GGSCR Meeting The wise Iranian response…consequences and repercussions.

GGSCR Meeting
The wise Iranian response…consequences and repercussions.
The GGSCR held a political meeting this afternoon, Friday, May 3, 2024, at 17:00, under the title
“The wise Iranian response…consequences and repercussions”
With the participation of representatives of Hezbollah, Palestinian organizations, national parties, and social and media activists.
Dr. Yahya Ghaddar, Secretary General of the GGSCR, opened the meeting with the Lebanese and Palestinian national anthems, then a minute of silence and reading Al-Fatiha for the souls of the martyrs.
Dr. Ghaddar welcomed the attendees and participants via Zoom from different countries around the world.
Speech of Dr. Ghaddar:
The Islamic Republic of Iran, under the leadership of Imam Ali Khamenei, and the efforts of the armed forces and the Revolutionary Guards, achieved qualitative gains in its smart and perfectly prepared response to Zionist barbarism after the bombing of the consulate in Damascus and the martyrdom of experts, leaders, and civilians.
Iran has mastered the preparation and readiness to respond, and it has negotiated and informed those concerned with a rare confidence, affirming its right and its sincere promise to respond and to protect national sovereignty, no matter how heavy the sacrifices or the consequences are.
The response, its publicity, and prior notification of it confirmed Iran’s confidence in itself, its power, and its weapons.
Its response came out from Iran, with Iranian hands, and with Iranian-made weapons. All this strengthened Iran’s self-confidence and popular support of its leadership, army, and guards. Moreover, it strengthened its already solid national unity.
The response confirmed Iran’s seriousness, its involvement in the war, and the unity of the fronts of support. It is a regional state that is true to its promise and commitment with enormous and superior capabilities. It became a qualitative, wise, and effective regional power that took recognition of its status and capabilities.
The smart and public Iranian response crushed Netanyahu’s wishes to involve America and NATO in the war to protect himself and his collapsed and soon-to-be-vanishing entity.
The response strengthened the confidence of the countries, factions, and people of the Axis of Resistance in Iran, in the capabilities of the Axis, and the validity of its vision and leadership of the war and fronts. It stressed that the Axis was on its way to achieving a brilliant victory in the war, bringing closer the liberation of Palestine from the sea to the river, the departure of America and its alliance, and the collapse of its alliances and regimes. This will open the region to strategic transformations and a new geography after the Sykes-Picot divisions, regimes, and entities that supported Israel for more than a century, secured Israel and Western colonial control, and exhausted the Arabs and Muslims with wars, destruction, and poverty.
The Iranian response put an end to projects of division, fragmentation, normalization, betrayal, and siege and starvation plots.
The response raised the morale of all the Palestinian people, in the West Bank, quds, and Gaza along with all the people and movements of the Axis. It stressed that the balance of power was greatly imbalanced in its favor, and emphasized the decline of American control over the Arabs and the region.
All this exposed and embarrassed the countries, factions, and forces that remain silent and complicit in the slaughter and destruction of Gaza. it motivated America and NATO to expedite a ceasefire and exchange of prisoners. What provided the conditions and reasons for a historic victory for Gaza and Palestine, which, if achieved, would open the gates and paths to expediting the liberation of all of Palestine.
The Iranian response changed the balance of political transformations and power in the region and the world and confirmed that the axis, its vision, and its strategies have the upper hand.
It contributed qualitatively to launching the revolution of students and youth in America and the world, a qualitative historical phenomenon that will change the world and the centers of power and strike at the spine of the Anglo-Saxon regime and the brutal American control.
With the miraculous flood of Al-Aqsa, the historic Gaza War, the Iranian response, and the revolution of youth and students, a new world is being born, and our meeting in Al-Aqsa is getting closer.
“Link to his Speech”
Then each of the following delivered a brief Speech:
– Hezbollah representative and member of its Political Council, Ghaleb Abu Zeinab
Deputy Secretary General of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine, Ali Faisal
-Representative of the Fatah movement, Dr. Sirhan Sirhan
Secretary of Relations in the Islamic Jihad Movement, Haitham Abu Al-Ghazlan.
Deputy official of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine in Lebanon, Abdullah Danan.
Major General Ali Al-Hajj.
– Coordinator of the GGSCR in India, Sayed Ali Baker Al Hindi.
The speakers unanimously agreed on the qualitative transformation after the Iranian response, with its perfection, sobriety, and wisdom, which expressed Iran’s sincerity and confirmed its shift from strategic patience to active deterrence.
It also exposed the international organizations that kept silent regardless of the laws they issued, forcing Iran to take its rights into its own hands, uphold international law, protect its sovereignty, and support Gaza in its heroic, just war in the face of the most powerful oppressive and aggressive force supported by America and the colonial West.
Then some of GGSCR’s coordinators, present in more than 76 countries, gave a brief speech:
Ihsan Ataya: General Coordinator of Palestine
الاخ احسان عطايا منسق عام فلسطين
١-د.جمال زهران.مصر
1- Dr. Gamal Zahran. Egypt
٢-د.تيم اندرسون .اوستراليا
2- Dr. Tim Anderson, Australia
٣-النائب د.نضال عمار. سورية
3- Dr. Nidal Ammar. Syria
٤-د.محمد ماضي .غزة
4- Dr. Mohamad Madi, Gaza
٥-د.بول لارودي .الولايات المتحدة
5- Dr. Paul Larudee. United States
٦.الجنرال الان كورفيز-فرنسا
6. General Alain Corvez- France
٧.مبو ماسومالا. جوهنسبورغ .جنوب افريقيا
7.Mpho Masoumala. Johannesburg, South Africa
٨.د.دينا سليمان.اندونيسيا
8. Dr. Dina Suleiman, Indonesia
٩.د.فراس الشعراني.اسبانيا
9. Dr. Firas Al-Shaarani, Spain
١٠- فرا هيوز – ايرلندا
10- Fra Hughes – Ireland
١١-د.ايرميلندا مالكوت.بلجيكا
11- Dr. Ermelinda Malkot. Belgium
١٢- د.دراغنا تريفكوفيك. صربيا
12- Dr. Dragna Trivkovic. Serbia
13- روبيرتا ريفولتا، ايطاليا
13- Roberta Rivolta, Italy
14- د خوسي..ارنستو غيريرو.كوبا
14- Dr. Jose Ernesto Guerrero. Cuba
15– ماريا باريتو- كولومبيا
15– Maria Barreto- Colombia
16- د سيباستيان سلغادو .المكسيك
16- Dr. Sebastian Salgado, Mexico
17 –د. بابلو جوفري ليال.تشيلي
17–Dr. Pablo Joffre Leal, Chile
18- ليساندرو بروسكو. الأرجنتين
18- Lisandro Brusco. Argentina
19-د. داكس توسكانا .اكوادور
19-D. Dax Tuscana, Ecuador
20- نيكولا هدوا – تشيلي
20- Nicolas Hadwa – Chili
21 – سيرجيو رودريغيز، فنزويلا
21 – Sergio Rodriguez, Venezuela
22- المحامي زهير حمدي.تونس
22- Lawyer Zouhair Hamdi. Tunisia
23- محمد ولد فال.موريتانيا
23- Mohamad Weld Fall. Mauritania
24- د.مولاي بومجوط.الجزائر
24- Dr. Moulay Boumajjout, Algeria
25– د.إدريس الهاني – المغرب
25– Dr. Idris Hani – Morocco
26- الشيخ شعيب باولي .كاب تاون .جنوب افريقيا
26- Sheikh Shuaib Baoli. Cape Town. South Africa
27- الشيخ عمر سافادوغو.ابيدجان.ساحل العاج
27- Sheikh Omar Sawadogo, Abidjan, Ivory Coast
28-الشيخ علي عبدالله. التشاد –
28-Sheikh Ali Abdallah.Tchad
29_ د.احمد ابراهيم .جيبوتي
29_ Dr. Ahmed Ibrahim. Djibouti
30- د.محمد حاج يوسف.كينيا
30- Dr. Mohamad Haj Yusuf. Kenya
31_ منصور جيبو.نيجر
31_ Mansour Djibo, Niger
32– إبراهيم حامد -اريتريا
32– Ibrahim Hamed – Eritrea
33_ابراهيم ابرهيم_المانيا
33_Ibrahim Ibrahim_Germany
34-د. احمد الزين .لندن
34-D. Ahmad Al-Zein, London
35-سماحة السيد د.شفقت شيرازي . باكستان
35-Dr. Sayyed Shafqat Al-Shirazi,Pakistan
في الختام توافق المشاركون على تثمين القرار الايراني وتقديم التحية للشعب الايراني وللقوات المسلحة والحرس الثوري ولرئيس الجمهورية والحكومة والدعاء بطول عمر القائد الامام اية الله العظمى الخامنئي ادام الله ظله. وتثمين قيادته الفذة للجمهورية الإسلامية الايرانية والوصول بها الى الدولة النووية والفضائية وصانعة سلاحها وانتزاعها الاعتراف بمكانتها الاقليمية والعالمية.
وقد اذلت العدو الصهيوني والزمت امريكا وحلفها بموقف دفاعي عاجز.