A summary of some of the statements that took place during the special coordinators’ meeting on 10-20-23. The number of participating coordinators was 32, and the meeting lasted for around 3 hours

A summary of some of the statements that took place during the special coordinators’ meeting on 10-20-23. The number of participating coordinators was 32, and the meeting lasted for around 3 hours.
See below some of the statements.
Dr. Ghaddar Speech
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
Dear brothers and sisters,
Greetings and gratitude to all of you for responding to this urgent call.
Gaza, the legend, launched in Operation Al-Aqsa Flood, a war to liberate Palestine from the river to the sea. The on going war will have one result, the cancerous entity will be eradicated, and the US and Atlantic presence in the Arab and Muslim lands will end.
May Allah guide His soldiers and grant the Al-Qassam Brigades a historic victory and an extraordinary achievement. Israel’s deception and its army were exposed, and the illusion of its strength and technological capabilities crumbled, as its army’s image collapsed under the feet of the valiant fighters.
Israel fell, and it was exposed as the weakest link in the spider’s web. The US and European countries rushed to support and endorse this defeated and disgraceful entity.
The colonialist Anglo-Saxon world leader came to Palestine, embracing the killer of children and women in Gaza, destroying hospitals, healthcare centers, medical and nutritional teams.
Gaza fights bare and hungry in the open field and embarks on a long-term struggle for the liberation of Palestine.
Gaza and Palestine deserve from us, the global assembly for supporting the resistance, all the support and backing in every field and wherever we have opportunities and capabilities.
The time has come for us to do everything in our power and presence to support Gaza, lift the injustice from it, protect its children, and actively participate in upholding the Palestinian cause to achieve the day of Al-Quds’ liberation. We pray behind the leaders of the blessed Al-Aqsa and in the Church of the Resurrection.
I invite you to this meeting to discuss, interact, and explore together the means, tools, and proposed plans to establish a global activist program in every country where the assembly is present.
I welcome you again and applaud your efforts. I urge you to focus the discussion and contributions on practical and activist suggestions. After your valuable contributions, we will present to you an advanced media plan in which you can participate.
- Paul Larudee, the North American General Coordinator: We in the US are the center of the problem. Not even the Zionist entity is subject to as many lies as we are. Nevertheless, there have been demonstrations in support of Palestine almost every day in some part of the US. Of course, we don’t expect our government to listen to us, and our sources of information are limited. Our support, like the rest of you, is limited words and money, but we are using these to the maximum, and will continue to do so. We are supporting the effort to broadcast from the Lebanese-Palestinian border, with whatever resources we can. We trust that the Palestinian resistance and its advisors and supporters know what they are doing and are prepared for the consequences, and wish them all success. The consequences for the Palestinian people are terrible, but are the responsibility of the criminals that are committing war crimes in the name of racism, ethnic cleansing and genocide. We will devote our energies and capabilities to the elimination of Zionism, racism and imperialism.
- Tim Anderson, coordinator in Australia: We carry out and participate in many peaceful protests and demonstrations in support of the Palestinian people. We affirm the right of the Palestinian people to liberate their land and live in freedom, dignity and independence. The massacres carried out by the Zionist enemy against women and children are a war crime, and government and army officials must be held accountable for what they have committed. The Western media is the most powerful weapon in the hands of the West after the military arsenal, and we must confront this media by spreading the truth on social media and participating in seminars and television dialogues. We wish you success in the television broadcasting project and promise to provide aid and assistance whenever you need it.
- Sergio Rodriguez, coordinator in Venezuela: Venezuela is one of the first countries to support Palestine against Israeli barbarism. The government sent aid to Gaza and its people, to Egypt, and then to the Rafah crossing to be delivered to the besieged Strip. We have supported Palestinian talent and sent various invitations to distinguished and accomplished people to visit Caracas and get to know Venezuela, an ally of Palestine. The Venezuelan state and its government stand with the Palestinian people in defending and liberating their land and restoring their rights.
- Dax Toscana, coordinator in Ecuador: A worm greeting to the brothers in the global gathering in support of the Choice of resistance. The Israeli criminal entity has once again proven its brutality. From the Deir Yassin massacres to Sabra and Shatila and the ongoing military operations against Gaza, Jenin and the entire Palestinian territories, Zionism sought to destroy a people who are rising victorious today and confronting the enemy with a very well-thought-out strategy from various aspects. The resistance that managed to restrain the invaders, despite the huge loss of human lives, especially children and women in Gaza. The Zionist project is a colonial project, and colonialism cannot be fought except by using weapons and just violence against the colonized. Frantz Fanon has already said it and Felix Valdés García has put it: “Decolonization is always a violent phenomenon,” the replacement of one “type” of man by another; It is that minimum demand of the colonisers, it is that historical process of absolute anarchy in which the two “congenitally opposed forces” meet under the sign of violence. He says: “This is not an end in itself, but an inevitable moment of separation and reunification of the colonized with himself, a historical moment, an act of liberation.” Liberation can only be achieved by fighting to the death against the enemy. Our editor Simón Bolívar taught us this in Latin America and it was taught to us by the same American imperialists who slaughtered the peoples of Vietnam, Algeria, Korea, Libya, Syria and Iraq. Palestine has all support. We deeply admire the resistance. Whatever we have to do, we are ready to accomplish the mission, as the Al-Quds, Abu Ali, Al-Qassam and Jihad Brigades are doing today, as well as the Lebanese Hezbollah. We will prevail, we are sure of that. From Ecuador, we are ready to work decisively with a group of colleagues, with the task of disseminating news, creating posters, designing and preparing study documents and various articles to serve as an agency for our movement. The outgoing government of Ecuador, as well as the recently elected president, Daniel Noboa, have expressed their support for the criminal Zionist entity, while, despite evidence of the brutal crimes committed by Israel against the Palestinian people, they maintain a complicit silence. The private media publishes information supportive of the Zionists and targets them, while the Palestinian resistance, which they describe as terrorism, appears responsible for everything that happens. Despite this, two marches were held in favor of Palestine, the most attended yesterday. Pictures of Israel’s crimes were displayed in front of the embassy of the criminal entity, such as Palestinian flags and posters denouncing Israel’s brutality against Palestine. I personally gave an interview to TeleSUR to talk about this topic and I do continuous work on social networks, especially X Network. Together with my son and his partner, we will start a poster design business, a poster honoring Palestine and denouncing Zionist barbarism.
- Sergio Rodriguez, coordinator in Venezuela: Venezuela is one of the first countries to support Palestine against Israeli barbarism. The government sent aid to Gaza and its people, first to Egypt, and then to the Rafah crossing to be delivered to the besieged Strip. We have supported Palestinian talent and sent various invitations to bright and talented people to visit Caracas and get to know Venezuela, an ally of Palestine. The Venezuelan state and its government stand with the Palestinian people in defending and liberating their land and restoring their rights.
- Alan Corvez, coordinator in France: The war that has been the oppressive Israeli state `waging against Palestine since its establishment, against all geopolitical logic in 1947-1948, culminated in the launch of Operation “Aqsa Flood,” which demonstrated the strength and organization of its resistance to “injustice.” This fight is supported and admired by people all over the world, including in the West where the propaganda, shameless as it is outrageously misleading, from all media paid for by the Zionists is collapsing. Because these peoples, especially the Europeans, realize with the tragedy of Gaza and all of Palestine that their governments, which are subject to the United States, headed by the Zionists, are also emanating from Zionist pressures and that:
Israel = United States = NATO = European Union
The Palestinians, with their heroic struggle against the barbarism of the Nazi-Zionist state, confronted the Arab world with its responsibilities. Thanks to the support provided by Iran and Syria, then Lebanon, and Iraq, dissatisfied with the American military attacks, Yemen crystallizes with blood the imminent victory of the axis of good over the satanic barbarism of the axis of evil. The Takfiri barbarians created, financed and armed by the United States and the Zionists, and who remain today in the illegal American bases in Syria and Iraq, are the same breed of Zionist barbarians who have the same ideology and the same methods of operation. US military support divides its forces between Ukraine and Israel. Thanks to free alternative information that forces the official media to see the truth and apologize for their lies, and especially thanks to the many anti-Zionist Jews who make up the majority of the Jewish people, European public opinion realizes that we are entering into a new world of justice and respect for all that Russia and China with their growing allies are proposing. The evils of Zionism in the world will end with the victory of the Palestinian people, who will finally establish their state “from the sea to the river.”
- Roberta Rivolta, coordinator in Italy: Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, Italy has stood with Zionism, and our government was one of the governments that sent support for the Zionist occupation, but the Italian Minister of Defense denounced the Al-Ahly Hospital massacre two days ago. At the people’s level, there is very great solidarity, but it does not appear in the media. Many supportive demonstrations have taken place since the beginning of the aggression until today, especially student demonstrations. Many activists use social networking sites to refute the lies of the Zionist entity and talk about Palestine. We must work to make people aware of the role and focus of the resistance and why it should be supported. Most associations in Italy provide humanitarian aid to Palestine while not supporting their right to defend themselves or their rights.
- Dina Y. Sulaeman, coordinator in Indonesia: I want to say that Indonesian people held demonstrations supporting Palestine in various cities. Our President has also expressed condemnation of Israel, especially regarding the bombing of Al Ahli hospital two days ago. Indonesia’s foreign policy has always sided with Palestine and refused to open diplomatic relations with Israel. As an academic and activist, I try to provide education through social media, explaining what is happening and that Israel is the perpetrator of crimes against humanity because many still think that Israel is the victim of Palestinian militants. Moreover, the mainstream media has spread so many lies about Palestinian fighters that social media activity is very important. I pray that Palestine will soon achieve victory.
- Zouher Hamdi, coordinator in Tunisia: We consider ourselves part of the battle. We took to the streets from the first day and sent delegations to foreign embassies and the European Commission in Tunisia because we consider them partners in the crime that is taking place in Palestine. We collected donations in Tunis and other cities, and a lot of content was published in the three languages on social media in order to support Palestine’s right and highlight its oppression. We participated in a lot of programs on TVs because they are part of the war against Israel. We were helped in this by the position of the head of state, the likes of which we have not seen in the world, as he was proactive in defending Palestine. I think we should pay attention to the media fronts because we are limited in that. There is great media pressure from the West and Zionist lobbies in Europe and Latin America. The gathering must develop a media plan in order to resist this matter and expose the Zionist gangs and the Western regimes allied with the Zionist enemy. Also, expose the normalizing countries and communicate with diplomatic missions in order to pressure their countries to change their position on Palestine.
- Ihsan Ataya, coordinator in Palestine: I thank this is a very important effort, and I thank Dr. Yahya Ghaddar, Secretary-General of the Gatheing, and all the members. I hope that this meeting will support the Palestinian cause in this war where all the West is participating against Gaza. This war is a Nazi war to annihilate Gaza and displace its people, and some of the proposals that were made are very important, especially the media. The Zionist enemy, America, and the West are launching propaganda to distort the image of the resistance and link it to ISIS, while Israel is committing massacres around the hour. Everyone is following what is happening, but we notice that the Zionist media is focusing on some sites where we see flags of the Islamic Republic of Iran along with flags of ISIS in order to use them as evidence in their propaganda. I call on everyone to work to persuade and pressure America and the West to stop the massacres committed against civilians, women and children.
- Mohamed Weled Fal, coordinator in Mauritania: We held many demonstrations in Mauritania in front of most foreign embassies. The Mauritanian Foreign Ministry also condemned the crimes and massacres against humanity that are happening in Palestine. We also called and demand that all countries stop diplomatic and security relations with the Zionist entity and expel Israeli ambassadors. We also work with unions, civil society organizations, and non-governmental and private organizations to organize and participate in demonstrations and protests in support of the Palestinian cause. I also suggest that there should not be any dependence on the normalized and puppet Arab regimes. They should rely on the living forces in the Arab countries of Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Yemen. Despite everything that is happening in Palestine, the Arab popular response is still below what is required. This enemy is a coward and we can defeat him. I salute you, Colombia and its president for their positions on Palestine.
- Abdel Razzaq Raslan, coordinator in Comoros: Greetings to everyone who supports the Palestinian people. We were in the mosques declaring our absolute support for them, and in my name and in the name of the people of the Comoros, I offer my deepest condolences to the martyrs of the Palestinian people and recovery to their wounded. Today we come together to support the Palestinian people who suffer from brutal crimes. We here stress that the international community must impose sanctions on this criminal to stop the massacres he is carrying out. We are against the Zionist enemy and demand it to stop its violations and put an end to all its military actions. This is not the first time that the Palestinian people have been slaughtered. The Palestinian people have the right to enjoy freedom, decide their fate, and live in their land with dignity, pride and peace. We demand an end to the massacres, and this responsibility falls on everyone. In conclusion, I ask all brothers and friends in Iran, Russia, and China to work together to stop the criminal and his war, and this is also required of everyone to stand with this people who kill, destroy, and displace.