Meeting with coordinators from Arab and African countries, preceded by a meeting with coordinators from the assembly in Europe, the United States, Canada, and Latin America, as well as Australia.
Meeting with coordinators from Arab and African countries, preceded by a meeting with coordinators from the assembly in Europe, the United States, Canada, and Latin America, as well as Australia.

Due to the current situation and to know more about the victories taking place in occupied Palestine over the Zionist enemy, the Secretary-General of the Gathering, Dr. Yahya Ghaddar, called for holding more than one meeting with the Gathering’s coordinators, in order to develop and activate more ideas and proposals to help our people in Palestine.
Yesterday, a meeting was held with the coordinators of the Arab and African countries, which was preceded by a meeting with the group’s coordinators in Europe, the United States, Canada, Latin America, and Australia. The attendance of 35 coordinators was recorded.
Dr. Ghaddar, in the presence of more than twenty-five coordinators from various Arab and African countries, presented a detailed report on the current situation, and after the doctor’s speech, which included the launching of a television website for the gathering, with a live broadcast under the name
“Free Palestine TV”
It is a step towards producing material and broadcasting live in foreign languages, especially English, to keep pace and convey to the Western community the facts that are happening in the face of their false and misleading media.
Statement of Dr. Yahya Ghaddar, secretary general of the global gathering in support of the choice of resistance.
Dear brothers and sisters
My greetings and gratitude to all of you for participating in this urgent meeting.
God Almighty has granted the Qassam Brigades a tremendous victory. through the Al-Aqsa flood operation, the Qassam Brigades have gained remarkable achievements that are beyond imagination. These achievements constituted an exceptional and unprecedented qualitative transformation in the Arab-Israeli conflict and established a huge leap in the conflict and balance of power and in controlling the great war that His Eminence Sayyed Hassan heralded us about. Nasrallah repeatedly stressed that the axis of resistance, with its countries, factions, armies, and peoples, was fully prepared and ready to fight it… and he defined it as the war to liberate Palestine from the sea to the river.
Over the course of the twenty days of the Al-Aqsa Flood operation, the weakness points of the Zionist entity and its elimination are seen. Not only that, but America and NATO got directly involved in the war in an attempt to save the zionist entity. The Al-Aqsa Flood operation has exposed the incapability and weakness, as defensive lines and military units collapsed under the feet of the Qassam soldiers. This huge war taking place today is an opportunity to remove the usurping and temporary entity, along with the American presence, influence and bases, and to overthrow the regimes and families that the Americans and the colonialists appointed as rulers in our region.
All the data, events and developments inform us that the time of the liberation of Palestine is here, and the current days and the innovations and achievements of the resistance, with its factions and armies, prove that liberation is underway.
It is the first time in the history of the Arab-Zionist conflict that the war front extends from Gaza to Naqoura in Lebanon, through the West Bank and the Golan, reaching Bab al-Mandab, Hormuz, and the Iranian plateau. The Mujahideen of the Iraqi Popular Mobilization Forces are doing well by targeting American bases in Syria and Iraq.
We, in the global gathering in support of the choice of resistance, have worked, struggled, and strived to reach this time. We have pledged to spread the culture of resistance, introduce it, and rally people behind it. Today, we have the right to strengthen our struggle, increase our effectiveness, and be at the forefront of the Arab, Islamic, and international peoples who rose to support Gaza and reject the brutal aggression of the Zionist entity.
Our meeting is for the purpose of discussing and interacting to develop action plans that support the resistance and its axis, and to mobilize our peoples and the free peoples of the world to stop the massacre in Gaza, support the resistance in the ongoing war, unite the fronts to liberate Palestine, and defeat the Zionist entity along with America and their aggressive alliance which is directly involved in the war to save the crumbling and temporary entity.
I welcome you again, and I hope that the statements will be brief, focused, and purposeful, and provide practical suggestions and plans to revive our role and participation in this holy war, the war to liberate Palestine from the sea to the river.
Meeting details and full speeches:
Statement of activist Laith Maarouf, director of Free Palestine TV, the television website project for the GGSCR
We are sending media teams to southern Lebanon and we are in contact with Palestinian media peronnels to participate in broadcasting. Tomorrow, Saturday, at 12 GMT, we will begin a test broadcast for 9 hours, and we will cover the demonstrations in Canada, America, and Europe. Guests will participate with us in these coverages, and we will take breaking news from our correspondents in southern Lebanon and Palestine. We ask you to participate in activating this broadcast and sharing it in all countries. We hope that you will like this project and that we will succeed in the first broadcast and move to 24-hour broadcasting, especially if the war continues. We also ask you to participate in donations to cover some of the costs. We are all volunteers and work for Palestine and confront the Zionist enemy.
Statement of Dr. Gamal Zahran, General Coordinator of the Gathering in Egypt, he is also the Assistant Secretary-General of the gathering and President of the Arab Society for Science
The Al-Aqsa Flood operation is the dream that we have always dreamed of. It is the final battle between good and evil and we are the good ones. It is a battle between right and wrong and we are righteous. It is the battle of the indigenous people against occupiers. The time has come for the demise of Israel and the liberation of Palestine from the sea to the river. We congratulate all the fighters in Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Yemen. All thanks to you, brothers, and I especially mention Dr. Yahya Ghaddar. I pray for success for my colleague Laith and for the gathering’s as well. I think it is necessary to have programs in the Arabic language on this television, or to translate the programs and news from foreign languages into Arabic.
Statement of Dr. Idris Hani, General Coordinator of the Gathering in Morocco
Our dream is coming true. The Arab Spring was fake, and now we see the Spring of Resistance. Today, there are those who are trying to activate awareness, and this must be our goal as coordinators, because the time to act is now. The occupation appeared weak in the face of the resistance and was not aware of the details of the Al-Aqsa flood operation. The enemy has no army and relies on warplanes to bomb children, and this is the biggest indicator of its collapse. This stage is yet not decisive, but it is promising. This confirms that resolution is not impossible and that the rules of engagement imposed by the occupation have changed as a result of the resistance. The occupation called on Guterres to resign from the position of Secretary-General of the United Nations at a time when he was no longer able to conduct a ground incursion. Today we hear new terms that aim to transform the conflict and turn it into a conflict between a Jewish people and an armed terrorist faction. We confirm that it is a conflict between Palestinian people whose land is occupied by an enemy who enjoys great support from the Arab and Islamic world. We also affirm that the dream of this nation is built on renaissance and civilization, and resistance is the basis for that, and therefore it is our means of achieving our rights.
Statement by Dr. Jaafar Piai, Coordinator of the Gathering in Guinea-Bissau
From this honorable podium, allow me to salute the Secretary-General of the Resistance, Sayed Hassan Nasrallah, and the leaders and brave heroes of the resistance in occupied Palestine. Blessed are the martyrs as we pray for recovery for those wounded. We also salute Dr. Yahya Ghaddar and the Gathering’s coordinators, and we convey, from Guinea-Bissau, our greetings to the resistance fighters in Gaza and south Lebanon. We stand with you and support you because you represent humanity while the Zionist entity represents cruelty. Everyone must stand bravely with this true cause. In Bissau, the situation is very difficult because the Zionist entity controls security in our country, and it is difficult to hold demonstrations. Our goal is to attract young people as we see in them solidarity with Palestine and its oppressed and steadfast people. Our greetings to Dr. Yahya, and we ask God to grant us all success in providing what we can. This Zionist entity does not understand the language of dialogue and does not respect laws and agreements. We must support the resistance with all the power, weapons and money we have to strengthen the steadfastness of the fighters on the front lines.
Speech by Sheikh Diallo Mohamed Hafizi, academic, Imam of the Conakry Mosque, and Coordinator of the Gathering in the Republic of Guinea:
Thank you for this meeting, because we need media meetings because the event is huge. The current situation in Gaza is a test for believers and criminals in the same time. We are the believers in this battle because we are part of this resistance and this gathering that revives the consciences of the youth so that they do not forget their cause, which is Palestine, southern Lebanon, and the axis of resistance that carries the banner of the real and true Islam. We are proud of our affiliation to this group and this axis. No matter what we say or do, we can’t repay our brothers in Palestine and southern Lebanon, and we must stand with the oppressed people in Gaza and not abandon them because we are Muslims, and anyone who does not support Muslims is not a Muslim. We believe in what Dr. Yahya Ghaddar believes in, Palestine will be liberated, the entity will disappear, and the future belongs to Gaza and to the resistance.
The statement of Dr. Ahmed Muhammad Ibrahim (Al-Shami), the Gathering’s Coordinator in Djibouti
Suggestions to end the conflict.
Gaza is suffering a brutal war that includes unprecedented destruction in any city throughout history.
– The circumstance in which the fierce war is taking place on Gaza calls for refraining from speaking and entering into action, there is no room for anything else.
– From the first moment, we called for an immediate cessation of violence and the provision of humanitarian supplies, including food and medicine, through all crossings leading to Gaza City.
We call on the international community to stop all crimes against the people of Gaza, and we also praise the efforts of the Islamic Republic of Iran to stop the war on innocent people.
– As well as organizing peaceful demonstrations in every country where the gathering is present to end the war.
We call for the formation of an open global front to stop resorting to all forms of violence, especially against civilians in Gaza.
– we believe that Israel is a passing entity and will soon disappear, along with those behind it.
We, in Djibouti, stress that the current war is a serious international crisis, and it is necessary to stop because war will not establish peace.
Statement of Dr. Hassan Jouni, head of the Gathering’s Law Commission
I thank the Secretary-General of the gathering for this initiative, and I hope that he will issue recommendations that will benefit our people in Gaza. Time has proven that the choice of resistance is the only choice available and there is no choice but to resist. The Al-Aqsa flood operation is the choice that we announced from the beginning, and the victory occurred since the first day, and for the first time in history. Settlement has ended as it was the backbone of this entity. Settlements are declining and you will see increasing counter-migration occurring from this entity. We were commissioned by Dr. Yahya Ghaddar to prepare a brief study on the violations of law committed by Israel, and we recommend that the assembly send a delegation to ESCWA in Beirut to thank the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Dr. Guterres, for his position, which affirmed that the basis of the conflict results from the “Israeli” occupation of Palestine.
Statement of Sheikh Aliyu Ngai, coordinator of the gathering in Gambia
Everyone believed that the Israeli army was the strongest army in the world due to its control over media. We must convey the truth and the gathering must have a role in this by exposing such news. The media has a very important role and we must master it in all countries. Through media deception, everyone believed that the Israeli army was unbeatable, and what we saw in the Al-Aqsa flood operation confirms that this army is coward and weak. We must direct our appeal to the Islamic countries and the free people of the world, and not to the United Nations, which does not recognize our rights. They apply the laws according to their interests, remain silent about the killing of innocent people in Palestine, and are angry with what taking place in Ukraine. We must start now by directing our speeches from the United Nations to Islamic countries and the free people of the world only. We must create our own United Nations that is not dominated by America, the West, and global Zionism, because they will never care about our rights.
Statement of Mr. Muhammad Sharif Jayousi, the gathering’s coordinator in Jordan
An inflicting a complete defeat against the Western American Zionist project
requires the following:
1 – Not separating the Zionist project from Western Europe and America.
2 – Developing the spirit, culture, and choice of resistance, meaning linking armed action against Israel to its requirements of rejecting normalization, boycotting Western products, achieving technological development, and securing the needs of young people against the temptations and deviations of the West.
3 – Nurturing the collective spirit by confronting sectarian, sectarian, ethnic and regional fanaticism, and strengthening the unified common interests of coexistence and struggle.
4 – Promoting and creating societal values that contradict the West’s divisive values that contradict the normal nature of human beings, and developing the spirit of cooperation, influence, love and creativity.
5 – Denying the ancient and contemporary customs attached to Arab and Islamic societies, such as terrorism, infidelity, terrorism, murder, and what is called the jihad of marriage and captivity, by devoting what is right, creative, creative, sophisticated, and faith-based.
6 – The certainty that defeating the enemy, the occupier, the usurper, and the ills of our societies requires comprehensive, comprehensive action at all levels, from science to possessing distinctive and superior deterrent weapons, through technology, economics, and balanced values.
7 – Understanding and assimilating the new alliances generated; And to digest the rapid global developments, and to participate in their emergence and success, to overthrow unipolarity and Western Western arrogance, and to create a new, multipolar world order in which we have a role that is more just, more secure, more stable, and more developed.
8 – Working on all axes and in all fields. Victory is the result of comprehensive, integrated work that bears fruit by distributing roles. Scientific and technological development is resistance, developing choice and a culture of resistance is resistance, strengthening the collective spirit is resistance, creating regional and international friendships and alliances is resistance, developing and rationalizing the economy is resistance, and rejecting backward customs. Reactionism is resistance, and drawing weapons and directing them in the right direction is resistance.
Statement of Ibrahim Saleh Hamed, coordinator of the gathering in Eritrea
First, I salute our struggling brothers of Palestinian, along with all their struggling revolutionary factions. I also salute the national resistance forces in all parts of the earth and in resistance arenas wherever they are. This resistance against American Zionist extremism creates epics of redemption. I also salute the steadfast Gaza, which teaches us every day how to be alive. From this podium, we in Eritrea call on all resistance arenas in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Iran and Yemen to rise up with Palestine for the sake of Palestine’s pride and independence and its capital, Al-Quds Al-Sharif. God will not disappoint us and victory is coming, and that the end hour of the Zionist-Israeli enemy is here, and victory is only from God, and we are confident in all arenas of God and of our will, and that victory is inevitably coming, and we will liberate the land of Palestine and its capital, Holy Jerusalem, and we are all martyrs on the path to Jerusalem, as Sayyed said. The resistance salutes you and our honorable martyrs in the gardens of eternity. They are beacons and lamps that illuminate the path of our struggle. To victory, God willing, and the Eritrean people, with all their political powers, stand with the brotherly Palestinian people, and victory will inevitably come. Peace be upon you.
Statement of Sheikh Shuaib Bouli, Coordinator of the Gathering in Johannesburg, South Africa
We have seen with our own eyes what the Palestinian resistance is doing, and it stimulates admiration and amazement. The Zionist entity, which is close to disappearing, is carrying out reprehensible actions. They are trying in various ways to prevent the collapse of the Zionist entity. God Almighty says in the Qur’an that Israeli’s will spread corruption on earth twice, and will commit atrocities. Now it is the second time, and we bear witness that Israel still enjoys absolute support from major governments in the world, such as the United States and the governments of European countries, and God calls on Muslims that now is the time for the second time in which we will remove Israel from this existence. Sincere believers trust the words of God Almighty that the mosque will be liberated by servants of God and will enter it as they entered it for the first time. We see these servants in Gaza and all of occupied Palestine, in addition to southern Lebanon and all those who resist occupiers with them. We have to be a little patient because we will witness the complete liberation of the Holy Land. A final message to all the free people in the world, give your full loyalty and support to the leadership of the resistance. Meetings like this are very important and we thank Dr. Yahya Ghaddar for his distinguished work in assuming responsibility for this gathering. We must support him and unite behind him to deliver his message to all free people in the world.
Statement of Ibrahim Ismail Rahal, coordinator of the gathering in Denmark
My greetings to those gathered here, especially Dr. Ghaddar, and I begin by offering my condolences to the martyrs of the resistance and wishing a speedy recovery to those wounded. The atrocities committed by the terrorist United States and its allies, the Zionist gangs in the world, led by the Zionist gang in Palestine, are unacceptable to humanity. But as said, we are the believers and they are the sinners, and victory is for the believers. This is what the book of the Torah and the Book of Revelation confirm. the Battle of Armageddon was mentioned and they have said about it, and I quote, “This battle will be the last battle for the Jews.” This battle will eliminate Judaism in the world and not only in Palestine, according to what is stated in the Torah and in the Book of Revelation. That’s why, some rabbis appeared in Palestine in sensitive areas such as the Parliament and began chanting loudly and saying, “Leave Palestine before your demise and spread throughout the land so that the Jewish people are not annihilated.” For they did this with their own hands. Today is the day of their annihilation and the day of victory for our people and the Palestinians of the Arab world. Today, what the resistance is doing in Palestine raises the eyebrows, but this has a price, and its price today is our children, our women, and our elderly martyrs. The torture and massacres that these gangs carry out are unbearable for anyone. May God curse those who do not support their comrades. Today we in Denmark are looking and waiting for the battlefields, and we hope that the final result will be in our favor and victory will be near, God willing.
Statement of Mr. Muhammad Al-Hajj Youssef, coordinator of the Gathering in Kenya
As the General Coordinator of the Gathering in Kenya, I would like to provide you with information about the activity of the free people of Kenya. We support the just cause of the Palestinian people and along with their right to establish an independent state with Holy Quds as its capital. Also, the Kenyan opposition leader, Mr. Raila Owinga, held a press conference during which he announced his support for the Palestinian cause. He also condemned US President Biden’s position of support for the occupying Zionist entity, which commits crimes by killing innocent people, especially infants and women. Also, Kenyan Muslims collected donations – about one million dollars – to relief those displaced and afflicted in Gaza. I also inform you that if the harassment by the Kenyan security forces ends, a larger number of members will join the gathering from Kenya.
Sheikh Dr. Youssef Al-Nasiri
General Coordinator of the Global Gathering in Support of the Choice of Resistance in Iraq
Dear Dr. Yahya Ghaddar, the Secretary-General of the Global Gathering t in Support of the Choice of Resistance, general coordinators of the Gathering and all those participating,
I apologize for not being able to join you on Zoom because I had to attend to Tahrir Square where a demonstration was held in central Baghdad
I present to you and to the general coordinators a set of proposals:
1- Form a global army to liberate Palestine
2- Holding conferences, seminars, demonstrations and sit-ins in defense of Palestine
3- Work with all religious figures to issue a jihad fatwa
Greetings to you all
Sheikh Mohammed Rashid Othman Saghel, General Coordinator of the Gathering in Ethiopia.
My greetings and appreciation for all the practical steps that the Gathering is doing in support of the Palestinian people and in the face of the aggression and massacres carried out by the Zionist enemy. I hope that the Gathering and all its branches in the world will continue to activate the call to all Arab and Islamic peoples and free people of the world to demonstrate and stand with the oppressed Palestinian people. And of course, we thank you for everything you do, especially the English language TV site.
Sheikh Yusuf Abdullah Mulumba
Coordinator of the global gathering in support of the choice of resistance in Uganda, East Africa
We held a meeting on Saturday, October 21, 2023, in the Butaleja area, about 280 kilometers from the country’s capital, Kampala.
The reason for the meeting was to raise awareness among the various communities such as media professionals, academics, social, youth and student activists in Uganda to support the resistance to liberate Palestine from the sea to the river.
We will continue and intensify these meetings. We thank and support all the efforts made by the global gathering in support of the choice of resistance, and we are fully prepared to implement all recommendations.
With my regards to Dr. Yahya and to all the participating coordinators.