influence and status in Lebanon and Jordan. It is the only logical option. However, the dependence of the Saudi decision on its American and Israeli master prevents this.
In the face of the conflict with Turkey and “Israel”, the Saudi-Egyptian position and the revitalization of the Arab League to reject the Turkish invasion are strong indications in this direction. Nothing but Damascus is capable of sponsoring dialogue and interaction with Iran and the axis of resistance, securing understandings, stopping campaigns and attacks, and rationalizing Saudi Arabia and the sheikhdoms. In addition, if Mohammed bin Salman did it with Syria, the Arabs and the region could enter new paths and a qualitative new era. However, he did not do so. Rather, he chose to continue walking in the footsteps of the American and Zionist through normalization with the usurping enemy.
All of this is pushing Arabia towards an implosion, as all elements are now abundant and are working very quickly.
In fact, we are investigating what the kingdom of sand and oil sheikhdoms have turned into:
The Saudi resistance alliance and its accumulated victories lost its role in leading the Arab and Islamic era. It fails and its influence recedes at lightning speed.
The fact that barbaric terrorism is the epidemic of the times has been revealed. In addition, it is a threat to the humanity of the twenty-first century and its values. It turned out that he was the producer of Wahbi Brothers, and the major responsibility for its production was Saudi Arabia. All of this obliged Saudi Arabia, and under Trump’s pressure, to turn against its Wahhabism. So I worked on an attempt to produce a liberal American Islam and popularize it with what is hostile to the Islam of the Messenger of God, peace be upon him. The openness and abandonment of Islam sought by the Mohammed bin Salman administration is considered an expression of submission and a hasty, forced adaptation attempt. This may result in a deep crisis that will destroy the causes and pillars of the kingdom’s emergence and its long-term stability. The coup against Wahhabism – the Brotherhood is pouring powder on the coals.
– The shift from the oil rent economy to the productive one, and the creation of oases, mega projects, and technology and entertainment cities is not an easy thing. Mohammed bin Salman does not have the elements of this achievement. The NEOM project is in crisis. The sale of Aramco is faltering. And the Saudi budget is deficient, and it is being financed by borrowing and sovereign bonds.
America and the Zionist entity do not serve the sheikhs of oil and sand. They are extorting and imposing royalties. And they plunder the remaining funds and savings. The Gesta law is waiting for its opportunity to confiscate the property, investments and deposits of Saudi Arabia and the sheikhdoms as countries and individuals in banks and international markets.
The facts of the times and the lessons of history do. Whoever wages and is defeated in the great wars of aggression and mercenary will reap wind and collapses.
In fact, the Wahhabi family has squandered all capabilities and capabilities. Saudi Arabia was involved in all wars and was defeated. There will be no serious hope in her future. Rather, the state of retreat, retreat from leadership and inability to cope with the destructive effects will continue. And the reflections of the defeats will appear in the internal structures. The family no longer had supporters, allies, support forces, or elements of a ruling power.
Discussing the issue of the future of Saudi Arabia, the Emirates, and the sheikhdoms draws negative scenarios that range from the following limits:
Retreat and try to save what can be saved is something that is underway today in Yemen and with Iran, Syria and Iraq.
• The sharp turnaround by the abandonment of the American-Israeli. In addition, try to take refuge in the Syrian-Egyptian Arab world and the Russian-Chinese in the world. Moreover, trying to reconcile with Iran. However, sharp turns do not pass without crises. America and “Israel” are ruling powers in the crisis-stricken family structure, institutions and security. The coup is an adventure whose goals may not be achieved.
Surrender to Iran and the resistance alliance, seeking pardon and forgiveness. This is also a risk. Wahhabism and the Brotherhood – ISIS, Al-Nusra, and their sisters are present in the community. It is not easy for a sharp turning step to pass. In addition, it may lead to stormy explosions in the structure of the institution, family, society and its formations.
All options available to the Saudi family and the sheikhdoms of the Gulf are fraught with dangers. In addition, results are not guaranteed. ISIS and the Brotherhood lie in wait. Vertical divisions and sectarian, tribal and regional conflicts are intensifying. The possibilities of an explosion and internal collapse appear to exist. This includes being hit by the affliction that it has tried to impose in Syria, Iraq and Libya. It spreads chaos, disintegration and destruction. Thus, we see the dagger of the aggression against Yemen, has returned to its slaughter.
In any case, the afflicted Saudi family is like the dry tree in the field. It resembles all geography and systems of Sykes-Picot and the Balfour Declaration. Likewise, the contract between Saudi Wahhabism and British intelligence collapses. Its causes and elements of protection have been removed. As for industrialized geography, its era has passed, and time is pressing to restructure the Arabs and the region on new rules and scales resulting from wars and crises. As in Saudi Arabia and the sheikhdoms, so is the case for Lebanon, Jordan, the Kingdom of Morocco and the Zionist entity. In addition, if the transitional period is prolonged and remains in despair, it is because of the Luke warmness of the peasant’s eagerness to uproot it, and the failure of the storm to blow that is responsible for the task. But the act of time and mischief does its act without permission. It is certain that the Saudi family and the sheikhs of the Gulf have lost the ability to act sabotage, lead and initiate, and have been afflicted with what they tried to afflict the resistance alliance and its battlefield with its scourge.
The Corona pandemic caused a devastating affliction in Saudi Arabia, striking it violently and expanding. It lost much of its capabilities, and drained it financially and economically. Saudi Arabia has turned into a country that restores its budgets by raising astronomical prices and imposing more taxes. In addition, the attempt to displace the arrivals began. Her prince, Mohammed bin Salman, has taken on more adventures by antagonizing the family, its sheikhs, and his cousins. The imposition of house arrest and the seizure of their money and savings. Her prince’s delusions in development diminished, and his 2030 advancement plan foiled. Thus, his gigantic project “NEOM” collapsed. Eurobonds and sovereign debt are now financing Saudi budgets.
His foolish adventure in antagonizing Russia in the oil market and dumping it led to the collapse of imports and the pivotal role of Saudi Arabia that strengthened its alliance with America. Its control over OPEC, oil prices, and market dumping turned against Saudi Arabia and its position in the market. Even more important than all of the above, the oil war has placed Saudi Arabia, its regime, and its stability in the eye of the storm. Thus, removing it from the market has become a life need agreed upon by Russia and the Trump administration. The oil price war led to the collapse of the Trump dream of shale oil, and his companies exited the market and declared bankruptcy. Losses exceeding two hundred billion dollars were recorded. The collapse of markets due to the Corona pandemic and the restructuring of economic sectors and fields increased the matter. This boosted the market glut of oil production and liquefied gas replacing oil in many economic sectors. Consequently, the global oil demand escalated, and the oil equation became global.
Moreover, since oil is still one of the main engines of alliances and wars, there is a need to write off one of the major producers. Either getting Russia out of the oil market and this is impossible, or America and Trump getting out of it, and this is the fourth impossible. Alternatively, take Saudi Arabia out of the market, and these are the lesser evils. It is also considered a point of life-benefit agreements between Putinian and Trampine. This explains Trump’s reversal of his alliance with Mohammed bin Salman in the face of the Muslim Brotherhood and Erdogan. Then Trump bets on the Brotherhood and Erdogan to drain Russia in Syria, Iraq, the Caucasus and Libya. Moreover, he began to delegate him to manage wars and fires. That explains why Trump withdrew missile batteries and air defenses from Saudi Arabia and brought back the experts.
And in these developments, the role of Saudi Arabia and its presence in various arenas is declining. It shows its reluctance to deal with its crises, including its attempts to restrain and cool its war in Yemen. And its fear of the Houthis and their missile and airborne weapons is growing.
All that is happening and what will happen indicates one way for Saudi Arabia to protect itself and its family. The solution lies in the Arab approach and begging to restore a strong relationship with Syria and through Egypt to settle its affairs with Iran and the resistance alliance. Without this option, Saudi Arabia is on its way to chaos, destruction and collapse. Detonating it has become an American, Russian and international need in all circumstances and times.
All that was mentioned about Saudi Arabia was also reflected in the Gulf Arab states (sheikhdoms), especially Kuwait and Bahrain, to a greater extent. The discontent and general popular discontent intensified.
This led to resistance, activists and political elites launching the draft Geneva Declaration in 2017. This project aims to transform the sheikhdoms of the Arab Gulf states into constitutional monarchies. Therefore, he announced a road map that constituted a political paper and an integrated project to save the peoples of these countries.
The Gulf peoples ask the resistance axis countries to support their demands and help them in order to achieve this.
• The Islamic Republic of Iran
The strength of resistance and its support and security environment stand up, build and triumph. Iran is in the process of transitioning from strategic defense to strategic attack.
The Islamic Revolution, its developments, and its victory formed a thunderbolt on the heads. It triggered an earthquake that changed what preceded it in Muslim and Arab countries and in the axes of the development of events in the region and the world.
Iran reversed America’s time and its control. It compensated for the collapse of the Soviet Union. In addition, it constituted an alternative to Egypt’s involvement in the project to liquidate the central case. Iran and Syria supported the resistance. In addition, I got involved in the struggle with “Israel” the lesser devil and America the great Satan. Iran resisted steadfastly in the face of an unjust war launched by Saddam Hussein under US and Israeli orders, Gulf funding and European partnership. The republic imposed its sovereign, independent and social options. Moreover, it suffered the most severe and longest unjust siege. In addition, it suffered from provocation attempts and wars on all its fronts and interests. Nevertheless, Iran, in spite of this, has succeeded in creatively building a solid industrial base. It entered the space age and the nuclear club. It has advanced scientifically and technologically, and now occupies the highest ranks with its products and their classification …
Iran negotiated with revolutionary innovation and seized its position, and the world recognized it as it was. It contributed in a very important way to the restoration of the Palestinian cause and the evocation of Jerusalem in the public and popular culture. It also funded, armed and defended the resistance in Lebanon, Palestine, Iraq, and Yemen, and wherever there is need and effort.
Iran maneuvered and did not change its values, constants, slogans and efforts. Moreover, it has put at the disposal of Arabs and Muslims all that it has learned and the experiences, sciences, values and medical, technical and space products it has produced, with advanced weapons. She worked and worked on Islamic unity, and managed the dialogue of sects and sects. Cultures and civilizations continued to have dialogue, confident in themselves, their capabilities and their projects. However, it has not changed or changed in its essence. Rather, Iran faced violence, injustice and severe siege, and preserved its national unity. It also contributed to the development of Asia and the rise of Eurasia, and constituted one of its emerging pillars and axes.
Technology and intelligence have surpassed the risk of being drawn into sectarian wars. It did not allow the nation to split and strife sectarian, sectarian and ethnic. And it has made every effort to support Syria and fight with it firmly and with unity of purpose and destiny. Today, it stands as tall as America, and its plans, strategies, and military build-up in the Gulf, Arab and Muslim countries fail. It was able to respond to aggression in the war of the straits and tankers, and to protect its sovereignty in the air, sea and land by force and with locally manufactured weapons. So it was able to shoot down the best and most expensive American spy planes. Iran does not hesitate and does not accept the resumption of negotiations with the Americans except within the framework of the best relations and the re-application of the nuclear agreement on its terms. Otherwise, it is ready for all possibilities, including responding by force to any aggression that affects it. It is conducting an elaborate and seasoned negotiation with the European Union in an effort to harden it in the face of Trumpian arrogance and aggression and to extract it from the American dictates. It also increases uranium enrichment levels and decides on steps to respond to failure to implement the agreement. And all of this takes place according to her needs, confident, unhurried, conscious, non-neurotic, active, passive.
In its internal structure, Iran has mastered the interaction of its units and sects in a creative revolutionary Islamic spirit. In addition, it succeeded in containing its transformations and employed it in the service of its project and its rise, and its empowerment of its time, its environment, its interests, and its national and regional security.
Iran has adopted the logic of dialogue, interaction, and networking, rather than engagement. Focused on maneuvering the enemy, and protecting the ally and friend. It is considered to be constantly presenting proposals and programs for dialogue and understanding with its surroundings.
In the summary of her experience, she presents a sophisticated model that can be imitated. With patience, perseverance, sacrifice and wisdom, Iran has achieved a vital model of interaction and joint fighting. This contributed to thwarting the plans of the American-Israeli aggression and its alliances. In the darkest circumstances, Iran did not abandon Palestine and Jerusalem, and the goal of its liberation. Likewise, it did not compromise or give up on the support and resistance of the Palestinian people.
Iran continues what it was founded on. It is proud of its achievements, and the precious victories it has achieved as a pivotal partner in the wars of resistance and its achievements. It contributes to the hard and humiliating public confrontations against the aggressions of the Zionist entity and the aggressive US-British harassment. It also creates and shapes a bright future for itself and for the resistance alliance and the nations of the region. It contributes with remarkable efficacy to ripening the conditions for liberating the peoples and nations of the region from submission to the oppressive world powers and their destructive interests. In addition, it will have an effective and qualitative contribution found in what the equations are based on. It will also contribute to the restructuring of systems and geography in the Arabs and the region as a professional maker and victor in the Great World War that is going on in the geography of Arabs and Muslims, and with them, and Iran is at the heart of the act of resistance and making victory.
Contrary to what the aggressive propaganda machine and its institutions are trying to do, Iran is close to lifting the blockade. Moreover, close to obliging the aggressors to retreat and leave. It reasonably secured itself in a deep strategic alliance with Eurasia. It strengthened its trade and economic exchanges with its neighbors. In addition, it succeeds in evading sanctions and pressures to secure its people and their needs with pride and competence, and compensate them for what they deserve.
Iran has achieved a quantum strategic leap by supporting Venezuela with oil derivatives, food relief, and the equipment needed to reform the electricity and oil-refining sector. Its convoys and carriers sailed to the Caribbean, close to America. It broke its hegemony and power in the navy and by the air in the Gulf. It won the tanker and corridor war. Its ships sailed in the Suez Canal, and Syria secured the oil. It offers to secure Lebanon of its food needs, derivatives, electricity, and inter-exchanges in national currencies. Together with Syria, it declared an air defense system to control the sky over the region and beyond. It contracted with China on the reconstruction, advancement and strategic economic and military cooperation. It signed astronomical contracts worth 400 billion dollars to secure China in the economic war with America. And it started the road and belt train sirens and insured itself from penalties and harassment. By doing so, Iran will cut off the road to America and its strategies to confuse it. As America relies on supply and economic crises and limiting oil, food and industrial exports. With practical steps that are specific and specific in their time and enabled, Iran is declaring that it is on the verge of victory. It obeyed the circumstances and the data, and went beyond the plots prepared for it in Iraq, Saudi Arabia and the Gulf Emirates. And it decided on the matter of the internal social tensions that America tried and tried, and they have become immune, but rather an initiative and offensive.
Iran has become a fully-featured, fully-featured, scientific, technological, space and nuclear industrial regional state. It is able and progressing to be at the center of regional transformations and Eurasia projects. It is a partner in establishing the hoped-for regional order and a pivotal partner in reshaping the new world order.
As the state of the resistance and its security, it has established the struggle strategic alliance with Syria and the Arab and Islamic resistance factions active in the battlefields and fields of war. Today, it is able, with Syria, to conduct an interactive dialogue with the Arabs, the Kurds, the Turks, the peoples of Central Asia and the Five Seas countries, to accomplish the mission of expelling and eliminating the Zionist American influence. This is with the aim of establishing understandings and producing a modern, reconciliatory union project between the nations and peoples of the region based on understandings, interaction and exchange of benefits and interests away from aggression and the illusion of domination and subjugation.
Iran scored a great victory in three strategic wars (Tanker War – War of the Seas and Passages – War of Sieges). This increases Iran’s chances and empowerment. It dealt a sophisticated, qualitative and lethal military strike against the American, his military and his technology. It exposed him incapable and unable to fight wars or form international and regional alliances to protect tankers and corridors.
The shooting down of the American spy plane is a very important and semantic event. The liberation of the oil tanker captured in the Strait of Tariq is an important event. In addition to the shifts in Iraq and in the Houthi’s power, additional qualitative elements indicate what Iran has achieved. All of this indicates what it will be as a regional pivotal power and a qualitative reference point in building the future of the region, the Arabs and the world. This increases its transformation into the third platform for the rise of Eurasia.
5- A promising African continent – and the revolutionary republic in South Africa is being strengthened:
We have witnessed a time of collapses and stormy transformations after the fall of the Soviet Union and the disintegration of its system. Peoples movements retreated and national and social liberation. American monopolistic and aggressive liberalism imposed its grip on the world, its mobility, its capabilities, and its economies. The victory of the national liberation, social and sovereign revolution in South Africa, led by Mandela and his comrades in the Congress party and the people’s militants, was also recorded. This victory was demonstrated in the abolition of apartheid and the achievement of creative and historic national reconciliation as a revolutionary model in the interaction of peoples. It has proven its ability to forgive and coexist to produce and shape reality and establish the future. A huge leap was made, and it illuminated the path of liberation movements and the aspiration of nations and peoples for sovereignty and freedom. It was also a ray of hope for the poor, the vulnerable and the marginalized. The revolution confirmed that peoples and their struggle make times, developments and realities. Moreover, it proved that no force will prevent it, no matter how violent and racist. A victory was recorded for the young republic, and its sovereignty, wealth, and socio-economic renaissance was restored. It turned into a leading force in its model for the African continent. In addition, it was an example of its openness and its adoption of the issues of nations and peoples, the question of Palestine, and the right to resistance and liberation. She stood out for her presentation to the global anti-globalization movement. The “Durban” conference witnessed the historic transformation that dropped and exposed the unjust rules and laws of the World Trade Organization.
The Republic of South Africa is a bearer of a project and a catalyst for the liberation of Africa and its interaction with the peoples and nations of its region. It is playing a pivotal and resisting role in reducing the size of the American and European Zionist influence. It seeks to secure Africa in complementary economic relations with it and with Eurasia. In doing so, it is working on the rise of the continent and making it possess the reins of its affairs and can access its enormous wealth.
The Republic of South Africa constitutes an advanced and active axis through the level and level of its relationship with the Resistance Alliance and Eurasia. It thus constitutes a counterpart to what is happening in Asia, the Arabs and the Islamic world. It simulates the attempts to complete regional and global transformations to create a new world. It seeks to make this world free from the domination of aggressive liberalism, its paradigm and its wars. Today, South Africa and the peoples of the continent stand on the lookout for attempts to settle brutal terrorism in their countries to break them up and prevent their liberation and revival. Moreover, just as the resistance, alliance has triumphed, and the factories of terrorism and its big industry have defeated America and “Israel” and their allies, and defeated the little savage terrorism, so will Africa and its people succeed.