Dr. Yahya Ghaddar, Secretary-General of the Global Gathering to Support the Choice of Resistance , with its branches and coordination spread in 76 countries.

Dr. Yahya Ghaddar, Secretary-General of the Global Gathering to Support the Choice of Resistance , with its branches and coordination spread in 76 countries.
congratulated the Palestinian citizens, the people of Gaza, the patient mujahideen, and the resistance factions who persevere in fighting, recording victories, and managing the war with high, impressive efficiency and technology.
He affirms that the global student and youth revolution is in support of Gaza and to besiege the temporary entity and defame the reality of the ruling regimes and elites in America and Europe and the countries that support and support Netanyahu in the war of displacement and annihilation of Gaza.
He confirms that the spark of the global youth revolution that started from American universities would not have been of such maturity, clarity, perseverance, and determination if the mighty people had not been capable of performing miracles and wonders and capable of steadfastness and resistance.
Gaza today, its factions, and the mighty people of Palestine have revived the issues of the global revolution and united the peoples and their vital and young vanguards in a qualitative revolutionary effort that started from American universities and began to find an echo, response, and uprising in various universities and international circles.
Dr. Ghaddar believes that the resistance of Gaza and the West Bank and the global uprising of youth and students inaugurate a historical era in the interest of nations and peoples that hastens the fall and departure of the oppressive and anti-human Anglo-Saxon world.
Dr. Ghaddar, in the name of the gathering and its coordination of teaching bodies and student movements in Arab and Islamic universities, professions, and institutes, hopes and appeals to them and urges them to swear by the right of Arabism, brotherhood, and the unity of blood and religion, that you will respond to the call of truth and duty, and that efforts will be combined and interaction will take place with the global student and youth revolution to support Gaza and Palestine, to condemn the Zionist crime, and to organize its support and support.
Congratulations to us for Palestine and its people, and congratulations to Gaza, its people and its staunch resistors. The Palestinian issue has become global and represents the essence of the issues of people and nations in the era of global liberation from the hegemony of the Zionist-American imperialist arrogance and its brutal and rotten criminal liberal colonial system.
Our date with Jerusalem is coming soon, God willing.