The Global Gathering in Support of the Option of Resistance, condemns the cowardly assassination that targeted journalist and philosopher Daria Dugina

The Global Gathering in Support of the Option of Resistance, condemns the cowardly assassination that targeted journalist and philosopher Daria Dugina.

This assassination demonstrates the conspiring and brutal aggression that the United States reinforces, to harasss Russia and incite its agents and tools pushing them to go to war against Russia with the mercenaries and Nazi factions in Ukraine and Europe and mobilize the remnants of the mercenaries it had utilized them in Syria, Libya, Iraq snd Yemen.

The targeting of security and stability in Russia and its cities, and the attack on intellectual and media figures of the struggle, demonstrates the level of bankruptcy reached by the the US aggression and its dirty tools.

The Global Gathering expresses its condolences to the Russian people and the leadership, as well as offering its condolences to the philosopher and thinker Alexander Dugin on the loss of his beloved daughter, and wishes him and the Russian people pride and well-being.

Dr yehia Ghaddar

Secretary-General of the Global Gathering

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