Dr. Yahya Ghaddar, Secretary-General of the GGSCR, condemned in the strongest terms the blatant Israeli aggression against the Yemen of Faith and Wisdom, targeting civilian service facilities and killing and wounding safe civilian workers who serve the people and society

Dr. Yahya Ghaddar, Secretary-General of the GGSCR, condemned in the strongest terms the blatant Israeli aggression against the Yemen of Faith and Wisdom, targeting civilian service facilities and killing and wounding safe civilian workers who serve the people and society.
Dr. Ghaddar confirms that this brutal aggression confirms the reality of the aggressive temporary entity, which existed on exterminating people, displacing them, and committing massacres to create a state and an entity manufactured to serve the colonial powers and achieve their goals.
Dr. Ghaddar believes that it is nothing new to target civilian service facilities and cause the death of innocent civilians. This is taking place under the eyes and ears of the world in the war to annihilate and displace Gaza.
As a partner involved in the aggression and acts of genocide in Palestine and Yemen, the Arab and Islamic regimes and families are also condemned for supporting the aggression and the vanishing entity while they remain silent and do not move a finger, despite their possession of capabilities, armies, weapons and land borders with occupied Palestine, its peoples and entities. These regimes will be later targeted, and wars, strife, and disintegration will spread to them by the same hand that is annihilating Gaza and targeting the proud Yemen. It will join the entity upon its imminent demise, God willing, and with the determination of the heroic fighters and their honorable and holy war to support Gaza and defend the human right to a safe life.
Dr. Yahya Ghaddar and the members, coordinators and branches of the GGSCR around the world stand in solidarity with Yemen and its proud people and are committed to supporting it, the Palestinian people and the axis of resistance in their heroic and just war to support Gaza, revive the Palestinian cause and support it, and strive to secure the opportunities and conditions for liberating Palestine, eradicate the Zionist Entity, and restore the nation’s sanctities and rights.
Dr. Ghaddar appeals to the free forces in the Arab and Islamic nations and calls on them to rise up, raise their voices loudly, besiege Israeli and American interests, and condemn and expose the traitorous and surrendering regimes.
Dr. Yahya Ghaddar and the GGSCR are confident that the Yemen of Faith and Wisdom, its army and its people are able to fight back hard and will not allow injustice. Their response will be stormy and brutal, and their pivotal participation in the war to liberate Palestine from the sea to the river and which the interim entity considers an existential war.
Dr. Yahya Ghaddar
Secretary General of the GGSCR