France will never be another Israel

France will never be another Israel
Article by Éric Montana on Telegram which deserves to be read and shared, even if it is aimed specifically at the French.
___. Journalist Without Borders, Éric Montana today directs the TV ADP channel (television for free minds) on VK, a channel which has grown considerably. Very active on social networks such as VK, Telegram and Twitter, he continues without cease his fight for justice and truth. He receives the “Humanity Award 2023” from Professor Tritto in Siena (Italy).”
They can whine about anti-Semitism all they want. They can accuse us of being far-right, far-left, of being Islamo-leftists, conspiracy theorists, Martians, they will not silence us. And we cannot remain silent because we refuse to be, through our silence, the objective accomplices of the worst criminals the world has known.
We cannot remain silent because being called anti-Semitic by the world champions of racism is just a ridiculous attempt at intimidation.
We can no longer remain silent because the Zionists have made us sub-citizens wherever they hold power.
We can no longer remain silent because banking cartels, stateless finance and their accomplices are poisoning us by every means possible: food, water, chemtrails, medicines, vaccination, pollution.
We can no longer remain silent because we are witnessing vaccine genocide, senseless wars to divert the attention of the masses, massacres of civilian populations, women, children, old people in Gaza.
We can no longer remain silent about the criminal conspiracies hatched by these crazy people who claim to dominate and rule the world under the pretext that a God has “elected” them.
We can no longer tolerate this arrogance, this unhealthy pretension of people who claim the right of life and death over every human being who populates this planet.
For too long we have bowed our backs.
For too long we have remained silent and fearful.
For too long, anti-Semitism blackmail has served as a weapon of mass destruction.
For too long we have passively witnessed the takeover of power by these stateless “elites” in our institutions who made us Palestinians in our own countries.
Zionism is the father of all totalitarianisms: fascism, Nazism, communism.
Zionism is only a means of destroying human societies, their culture, their history, their moral and spiritual values, their traditions, their ways of life.
When the abject Eric Zemmour dreams of making France another Israel, he reveals the diabolical plan of these “elites” who will do to us what they do to the Palestinians: slaves, human animals.
Being anti-Zionist is a moral duty and a national obligation because we are a people of free men who do not intend to submit to a people “elected” by the Devil.
We are a Christian people attached to our freedom, to our history, to our culture, to our values, to our secular traditions and to our faith in God made of love and solidarity.
France will never be another Israel!