Objectives and Rules of Procedure of the Global Gathering to support the choise of resistance .

Objectives and Rules of Procedure of the Global Gathering to support the choise of resistance .
1 – Supporting the choice of resistance and spreading the culture of resistance and translating its action into an advanced and developed project in the world The fields of thought, education, law, media, politics, sociology and economics.
2 – Building bridges of interaction and communication over the area of the Arab and Islamic nation and the free people of the world, on the basis of supporting the option of resistance with the aim of liberating the occupied lands and bringing about qualitative change at the internal level and building the national state on the basis of dialogue, awareness and knowledge.
3- Unifying efforts and capabilities and investing all possibilities for the confrontation battle, the struggle for existence and the common destiny against the savage imperialism and the American Zionist-Zionist takfiri enemy by various
means of resistance.
4- Emphasizing that Palestine is the first central issue for the Arabs, Muslims and free people of the world,
and surely the option of resistance is the only option to liberate the whole of the Palestinian territory from the sea to the river, and for the refugees’ right to return.
5 – Work to abolish all humiliating agreements with the Zionist enemy and reject the principle of settlements based on concessions and compromising the constants and the policy of abandonment of land, people, sacred places and rights.
6- Work to purify the atmosphere and settle the differences between the components of Arab and Islamic societies on the basis of a constructive dialogue, a commitment to the choice of resistance, respect for human rights and social justice.
7 – Activate national, Islamic and international efforts to support the resistance in Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Yemen and in all arenas of the world away from sectarianism, faction and fanaticism.and work towards developing comprehensive modernization programs to achieve the common goals of the Arab and Islamic nation and the free peoples of the world.
8- Support protest movements and liberate freedoms while ensuring not to fall into the ambushes of soft war and “creative chaos” supported by the American-Zionist project Takfiri and its Arab reactionary tools, which recruit imbeciles and tyrants in the name of human rights to produce sectarian, ethnic and other wars to the detriment of the unity, sovereignty, independence and security of nations in order to ensure the security of the usurping Zionist entity .
9- Confront the colonial plots against the Islamic nation and the free peoples of the world, in particular the threats of American, Zionist and Arab aggression against Iran which supports the resistance, and reject all attempts to market it as an enemy Arabs in place of the Zionist enemy.
10- Full coordination with the free peoples of the world and with all countries facing the imperialist US-Zionist aggression in the world,
Especially in Latin America, Africa and Asia.
Rules of Procedure
“The International Gathering to Support the Choice of Resistance”: An Arab, Islamic and international Gathering, accommodating all figures and activists who believe and support the choice of resistance, and are anti-imperialist and anti-Zionist.”
First – The Membership of the Gathering
Article One – Membership Application:
Every citizen who believes and supports the choice of resistance, in any Arab or Islamic country or in any country in the world, has the right to membership in the Gathering.
Article Two – Membership Conditions:
A- Approval of the principles and objectives of the Gathering.
B- Commitment to implement the decisions and recommendations of the Gathering and defend its goals,principles and entity.
c- Obligation to pay the financial contribution.
Article Three – Termination of Membership and Suspension:
A- Membership ends in the Gathering, if the member submits his resignation.
B- The Secretary General or the executive body freezes the membership of anyone who deviates from the principles and objectives of the Gathering,and everyone who doesn’t defend them and who does not face any insult to the Gathering entity, after verifying that, and takes the final decision to terminate membership or to cancel the suspension decision by the executive body at its next meeting of the suspension.
Second – Gathering Formations
The Gathering consists of:-
Branches: It is the responsibility of the general coordinator of each arena to work hard to establish a branch in that arena, and membership is accepted under the conditions: membership of the Gathering “Article One, Two and Three of the Rules of Procedure.” This is done every three years.
– The general coordinator of the elected branch shall be a member of the Gathering’s general secretariat.
If he is unable to participate for any reason, his deputy shall perform all his duties and represent him in the meetings of the General Secretariat.
The Conference: It is considered the supreme body of the Gathering, and it includes the Gathering’s general assembly.
– The General Secretariat: constitutes the supreme authority of the Gathering.
– The Executive Board: It consists of 15 members chosen from among the members of the General Secretariat, in addition to the Secretary-General and the four assistant secretaries-general, and the Secretary. The number of the executive leadership of the Gathering becomes 21 members.
Article Four – The General Assembly of the Conference:
a- The General Gathering shall consist of the General Secretariat and the participants in the conference.
b- The attending members of the branches, guests as observers, and others at the invitation of the Secretary-General shall participate in the work of the conference.
c- The conference is held periodically, once every three years, at the invitation of the Secretary-General, and the quorum consists of the majority of the members present. The attendance shall not be less than one third of the members of the General Secretariat.
d- The conference may be held on an exceptional basis, at the invitation of one third of the members of the General Secretariat, in a letter submitted to the Secretary of the Executive Board.
e- The Secretary-General presides over the conference and appoints two rapporteurs for the conference from the General Gathering.
f- Tasks of the conference:
- Adoption of the conference agenda by the majority of the participants from the General Secretariat.
- Approval of the statute and any amendments thereto by a majority of the participants from the General Secretariat.
- Discussing the general policy and action plan submitted by the Secretary-General, and approving the amendments.
- Discussing the outgoing budget and the budget proposed by the General Secretariat.
Article Five – The General Secretariat:
1- Each arena must elect a general coordinator for the branch and a deputy for it, one of whom will be a member of the Gathering’s general secretariat. And that within the General Secretariat a member from each participating country, so the number of members of the General Secretariat coincides with the number of branches that make up the Gathering.
2- The General Secretariat is formed from the general coordinators of the arena, and in the absence of the General Coordinator of the branch, his deputy shall deputize for him in the meetings of the General Secretariat or the executive body if the general coordinator is also a member of the executive body.
3- In the arena represented by only one member, he shall be legally a member of the General Secretariat and shall be considered the general coordinator of the arena.
4- In the event that there is no coordinator for a certain arena, and more than one member from the same arena is present, a general coordinator and a deputy on his behalf will be elected by the members present from the same arena, and if this is not possible, they are elected by the general secretariat of the conference.
5- Regarding the arenas not represented in the Gathering, the first affiliated member of the Gathering from this arena is considered its general coordinator and a member of the general secretariat.
6- The general secretariat elects a general secretary and four assistants (assistant general secretary), provided that the four candidates are coordinators of their arenas.
7- The Secretary-General and one of the Assistant Secretaries-General may not be from the same arena.
8- The General Secretariat shall supervise the work of gathering between two regular sessions of the Conference.
9- The Secretary General shall supervise and lead the General Secretariat and the Executive Office and preside over all their meetings
10- The general secretariat meets periodically, once a year, or at the request of the executive body of the Gathering, and the quorum consists of the majority of the members.
11- The Secretary-General, with the assistance of the General Secretariat, prepares the work of the conference, both ordinary and exceptional, and is responsible for following up the implementation of the decisions and policies of the conference and supervising the work of the specialized committees and the administrative body of the Gathering. The general framework set by the conference.
12- The decisions of the General Secretariat shall be binding on the executive body, and its decisions shall remain valid until the convening of the General Conference.
Article Six – The Executive Body:
A- It is the executive leadership of the Gathering, consisting of 15 members who are elected from among the members of the general secretariat, to whom the general secretary is added, and the four assistant secretaries-general and the secretary make the number of executive leadership 21 members.
B- It holds a meeting once every three months, and in case it is not possible to attend the meeting, it is held through social media (via Skype or Zoom).
C- It conducts the daily work of the Gathering, coordinates its activities, follows up on assignments, and submits its reports to the General Secretariat on the progress of work during its periodic meetings.
d- The executive body assigns a number of members of the Gathering “provided that they are from the same field as the elected Secretary-General and their assignment ends with the expiration of the time period of the General Secretariat”, in order to perform specific tasks, and each of them has the right to establish a team, to be used by members of the Gathering, according to the requirements of the Gathering Work, under the supervision and coordination of the executive body, as follows:-
(1) Regulatory Officer:
– He shall form a general organizing committee to supervise the organizational work plan and in all places where the Gathering is spread, and it shall be under the supervision of the Gathering’s Secretary-General.
– Searches for the formation of a branch of the Gathering in every square it deems appropriate, after the approval of the Secretary-General.
(2) Information Officer:
– He undertakes the formation of a media office consisting of media competencies from inside and outside the Gathering, and it will be under the supervision of the Gathering’s Secretary-General.
– Supervising the tasks of media activity, issuing political statements of the Gathering, holding press conferences when necessary, and everything related to interaction with events, after consulting with the Secretary-General.
– Supervising the association’s website, technically and editorially.
– He supervises the reactivation of the monthly magazine speaking on behalf of the Gathering, under the name (The Choice of Resistance).
(3) International Relations Officer:
– He forms an international relations committee, composed of a number of prominent Arab, Islamic and international figures; It is under the supervision of one of the assistant secretaries-general.
– He organizes basic activities around the resistance and the means of its support, protection and preservation of its arms, and exposes the means of imperialism and Zionism, as these activities are launched in more than one Arab, Islamic and international country at the same time – if possible -.
– Coordinating relations with international bodies.
(4) Financial Officer:
It is under the direct supervision of the Gathering’s secretary general and performs the following tasks:
– Supervising and regulating income and expenditure.
– Organizes and audits the collection of subscriptions and donations.
– Supervises the organization of exchange according to the established budget.
(5) Legal Officer:
One of the assistant secretaries-general supervises the legal committee that was formed under the name “Resisting Jurists Committee” in 2015, consisting of the commission’s coordinator and Arab, Islamic and international legal figures, and it cooperates with some personalities and legal bodies in Europe and the world.
One of the commission’s tasks is to provide legal studies to expose the practices of some regimes that commit crimes against humanity and violate international humanitarian law, including terrorist groups and their supporters and the Zionist entity, in coordination with international human rights organizations to file cases before the competent international judiciary against those who commit these crimes, states and individuals.
– Among its tasks is also to prepare studies on the legitimacy of the resistance, especially in Lebanon, Palestine, Iraq, Yemen and where there is any occupation, and to defend the countries that support the axis of resistance and opposition, as well as to confront the printing states and allied with the Zionist enemy, in all possible forms.
Article Seven – Secretary of the Executive Board:
– Prepares and organizes meetings of the General Secretariat and the Executive Body alike.
– Follows up the daily work progress, and other assignments, and coordinates between the various activities of the Gathering.
– Submits reports on the activities of the Gathering to the executive body and meetings of the general secretariat.
– He is elected by the General Secretariat at the conference, provided that he is a member of the Gathering and from the arena of the elected Secretary-General.
Article Eight: The Gathering’s Board of Trustees:
– It consists of official political activities, heads of parties, unions and syndicates, and representatives of the resistance factions.
Article Nine – The Community Budget:
Consisting of:
1- Member subscriptions (the coordinator of each arena must oblige all members to pay their subscriptions, the value of which is determined according to the economic situation of each arena).
2 Donations and gifts not restricted by any conditions, from friendly bodies and committed to the goals and principles of the Gathering, after the approval of the Secretary-General.
Article 10 – Headquarters of the Gathering:
- The headquarters of the Gathering is in Beirut – Jnah – Sultan Ibrahim Highway, General Building 2 – Block B – 2nd floor.
- The headquarters of the Cairo branch: 2 Talaat Harb Street – Tahrir Square – 8th floor.
- The headquarters of the branch of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Tehran.
•The headquarters of the branch of the Syrian Arab Republic Damascus, Al-Baramkeh District, Central Command Building
- Headquarters of the Gulf branch: State of Kuwait – Al Sharq – Abdul Aziz Hamad Al Saqer Street – Ahmed Al Mawash Complex – 9th floor.
- All the coordinators of the Gathering’s branches should work to find independent headquarters in their arenas, according to all the possibilities and circumstances of each arena.
Third: Regular Materials
Article eleven:
This statute was amended, approved and ratified during the organizational session of the congress held in Lebanon between May 25 and 28, 2023.
It is possible for any member of the Gathering to submit a proposal to amend the statute of the executive body a month before the annual general secretariat meeting, and it is deliberated upon at the scheduled meeting, provided that it is approved by a two-thirds majority of its members present legally.
Article twelve:
All decisions are taken by an absolute majority of attendees [half plus one] in all areas of work. As for the amendments to the principles and objectives of the Gathering, they are within the competence of the General Secretariat, with a two-thirds majority of the legally present members.
BEIRUT MAY 28, 2023
With greetings from the Secretary-General of the Gathering
Dr. Yahya Ghaddar