Statement concerning the work of the General Conference of the Arab and Islamic Gathering in support of the Choice of resistance, through which was announced the transformation into the “Global Gathering in Support of the Choice of resistance

Statement concerning the work of the General Conference of the Arab and Islamic Gathering in support of the Choice of resistance, through which was announced the transformation into the “Global Gathering in Support of the Choice of resistance.”
At four o’clock in the afternoon on Saturday, July 10, 2021, the organizational general conference of the Arab and Islamic Gathering was held to support the choice of resistance, via Zoom platform.
The conference opened with the assembly anthem and then Al-Fatihah for the spirit of the leader Ahmed Jibril and for the souls of all the martyrs of the nation, the resistance and the free people of the world.
The Secretary-General of the assembly briefed the conference about the activities and work initiated during the past period and the results of its deliberations with the branches of the Gathering and its members all over the world and where all the branches and members are spread, and presented the reasons that prevented the conference from being held on time, and the necessity to hold it via Zoom, then the agenda was followed and the process of electing the bodies according to the internal system was completed in a democratic and transparent manner.
Dr. Yahya Ghaddar was unanimously elected Secretary-General of the Gathering, as well as the Assistant General Secretaries and then the Executive Office.
The general conference was concluded after completing its agenda and various matters were discussed with the participation of everyone where the views and speeches of the participants were heard.
Conference agenda;
First, amend the statute:
(Link of the Objectives and amended articles of the statute is attached)
According to Article Eleven: The amended statute was approved and ratified.
1- Some points have been amended in the statute, which are:
a- Changing the name to:
The Global Gathering in support of the choice of Resistance
b- Amending the number of assistant secretaries-general to become 4 members instead of 3, by adding a fourth from a country outside the Arab and Islamic nation so that the global dimension of the assembly is embodied.
c- Amending the number of members of the executive body to a total of 20, and with the secretary, the number becomes 21, that is, an increase of 5 members representing the association’s branches in Europe, Asia, Africa and the Americas.
d- The eighth article of the basic system has been amended: by establishing the assembly’s board of trustees, which consists of official political actors, heads of parties, unions, syndicates, and representatives of the resistance factions.
2- The strategic document of the Gathering with the annex was unanimously adopted.
(Attached is the strategic document link and the document annex link)
3- Candidacy according to the statute states that any candidate must be a general coordinator in his country.
The results of the electoral process were unanimous as follows:
🔸️Secretary General: Dr. Yahya Ghaddar (Lebanon)
🔸️Assistant Secretaries General:
– Dr. Abdul Hamid Dashti: Former Chairman of the Parliamentary Committee for Human Rights in Kuwait. President of the International Council for Fair Trial and Human Rights in Geneva.
– Former MP Dr. Gamal Zahran (Egypt) and President of the Arab Association for Political Science.
– Dr. Ali Akbar Barati: Public Relations Officer at the Islamic Awakening Conference (Tehran)
-Academic, writer and strategic thinker, Dr. Tim Anderson (Australia)
🔸️Election of the executive body of the general coordinators:
-Academic and activist Paul Laroude: United States of America
-A. Nicola Hodwa: Journalist and geopolitical analyst for several media channels in Latin America. Chile
-General Alan Corvez: Head of the Center for Independent International Strategic Consulting. France
-Journalist and activist. Roberta Revolta: Italy
– Mpo Mosemala, Head of the National Bureau of the Association of Former Political Prisoners: South Africa
– Prof. Mohamed Wuld Vall: Head of the Mauritanian Welfare Party
– Writer and thinker Dr. Idris Hani: Morocco
-Deputy Dr. Ali Rabij: Member of Parliament for the National Liberation Front Party and professor of political sciences and international relations at the National High School of Political Sciences, Algieria.
– Prof. Zuhair Hamdi: Secretary General of the Popular Movement in Tunisia
-Sheikh Dr. Youssef Al-Nasiri: Chairman of the Trustees of the National Council of Religions in Iraq
-Member of Parliament Dr. Nidal Ammar: Syria
-Mr. Ihsan Ataya: Head of the Islamic Jihad Movement in Lebanon
– Mr. Muhammad Sharif Jayyousi: Secretary-General of the Association of Jordanian Media and Intellectuals for Syria (Isnad) Jordan
– Mr. Muhammad Saleh Al-Nuaimi: Member of the Supreme Political Council in Yemen
-Dr. Shafqat Shirazi: External Relations Officer in the Muslim Unity Council Party – Pakistan
🔸️Secretary: Academic Dr. Qaiser Mustafa
– Media Committee official: writer and strategic thinker, Dr. Michael Awad
– Head of the International Law and International Relations Committee: Academic Dr. Hassan Joni
– Financial Committee: Mr. Reda Younes
-Organizing Committee: Academic Dr. Muhammad Hamdan, leader in the Lebanese People’s Congress and head of the Abna’ al-Arqoub and Shebaa Farms Authority
🔸️All candidates were unanimously approved by all the general coordinators in all the branches of the assembly without exception 46 general coordinators, and they are as follows:
🔸️All elected coordinators
(21 coordinators)
🔸️All the other general coordinators (25 coordinators), and the following are their names:
-Engineer Saleh Al Jarmozi – Qatar
– Consultant, writer and journalist Ali bin Masoud Al-Ma’ashni, Muscat, Oman
-Dr. Fouad Ibrahim: (Director of Al-Naba TV) Saudi Arabia
– Mr. Ibrahim Al-Madhoun: a leader in Al-Wefaq Islamic Society in Bahrain
-Dr. Amer Ramadan Abu Dawiya Professor of political science at the University of Tripoli and head of the Nasserite National Conservative Party – Libya
– Activist Sheikh Idris Abdel Qader Ayes Abdel Qader. Sudan
– Mr. Ibrahim Saleh Hamid: Leader of the Eritrean opposition.
– Former Minister Ibrahim Sheikh Hassan Ibrahim Ghor and head of the Sufi Council in Somalia.
-Imam Sheikh Abd al-Salam al-Asmar Malam Kaprou: Nigeria
-Sheikh Ali Ngai: Gambia
-Imam Muhammad Yang. Head of the Council of Ahl al-Bayt Scholars in Senegal.
-Fighting journalist Fra Hughes: Ireland
– Union leader Dr. Ali Mallah: Canada
– Mr. Khaled Al-Saadi: President of the Palestinian Diaspora Association and the Returning Association in Sweden.
– Mr. Jamal Ahmed: The Netherlands.
-Mr. Ibrahim Ismail: Denmark.
– Ibrahim Ibrahim Germany
– Dr. Muhammad Al-Noamani: the official spokesman for the forces of the Southern Revolutionary Movement in Yemen in the United Kingdom.
-Academic Dr. Ahmed Al-Zein, Deputy Coordinator
– Mr. Tariq Abu Bassam: President of the Conference of the Palestinian Community in the Czech Republic
– Activist Sahar Al-Haddad: Mexico
– Journalist and activist Susan Khalil: Venezuela.
-Journalist and activist. Lisandro Brusco: Argentina.
Academic, journalist, and activist writer – Dr. Hosni Mahly. Turkey
– Dr. Wael Awad: Academic, writer, journalist and Secretary General of the Arab and Indian Intellectuals Forum. India
The conference thanked the participation of a member of the General Secretariat of the Gathering, Mr. Qassem Saleh, Secretary General of the General Conference of Arab Parties.
And thanks to the brothers and sisters of the members of the Board of Trustees of the Global Gathering in Support of the Choice of Resistance:
-Mohamed Mahmoud Refaat, head of the Nasserist National Accord Party in Egypt
– Prof. Nour Al-Huda Zaki, member of the Executive Office of the Nasserite Party. Egypt
-Mr Mohamed El-Nimr, a leader in the Executive Office of the Nasserite Party. Egypt
– Abu Kifah Dabour, the official in charge of the Popular Front, the General Command in Lebanon.
-Ali Faysal, head of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine in Lebanon
-Academic Dr. Faouzi Boudaka, Professor of Urban Planning at Houari Boumediene University in Algeria
-Lawyer Ammar Khababa, a leader in the National Forces for Reform in Algeria
-Academic Dr. Moulay Mohamed Tayeb Boumdjout, Professor at the University of Tlemcen, Algeria
– Prof. Muhammad Husayn Othman PanArab Activist – Somalia.
– We also thank the participation of Dr. Amal Wahdan, a member of the Global Gathering to Support the Choice of Resistance from occupied Palestine
🔸️The Conference unanimously recommended by its members;
1- Supporting the peoples of the Arab and Islamic nation and the free people of the world in resisting American imperialism, Zionism and its corrupt creation, the Zionist entity and its tools of Arab reactionionaries, who normalized ties and allied itself with this entity
2- Emphasis on adherence to the assembly’s objectives and statutes, the assembly’s strategic document and the annex to the document, while emphasizing that they are the only documents that the assembly adopts and is held accountable for and has no organizational or political relationship with any other documents
3- Establishing a framework for Palestine that includes all the Palestinian factions, forces, bodies and gatherings that fall under the banner of the assembly, in order to activate the work to support the resistance of the Palestinian people in confronting the occupation in historical Palestine and in the diaspora, under the supervision of the General Coordinator for Palestine and member of the executive body of the assembly, Mr. Ihsan Ataya.
4- Establishing a framework for the assembly’s coordinators in the Gulf region to activate communication and joint struggle, under the supervision of the Assembly’s Assistant Secretary-General, former MP Dr. Abdul Hamid Dashti.
5- Giving importance to the African continent in all its activities, especially the “Horn of Africa region and the Red Sea Basin” under the supervision of the General Secretary of the Gathering in order to follow the Zionist infiltration in normaling Gulf states through information and preparation of studies.
6-The Conference also stressed on confronting American imperialism and Zionism and supporting the choice of resistance in all parts of the world, where there is occupation, arrogance, sanctions, siege on peoples, and external interference.
The resistance has demonstrated not only its resilience, but its ability to impose defeat upon imperialism, and to promote cooperation among all the nations of the world that want to decide their own fate.
This cooperation transcends races, religions and borders to impose a new world order that respects peoples, their cultures and sovereignty, and seeks partnership and networking, not hegemony and confrontation.
Therefore, the conference confirmed the activation of the global framework and participation in international forums. This is to be done through the general coordinators of the Gathering in these countries, under the supervision of the assistant general secretary of the assembly, Dr. Tim Anderson, in cooperation with the Assistant Secretary-General, Dr. Abdul Hamid Dashti, through his presidency of the International Council for Fair Trial and Human Rights in Geneva.
May you always be an asset to struggle and give sacrifices. Victory for the axis of resistance in all parts of the world. Glory and eternity to the martyrs of the resistance.
We extend our sincere thanks, appreciation, and gratitude to everyone who took part in making this conference a success and we mention in particular Dr. Marwa Osman, university professor, writer, media persona and member of the Global Gathering in Support of the Choice of Resistance, who presented professional interpretation from English to Arabic and vice versa during the entire 4-hour conference.المؤتمر-التنظيمي-التأسيسي-للتجمع-الع/
Beirut, Lebanon
July 12, 2021
The secretariat of the global Gathering to support the choice of resistance