Dr. Yahya Ghaddar wishes Western Christians a happy Easter”

Dr. Yahya Ghaddar wishes Western Christians a happy Easter
Dr. Yahya Ghaddar, Secretary General of the Global Gathering in Support of the Choice of Resistance GGSCR, along with the GGSCR and its coordinators and branches spread across 76 countries in the world, wishes Western Christians a happy Easter and prays that al-Quds will be liberated before next Easter as it is the eternal capital of Palestine.
He also congratulates the Arab and Islamic nations for the International Quds Day and appeals to the free nations in the West and East to rise and take action in various forms and to exert all possible pressure in support of Gaza and the people of Palestine. Also, we should all consider International Quds Day a holy day to defend truth, justice, equality, and faith.
Dr. Yahya Ghaddar sees International Quds Day as a day to support those oppressed and poor, and those whose resources have been plundered and sovereignty stripped.
It is an occasion for a comprehensive global movement that can liberate humanity from the tyranny of Money, wars, and genocide represented by the aggressive and colonial Anglo-Saxon world.
International Quds Day was launched by the Leader Imam Ruhollah Khomeini, who wanted it to be a day for human values and faith and to fulfill the message of heaven that was revealed through the prophets and messengers.
Quds is the holy city for all religions and deserves to have its international day as an occasion for the unity of peoples and nations against invaders and greedy people and to end the era of colonialism and the genocide of people.
Let it be an international day in which nations and people unite for their own good and for a human life free from persecution, killing, and destruction.
Supporting Gaza and stopping its genocide is a moral, humanitarian, and religious duty. Let International Quds Day be a great day in which Israel is obligated to stop its brutal and unjust aggression against the patient and righteous people of Gaza.
Dr. Yahya Ghaddar
Secretary General of the GGSCR