Annex to the strategic document of the Arab and Islamic gathering in support of the choice of resistance

Annex to the strategic document of the Arab and Islamic gathering in support of the choice of resistance
And the global gathering in support of the choice of resistance.
Summary of the repercussions of the events between September 2020 to June 2021.
Beirut 29-6-2021
The crucial events and developments witnessed in the year 2020 and the first half of 2021 confirmed the analysis and solid and fixed data of the strategic document that dealt with the reality and its transformations with accurate objective scientific methodologies and established its conclusions and vision for current and future transformations and the detailed control of global and regional transformations in the foundational nature for a new world multipolar.
2020 began its first month with a US aggression through which the Trump administration tried to present America as a capable entity when it dared to assassinate the commander of the Quds Force openly at Baghdad airport. The resistance and its allies decided to confront and start coordinating the attacks, and the resistance factions announced that their response would begin America’s withdrawal from Syria and Iraq as a prelude to withdrawing from the region .
The past year witnessed rounds of harsh confrontation. Iran shot down an American spy drone, which is the most expensive, most important and most advanced in the American arsenal. It won the corridor and tanker wars and followed them in the war of ships with the Zionist entity and the wars of fires and cyber wars.
While America was being defeated in the region and inflicting huge losses, the US elections were stormy and tense, the details of which revealed what America had reached in terms of aging, disability, and structural crises. The American social structure and the increase in the levels of crises and tensions made many experts and researchers expect the states to fragment themselves and the collapse. This was confirmed by Putin before his meeting with Biden, saying; America is following in the footsteps of the Soviet Union on the eve of its collapse.
Eurasia quickly ascended, and Russia and China formed an international rival in the face of America and the Atlantic, and made qualitative economic and political leaps and advanced in arms manufacturing, outperforming America and the West. What was the price of the American economic, diplomatic and cyber war with China and Russia? Biden declared that they are the first enemy of America and its hegemony. The two countries responded seriously and offensively and increased the elements of their strength and presence and declared readiness for any confrontation and at all levels.
The Biden administration tried to put pressure on Russia in Kara Bach and Crimea, with Ukraine and Belarus, and in its internal structure with Navalny, so Russia mobilized and demonstrated its strength and the US attempts failed, forcing Biden to apologize for offensive words to Putin and then request a summit with him that changed its image and established the facts of the imbalance of power in favor of Eurasia.
The Lebanese crisis exploded as a storm on November 17, 2019, revealing the fall and bankruptcy of the regime and a crisis of governance, leading to failure in the US and Western efforts to invest in these failures to besiege the resistance and its choices. The explosion of the Port of Beirut and the collapse of the banking sector added new facts and data that confirm what the document went to early on that Lebanon is in chaos and that the geography if the Arabs is being restructured with new regimes.
Syria achieved its constitutional entitlement efficiently, regularly, and with overwhelming joy. It blessed President al-Assad as the leader of the era of national salvation and revival. He led the Arabs to renew their national project and modernize it for the resurrection of the nation and its return to history and geography as an institution in both the region and the new world.
Major altering wars have been affecting the world since the October War of 1973 until today, changing the geography of the Arabs and Muslims, alongside overthrowing American hegemony and unipolar status, and giving our nation and the peoples a chance to be victorious, to rise, lead and rule.
Iran subjugated the US and the Biden administration and obliged it to return to the nuclear negotiations as per Iran’s terms and rules. It did not accept any US dictates. It completed its victories and supremacy with its alliance in heading east and reducing the war of blockade. Its ships and destroyers reached the coasts of Venezuela in the Atlantic and South America. It accomplished its presidential election as best as possible and secured the control of the Iranian patriots and sovereigns over the joints of the state and completely broke the reformist team and its projects of pushing Iran to liberalization, so Iran secured itself and renewed its project and its Islamic Republic.
Ansarullah in Yemen excelled and fought the battle of patience, steadfastness and defensiveness and moved to the offensive and achieved victories in all battle fronts, the most important of which was the qualitative superiority in the weaponry of drones and ballistic missiles, obligating Muhammad bin Salman to negotiate with Iran under fire and severe attrition and on the promise of victories to stop the war and break the siege and break the forces and states of aggression to write the history of a new future for Yemen, Mecca, Hijaz and the Gulf, and the matter is still proceeding in an elaborate and creative manner.
Palestine surprised the world and changed the bases of the balance of power in the Arab-Zionist conflict when the youth of Palestine in the 1948 occupied territories joined forces and imposed their agenda and the logic of confrontation from Bab al-Amud, Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood, Silwan and AlQuds, where their steadfastness and their legendary resistance led to armed confrontations that Gaza which initiated the battle of the sword of AlQuds.
As a result, he West Bank rose up, Palestine united with the resistance and wiped out 72 years of shame, conspiracy, betrayal, negligence, settlements, normalization, and alliance with the Zionist entity. The “deal of the century” was dropped and the cause returned to its core: the cause of a united people and a national, liberating humane cause. It brought back the core of the centuries-old conflict between the West and the East, to sweep up the plots of Sykes-Picot, the Balfour Declaration, and the contract between the British and the Wahhabi and Saudi families.
Although the Biden administration was assigned by the globalization lobby to stop Trump’s projects, which represented the American lobby for US withdrawal from the region and the world, solid ruling facts and qualitative variables generated by the Arab and Muslim resistance all forced Biden to adopt Trump’s options and announced the acceleration of the withdrawal from Afghanistan and the withdrawal of THAAD and Patriot batteries and military forces from Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia And Jordan while previously withdrawing 120 officers and experts from the Zionist entity during the Seif al-Quds operation, which brought down Netanyahu and is currently restructuring the Zionist entity in violation of the usual obligations of the US towards the entity that usually comes on the form of deploying soldiers, airlifting weapons, ammunition, tank crews and war planes.
In a nutshell, everything that the strategic document dealt with, predicted and concluded, events and data advanced to confirm it, including the impact, results, and transformations that the Corona pandemic drew, proving that the US, the West, and its brutal liberalism are on the verge of demise. While the model of Asia and the social states that did not respond to the pressures of liberalization, savage globalization, and dependency on the aggressive and arrogant US imperialism, succeeded and resisted the US projects and brought them down with fire and blood.
In conclusion
The predictions of the Arab and Islamic Gathering have been confirmed by world events: the axis of the world has tilted towards the east irreparably and now evident.
The end of the imperialist hegemony of the West led by the United States has now become a reality, and if its arrogance is still expressed, it only represents the last upheavals of a declining power which seeks to perpetuate its absurd way of supremacy which lasted only ten years after the collapse of the Soviet Union.
In addition, undermined from within by the ferments of division that threatens the bursting of exacerbated racism, bankruptcy of its administration and its electoral system, fiercely divided society and abysmal debt. The United States, even if it remains a important economic, financial, technological and military power, must now agree to share with other powerful nations such as China, Russia and their allies the management of world affairs, especially as they are overwhelmed by them in several areas , particularly at the technological level.
An all-out war to try to prevent this outcome is impossible because of the nuclear reality, they will have to agree to put an end to their policy of pressure, oppression and inhuman sanctions against the peoples who successfully resist them elsewhere.
The European Union of Brussels, bridgehead of the strategy of the United States in the European continent, in turn shows clear signs of the revolt of the peoples against this vassalage which prevented the creation of an independent European power where everything indicates that its future lies in an understanding and cooperation with its immense European and Asian neighbor: Russia. The inversion of values, specific to this imperialism, has destroyed many countries of the European and Asian world in the name of good feelings such as human rights, the duty to protect, or democracy, organizing color revolutions and military interventions against countries refusing to submit.
The Resistance has proven not only its resilience, but its ability to impose the defeat of imperialism, strengthening cooperation between all countries of the world who want to decide their own destinies.
These cooperations go beyond races, religions and borders to impose a new world order of respect for peoples, their cultures and their sovereignties and seeking partnership and networking, and not hegemony and confrontation.
General secretary of the gathering
Dr Yehia Ghaddar