Dr. Yahya Ghaddar, Secretary General of the Global Gathering in Support of the Choice of Resistance, with its coordinators and 76 branches spread

Dr. Yahya Ghaddar, Secretary General of the Global Gathering in Support of the Choice of Resistance, with its coordinators and 76 branches spread around the world, called on the nation, its peoples, its free movements, the nations, and people seeking their freedom and sovereignty, and those who have an interest in getting rid of enslavement, impoverishment, and plunder, to support the choice of resistance and support Palestine, stop Gaza massacre, and achieve international victory for the Islamic Republic of Iran, whose consulate in Damascus was subjected to a brutal attack that led to the martyrdom of several Quds Force leaders.
The Israeli practices and attacks, taking place in Syria, Iraq, and Palestine, and the attack on the Iranian consulate, reflect the ignorance, foolishness, and violation of international law and agreements regulating relations between states, nations, and peoples. It also requires a global international stance to condemn it and show solidarity with the Islamic Republic of Iran, whose sovereignty has been unjustly attacked. Israel has crossed red lines, destroyed international legitimacy, and wants to return humanity to an era of primitiveness, savagery, and the laws of the jungle.
As much as Iran, its people, and its leadership deserve sincere solidarity and support, it requires support in its decision to respond to the aggression to bring it back to reason and force it to respect international law, international legitimacy, and the rules regulating relations between nations and states.
The Islamic Republic of Iran’s defensive and rightful response is an obligatory punishment for the usurping and temporary entity and its Nazi and suicidal leadership. It is also a legitimate defense of countries and nations that have been suffering from this Zionist Entity, whose sovereignty has been attacked, and whose wealth has been plundered.
The people of the world and its free nations are interested in supporting the Islamic Republic and its defense of its sovereignty and the sovereignty of other countries.
By the way, the GGSCR calls on the people of the Arab and Islamic nations to rise for their dignity and their right to sovereignty and a decent life and to protect their women, children, and elderly who are exposed to extermination, killing, siege and starvation in Gaza.
It calls on the free people of the world to rise, intensify the struggle, and diversify the movements that expose and condemn the actions of the temporary entity and the countries that support it, and to consider them a partner in genocide and are as responsible as the entity’s responsibility for destroying international law and its legitimacy by supporting, adopting, and protecting it.
Dr. Yahya Ghaddar, Secretary-General of the GGSCR, warns of the dangers of the possibilities and expected developments. The Iranian response is coming and will be harsh and crushing, putting an end to Israeli and American arrogance and persistence.
It will reveal the truth about the goals pursued by the entity as a result of its attacks and the targeting of the consulate, which may push the region into a devastating war, the inevitable result of which will be the end of the cancerous gland, along with its Anglo-Saxon world and the official Arab and Islamic Regimes that was manufactured to serve the entity to secure the interests of the colonial powers.
Responses, caution, readiness, love, and solidarity with Gaza and Palestine require unity and solidarity with the Islamic Republic and the axis of resistance.