What is behind Hezbollah’s rejection of tempting offers and negotiations before stopping the war on Gaza

What is behind Hezbollah’s rejection of tempting offers and negotiations before stopping the war on Gaza?
Beirut; 2/29/2024
By Dr. Michael Awad
Hezbollah has received tempting offers since the resistance activated the southern front to secure and protect the Lebanese entity, preserve the balance and stability of the country, and deprive Israel of the opportunity to displace its 48 Palestinians.
Then the resistance imposed a safety zone deep inside Occupied Palestine and along the border, at a depth of 5 kilometers.
The resistance broke the balance by revealing that it possesses effective air defense systems in preparation for liberating and protecting the skies of Lebanon after it had liberated and protected the land, sea, and Lebanon’s sovereignty over its wealth.
The intimidation, warnings, and threats were intensified by Israel as if it could invade and destroy!!! The media and anti-resistance forces quickly adopted the intimidation and added to it, while Hezbollah ignored all of this and did not even listen, comment, or discuss any of the offers or requests.
Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah settled the matter; There is no negotiation or acceptance of offers before a ceasefire takes place in Gaza so we could all enjoy the gains that will be achieved. Hundreds of martyrs and wounded people were provided, along with many homes and livelihoods that were destroyed, this can’t go in vain and we will not waste such an opportunity as we fight to protect Lebanon and secure it and support Gaza and its victory. We are committed to this and our pledge is as true as our promise.
Hezbollah did not submit to the threats and intimidation by the media and from officials and leaders. Rather, resistance kept its hand on the trigger and its eye on the field, activated its capabilities, and achieved strategic gains from the field. for the first time, the front is united from the Lebanese Naqoura to the Syrian city of Al-Hamma in Tiberias. This is aimed to break off borders and restore sovereignty in preparation for the fall of the Sykes-Picot Agreement, along with its regimes and entities.
The question to be asked is: Why did Sayyed Nasrallah link any discussion, negotiation, or acceptance of offers to stopping the war on Gaza? What is the resistance seeking?
What is certain is that Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah accurately knows the balance of military forces in the field, and follows all the transformations taking place globally.
Moreover, he is certain that Gaza will win a brilliant and strategic victory that will change conditions and launch an era of restructuring the Arab region, along with its systems and geography.
So? It makes sense for someone who knows what is and will happen, to take advantage of the outcomes and be in his interest. He has prepared, equipped, and made great sacrifices throughout four and a half decades… Will he give up promising great gains in exchange for minor offers that those minors see as great and valuable?
Linking negotiations and borders demarcation of land, sea, and sky, electing a president and forming a government, reorganizing political, social, and economic life, activating the state, and dealing with crises will be much better after Israel’s defeat is announced. It will become much better, and its chances are greater after everyone discovers, especially those who are betting on America and its alliance, to see how it will be humiliated and how the region will rise up against it and force it to withdraw.
Then, when the war on Gaza stops, and the resistance can enjoy its great gains, it will be possible to talk, or maybe come to an understanding, and decide which Lebanon is intended to live for a hundred years or more.
Before this, all the offers and temptations are worthless.
War generates the new from the old, and the resistance, its factions, and its Axis are confidently seeking victory, and they have accumulated many points so far.
Victory is at their fingertips, so why the haste as long as it makes waste…!!??