Dr. Yahya Ghaddar extends his warmest and greatest congratulations to the Venezuelan people, government, and President Maduro on achieving the constitutional entitlement.

Dr. Yahya Ghaddar extends his warmest and greatest congratulations to the Venezuelan people, government, and President Maduro on achieving the constitutional entitlement.
Dr. Yahya Ghaddar, Secretary General of the GGSCR, extends his warmest and greatest congratulations to the Venezuelan people, government, and President Maduro on the achievement of the constitutional entitlement and the revolutionary will of the Venezuelan people to renew the revolutionary and resistant president for a new term.
The people have confirmed their awareness, revolutionary spirit, and support for their Chavista revolution. By supporting their leadership and the resistant and revolutionary president, they are enhancing Venezuela’s capabilities to achieve stability and sovereignty and to form a revolutionary and independent model in South America.
Dr. Yahya Ghaddar sees the constitutional achievement as a victory that is added to the victories achieved by the Chavista revolution and a response to the American colonial attack. This will enhance the role of Venezuela and its popular revolution in motivating nations and peoples to rise and revolt to liberate the continent and the people of the world from blatant American aggression.
The revolutionary model of Venezuela and Cuba reinforces faith and confidence in the ability of the struggling people and their revolutionary leadership to achieve their goals and seize their rights, on the path to the birth of a new world that buries the unjust Anglo-Saxon world.
Thousand greetings to the Chavista revolution, its leaders, and its revolutionary peoples who support the cause of the Arabs and Muslims, “the cause of the Palestinian people in their legendary steadfastness and resistance to liberate Palestine from the river to the sea.”