The global gathering in support of the choice of resistance Gathering Headquarters Activities

The global gathering in support of the choice of resistance
Gathering Headquarters Activities
The gathering launched the “AlQuds week, which will be held in more than 30 countries” on the occasion of International AlQuds Day and in solidarity and support for the Palestinian people’s uprising.
On 11/4/2/23, the Global Gathering in Support of the Choice of Resistance launched, from its main headquarters in Beirut, the Lebanese capital, AlQuds Week, which will be held in more than 30 countries “on the occasion of International Quds Day and in solidarity and support for the uprising of the Palestinian people”.
The Gathering hosted, via Zoom, the President of the International Federation of Resistance Scholars, His Eminence Sheikh Maher Hammoud, and on campus His Excellency the former Minister, Dr. Issam Noman – Coordinator of the National Movement for Democratic Change, and the former Representative, Hajj Hassan Hoballah, responsible for Palestinian relations in Hezbollah, attended the gathering center, with the participation of representatives of Lebanese and Palestinian forces, parties, and factions, in the presence of international, Arab, and Islamic academic, political, and cultural figures and events.
After listening to the Lebanese and Palestinian national anthems, the meeting was initiated by the Secretary General of the Gathering, Dr. Yahya Ghaddar, by holding a minute of silence in mourning for the soul of Imam Khomeini and the souls of the nation’s righteous martyrs, welcoming the honorable guests in the center and via Zoom from different countries:
Speech of the General Secretary of the Gathering Dr. Yahya Ghaddar.
Some of the words of the gentlemen participating in the center:
Those who spoke at the gathering’s headquarters :
Dr. Issam Noman
General Coordinator of the National Movement for Democratic Change
Hajj Hassan Hobballah
Official of Palestinian Relations in Hezbollah
Ihsan Ataya
Member of the Political Bureau and official of the Islamic Jihad Movement in Lebanon, General Coordinator of Palestine in the Gathering
Ali Faisal
Member of the Political Bureau, official of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine in Lebanon, and Vice President of the Palestinian National Council
Abu Kifah Dabour
Official of the Popular Front General Command in Lebanon
Brother Haitham Abdo
Official of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine in Lebanon
Harby Khalil
The leader of the Palestinian Ansarullah movement
Ramzi Dasoum
Responsible for political relations with the national parties and Palestinian factions
Attorney Sameh Mahdi
The Law of the Supreme Council of the Syrian Social Nationalist Party
Those who spoke through Zoom:
Sheikh Maher Hammoud
President of the International Federation of Resistance Scientists
Dr. Abdul Hamid Dashti – Kuwait
Assistant Secretary-General of the Gathering and President of the International Council for the Support of Fair Trial and Human Rights in Geneva
Dr. Jamal Zahran
Assistant Secretary General of the Gathering and General Coordinator of the Gathering in Cairo.
President of the Arab Society for Political Science
Dr Tim Anderson
General Coordinator of the gathering in Australia
Dr. Nidal Ammar
General Coordinator of the Gathering in the Syrian Arab Republic and a deputy in the People’s Assembly
Dr. Paul Larodie video
General Coordinator of the gathering in the United States
Lisandro Brusco
General Coordinator of the gathering in Argentina
Mr. Dr. Shafqat Shirazi, General Coordinator of the Gathering in Pakistan and the External Relations Officer of the Muslim Unity Council in Pakistan
Dr. Firas Al-Shaarani
General coordinator of the Gathering in Spain
Dr. Ali Batwala
Secretary General of the Social Democratic Vanguard Party in Morocco
Dr. Idris Al-Hani
General Coordinator of the Gathering in Morocco
Dr. Mohamed Boukrita, member of the founding body of the association in Algeria
Judge Nayla Himer, member of the founding body of the association in Algeria
Dr. Amer Bawdaweya
General Coordinator of the Gathering in Libya
Zuheir Hamdi
General coordinator of the Gathering in Tunisia and Secretary General of the Popular Movement in Tunisia
Arnold August
Member of the Gathering in Canada.
Dr. Yahya Ghaddar’s speech on the occasion of International Quds Day, April 11, 3023
In the name of God, the most gracious, the most merciful
Dear brothers and sisters.
We meet today on an occasion dear to our hearts.
Al-Quds is the core and foundation of the conflict, and Palestine is the central issue of the nation and the title of its renaissance or backwardness.
Al-Quds, on its international day launched by the historical leader, Ruhollah Imam Khomeini Q.S., appears more and more and occupies hearts and minds.
In its uprising, the struggle of the Palestinian people and its armed revolution, it presents lessons in jihad and struggle in the face of the most oppressive enemy, occupation, settler and eradication.
AlQuds, Al-Aqsa, and the nation’s most precious sanctities are exposed to aggression and attempts to Judaize, and frantic attempts are being made to desecrate and seize them by force and injustice.
In the current time, AlQuds has men, mujahideen, armies, and countries that have prepared and secured weapons, prepared men and capabilities, and the axis of resistance has become the driving force of events and the maker of developments.
The International Quds Day launched by Imam Khomeini, and Iran made the revolution for AlQuds a main force, and its leaders presented martyrs in the fields. With the blessings of their blood and souls and the accumulated victories achieved, Quds Day became a global day celebrated by peoples all over the world as a whole. To separate between right and wrong, between faith and unbelief, between colonialism and liberation. And AlQuds became an unsheathed sword, which Gaza wielded, and a solid shield on the shore of resistance and sacrifices, and fists raised on all fronts in support and preparation for the battle to liberate AlQuds. To be or not to be, but rather the future of the world and its new order that is being generated from the sacrifices and victories of the axis of resistance.
The historical importance of Al-Quds Day increases with what has been achieved and what the axis has prepared for the liberation of AlQuds and all of Palestine. The liberation war has begun and the unity of the squares has been achieved. Today, on the occasion of International Al-Quds Day, the unity of the fronts is achieved.
The unity of the arenas and the unity of the fronts is considered a hyper-strategic shift, dropping normalization, deals, and exposing the usurper entity to its crises and accelerating their explosion. “All of us, Arabs, Muslims, Christians and free people in the world, must assume our historical responsibilities by supporting the ongoing war of liberation, which makes the liberation of AlQuds an immediate and feasible goal. We will pray behind the leaders of the resistance in the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque and soon, God willing.
Oh AlQuds, we are coming and soon the banner of victory and liberation will be held.
By the way, The branches of the global gathering in more than 30 countries will hold seminars and meetings and participate in demonstrations.