Under the auspices of the Central Leadership of the Arab Socialist Ba’ath Party, the Global Gathering in Support of the Choice of Resistance organized a solidarity meeting to support the Palestinian

Under the auspices of the Central Leadership of the Arab Socialist Ba’ath Party, the Global Gathering in Support of the Choice of Resistance organized a solidarity meeting to support the Palestinian people in the Flood. This took place on Tuesday, October 17, 2023, at 12:00 PM in Damascus, in Hall 7 Nisan at the headquarters of the Ba’ath Party in Baramkeh.
The meeting was opened by the Gathering’s coordinator in Syria, Dr. Nidal Ammar, welcoming the attendees and participants, including General Yasser Al-Shouki, a member of the Central Leadership of the Ba’ath Party, and General Akram Sulti, the Commander of the Palestinian Liberation Army, as well as leaders of Palestinian factions and ambassadors from Iran, Russia, China, Palestine, Libya, Iraq, South Africa, Cuba, and Venezuela,North Korea and Lebanon in addition to Dr. Yahya Ghaddar and the delegation of the Global Gathering Members of the People’s Council, union representatives, journalists, human rights activists, and social and student organizations from Syria and Palestine were also present.
Dr. Nidal emphasized the unwavering positions of the Syrian Arab Republic, both as a people and as a party, army, and leadership, in standing firmly alongside Palestine, its people, and its just causes, no matter the sacrifices made.
The participants then observed a minute of silence for the souls of the martyrs and listened to the national anthems of Syria and Palestine.
Dr. Yahya Ghaddar, the Secretary-General of the Global Gathering in Support of the Choice of Resistance, then delivered a speech in which he stated that Syria has always taken the lead in supporting the Palestinian cause. He added that it is not new for Damascus and Syria to provide all they can to support truth, Arabism, Islam, and to support oppressed nations and peoples who are under siege and suffering from unjust sanctions. This criminal war aims to starve and punish people for refusing humiliation, disdain, and the Western Anglo-Saxon hegemony and its colonial world, which is on the verge of collapse and departure.