The World Assembly held an extensive meeting with the esteemed Islamic figure, Dr. Mohammad Mahdi Emani Pour

At the invitation of the head of the Islamic Culture and Relations Organization in Tehran, and on the occasion of the fourth anniversary of the martyrdom of the leader Qassim Soleimani, an expanded meeting was held with His Eminence Sheikh Hojjat al-Islam, Dr. Muhammad Mahdi Imani Pour, head of the Islamic Culture and Relations Organization, on Wednesday 2024/ 1/3 at 9:30 a.m. at the organization’s headquarters in Tehran.
Dr. Yahya Ghaddar, Secretary General of the GGSCR, opened the session and thanked the organizers of this meeting. He also thanked Dr. Imani for giving the GGSCR’s delegation the opportunity to meet with him. Dr. Ghaddar highlighted the reputation and the role of the martyr Qassim Soleimani in confronting those who want to destroy the world. He explained the change in the features of the brutal globalization into a globalization of common interests to achieve peace in the world. He also talked about the steadfastness of our people in Gaza and their mighty resistance against the criminal Zionist enemy, and he talked about the GGSCR branches spread in 76 countries around the world.
Then Dr. Imani Pour greeted the GGSCR and all its delegations participating in the fourth anniversary of the resistance martyr, Hajj Qassim Soleimani. He also mentioned that this day is the birthday of Lady Fatima Al-Zahra, peace be upon her, which is considered as Women’s Day in Iran, in honor of women and their role. Moreover, he stressed that resistance began in the world centuries ago, but these days it has changed and has become global. He mentioned that before the revolution, Imam Khomeini talked about ousting the monarchy in Iran, and about Palestine and the oppression of the Palestinian people. Pour confirmed that Commander Soleimani followed the resistance approach, and that the resistance movement, in its depth, is an intellectual and cultural resistance and not just military forces. Furthermore, he stressed that the martyr Soleimani was the one who revived the resistance and gave it a global dimension, and explained that the Organization for Islamic Culture and Relations has eighty thousand social and popular associations and they are ready and prepared to assist the Global Gathering in Support of the Choice of Resistance (GGSCR) in its programs and events.
Then, Dr. Ali Akbar Barati, the GGSCR’s coordinator in Iran, spoke and thanked both Dr. Imani and Dr. Ghaddar and invited the GGSCR’s coordinators to participate in the discussion.
And the following coordinators spoke as the following:
– Dr. Gamal Zahran, General Coordinator of the GGSCR in Egypt.
– Dr. Tim Anderson, Deputy Secretary-General of the GGSCR and General Coordinator of Australia.
– Dr. Youssef Al-Nasiri, General Coordinator of the GGSCR in Iraq.
– Dr. Nidal Ammar, General Coordinator of the GGSCR in Syria.
In addition to general coordinators in Italy – France – Mexico – Argentina – America – South Africa – Colombia – Venezuela – Spain.
All interventions emphasized the role of the martyr Qassim Soleimani, the need to support for the resistance in Gaza and Palestine, and the necessity of stopping this criminal war against the Palestinian people.
At the conclusion of the meeting, Dr. Barati thanked Dr. Imani for his kind speech and his willingness to cooperate with the GGSCR. He also thanked Dr. Yahya Ghaddar and all the participants in the meeting.
Then a special meeting of the Global Gathering in Support of the Choice of Resistance (GGSCR) was held in Tehran, headed by Dr. Yahya Ghaddar, Secretary-General of the GGSCR. This took place on 1/3/2024 at twelve noon at the Islamic Culture and Relations Organization’s headquarters in Tehran.
Dr. Ghaddar opened the meeting, explaining that this session is limited to discuss the situation of the GGSCR’s branches, and what the branches have done since the General Conference which was held in May 2023 until now.
He talked about four new countries joining the GGSCR, bringing the number of branches to 76. He also stressed that more activity is required in all branches, with appreciation for the efforts of some countries. Also, he stressed that each of the GGSCR’s branches in Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, and Iran are carrying out important activities to achieve the GGSCR’s goals. Then the work of the branches was discussed, as Dr. Ali Akbar Barati, Dr. Jamal Zahran, Dr. Tim Anderson, Dr. Youssef Al-Nasseri, Dr. Nidal Ammar, and Xchema Sanchez, GGSCR’s general coordinator in Spain.
At the end of the meeting, the Secretary-General of the GGSCR, Dr. Yahya Ghaddar, stressed the need to redouble efforts, hold activities, and work to expand the number of branches of the GGSCR to include other countries from all continents of the world.