The Global Gathering in Support of the Choice of Resistance GGSCR, Hezbollah, and the Palestinian and national resistance factions celebrated International Quds Day.

On the occasion of International Quds Day, which Imam Khomeini declared, the GGSCR held a political meeting with the participation of Hezbollah and the Islamic and national resistance factions and in the presence of a crowd of political and cultural figures. The GGSCR’s coordinators across the globe also participated via Zoom.
After listening to the Palestinian national anthem, the meeting was started by the Secretary-General of the GGSCR, Dr. Yahya Ghaddar, by standing for a minute of silence and Al-Fatihah recitation for the soul of Imam Khomeini and the souls of the nation’s righteous martyrs. Then he welcomed the guests and expressed his confidence that this occasion occupies a large space in the minds of free people and must be the motivation for the continuation of the struggle until the holy sites and all of Palestine are liberated.
Dr. Ghaddar pointed out that Imam Khomeini declared it a holy day with an insightful strategic view and vision, to emphasize that Quds and all of Palestine must be liberated and rights must be returned to their owners. He also considered International Quds Day to be the day of those oppressed in the face of global arrogance.
Then the coordinator of the GGSCR in Gaza, Dr. Muhammad Madi, spoke and explained what Gaza was suffering as a result of the aggression. He stressed that the people support the choice of resistance and its factions. Moreover, the conspiracy to displace them and occupy Gaza will not pass. He reassured that the resistance and its men were good and capable.
Speakers in the Event:
Dr. Adnan Mansour, former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Lebanon
Hajj Hassan Hoballah, head of Hezbollah-Palestinian relations.
A. Ali Faisal, Vice President of the Palestinian National Council and member of the Political Bureau of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine
Dr. Sirhan Sirhan, official of political relations in the Fatah movement
Qasim Saleh, Secretary General of the General Conference of Arab Parties
Lawyer Ramzi Dassoum is responsible for relations with the Lebanese and Palestinian parties in the Free Patriotic Movement.
Dr. Imad Jabri, leader of the Lebanese Popular Congress.

Dr. Ghaddar’s speech on International Quds Day
In the name of God, the most gracious, the most merciful
Representatives of the national forces, the Lebanese and Palestinian resistance, the participants at the main gathering headquarters in Beirut, and the general coordinators of the gathering in the world participating through Zoom.
Brothers and sisters
Israel’s crimes and attacks on hospitals, massacres of children and women, killing and targeting the headquarters and employees of the United Nations and international humanitarian organizations represent a described crime against humanity, and the blatant aggression against the Iranian consulate in Damascus represents a clear violation and assault on international conventions and treaties and a violent challenge to international will.
The Islamic Republic of Iran and the Axis of Resistance have the right to retaliate decisively, to deter the zionist entity and everyone supporting it.
We affirm that the blood of the martyrs of the leaders of the Quds Force will increase the axis of resistance with greater strength and determination than ever before to remove this cancerous gland.
Today, the qualitative and historical transformations we are witnessing in global public opinion regarding al-Quds and Palestine were embodied by the genius of Imam Ruhollah Khomeini, in declaring International Al-Quds Day.
This genius, faithful, and historical leader also confirmed in the declaration that it would be an international day for those oppressed against global arrogance.
Today, the Palestinian cause and the cause of al-Quds are global issues and strike deeply into the consciousness of nations and peoples, and it mobilizes people to decide, in light of the developments of the Gaza war and the results of the miraculous Al-Aqsa Flood, what the new world and the global order will be like.
International Quds Day passes this year, and Quds is revolting, waiting to be liberated, and Gaza is fighting with rare bravery and making sacrifices without limits.
The West Bank is rising up, revolting, and resisting with knives, trampling, and bare chests in support of Gaza… and the axis of resistance supports, fights, and presents martyrs and leaders without accountability and with an insistence that International Quds Day be a historical event that hastens the liberation of Palestine from its sea to its river so that the Holy Ramadan will return, may God bring it back to you and our nation with goodness and blessings, and Quds Day will return. Next year, we will recite Al-Fatihah for the souls of the martyrs in Al-Aqsa Al-Sharif, the second of the Two Holy Mosques and the first of the two qiblahs. Quds will be free and the eternal capital of Palestine, but rather the eternal capital of faith and religions and the unity of peoples and the oppressed in the face of the arrogant and unjust and treacherous world.
We hope that International Quds Day will return and we will celebrate it, as the oppressive and aggressive states that were based on rape, murder, destruction, and genocide have collapsed.
International Quds Day, which we celebrate today, and in these difficult circumstances in which Gaza is being annihilated before the eyes and ears of the world, must be a day of struggle, holding hands, and striving to support Gaza and its children, and to strengthen and support the resistance to complete liberation and end the existence of the usurping and temporary entity that is worsening and receding, and nations and peoples are rising up against it after they have come to know it. On its nature, hostile to humanity, religions, and faith, and its clear attacks on international law, legitimacy, and international treaties.
The crimes of the temporary entity accelerate its exposure and decline and enhance the rise of the people in support of Palestine, thus hastening the liberation of Al-Quds Al-Sharif. Let us pray together behind the leaders of the axis in the blessed Al-Aqsa.
They see it far away, but we see it soon, and our faith in our nation, in our leadership, in the Axis, and in the Palestinian people is great, and the promise will be fulfilled soon.
On this dear occasion, we renew that the GGSCR, with its 76 coordinations and branches spread throughout the world, that we are with you and with free people everywhere so that our slogan, International Quds Day, the day of the flood of free people, will be achieved.
And the day the oppressed rise up against the arrogant.
Dr. Adnan Mansour, former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Lebanon
Hajj Hassan Hoballah, head of Hezbollah-Palestinian relations.
A. Ali Faisal, Vice President of the Palestinian National Council and member of the Political Bureau of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine
Dr. Sirhan Sirhan, official of political relations in the Fatah movement
Qasim Saleh, Secretary General of the General Conference of Arab Parties
Lawyer Ramzi Dassoum is responsible for relations with the Lebanese and Palestinian parties in the Free Patriotic Movement.
Dr. Imad Jabri, leader of the Lebanese Popular Congress.
a large number of the GGSCR’s coordinators around the world participated via Zoom, as follows:
Bishop Atallah Hanna, Greek Orthodox Archbishop of Sebastia in Quds
Father Manuel Muslim, former pastor of the Latin Catholic Church in the West Bank and Gaza
General Alain Corvais, GGSCR Coordinator in France
Dr. Paul Larudi, GGSCr coordinator in the United States
Xema Sanchez, GGSCR coordinator in Spain
Dr. Dex Toscano, GGSCR Coordinator in Ecuador
Dr. Sergio Rodriquez, GGSCR Coordinator in Venezuela
Lisandro Brusca, GGSCR coordinator in Argentina
Shayekh Shafqat Shirazi, GGSCR coordinator in Pakistan
Ibrahim Saleh, GGSCR Coordinator in Eritrea
The meeting concluded with an agreement to intensify efforts, gather forces, and mobilize the popular movement to de…
-Dr. Muhammad Madi GGSCR coordinator in Gaza
Bishop Atallah Hanna, Greek Orthodox Archbishop of Sebastia in Quds
-Father Manuel Muslim, former pastor of the Latin Catholic Church in the West Bank and Gaza
Shayekh Shafqat Shirazi, GGSCR coordinator in Pakistan
General Alain Corvais, GGSCR Coordinator in France
Dr. Paul Larudi, GGSCr coordinator in the United States
Xema Sanchez, GGSCR coordinator in Spain
-Dr. Dex Toscano, GGSCR Coordinator in Ecuador
-Dr. Sergio Rodriquez, GGSCR Coordinator in Venezuela
-Lisandro Brusca, GGSCR coordinator in Argentina
Ibrahim Saleh, GGSCR Coordinator in Eritrea