Dr. Yahya Ghaddar, Secretary-General of the GGSCR, denounced the shameful and sarcastic play in the US Congress

Dr. Yahya Ghaddar, Secretary-General of the GGSCR, denounced the shameful and sarcastic play in the US Congress and asked: Has America, its institutions, senior representatives, and senators reached such a state of emptiness and hollow foolishness that they applaud the terrorist Netanyahu repeatedly and enthusiastically? Netanyahu? The one condemned by international courts and public opinion, and whose practices have become exposed and known to the simplest of people. What he and his army are doing in terms of killing, extermination, destruction, and starvation in full view of the world are shameful and condemnable acts that are blatantly subject to the provisions of genocide. Dr. Ghaddar stresses that what the US Congress “circus” has revealed indicates the collapse of values and the exposure of the truth of the highest constitutional institution in America, which has dominated the world, promoted its values and ideals and presented itself as modern and civilized. It also claimed to promote democracy, protect freedoms, and adhere to human and animal rights. Merely receiving the killer Netanyahu in the halls of Congress means exposing the lie that it has long promoted and that many have believed. This increases the chances of its downfall and the escalation of human rejection of its aggressive model.
It is known that America and “Israel” are similar in their formation, as both are manufactured countries and authoritarian regimes that were founded on killing and exterminating people to establish functional states to serve the interests of companies, capitalists, and the makers of wars, epidemics, and pandemics.
In contrast, societal, political, youth and student forces presented solidarity demonstrations with Gaza and with the Palestinian people. A large number of members of Congress boycotted Netanyahu’s visit and speech and mocked his lies. The press and free media also launched a campaign of clarification and defamation that sought to reveal the truth of Netanyahu’s lies and practices committed by the temporary entity. This enhances confidence that peoples are no longer fooled by fabrications and lies.
Dr. Yahya Ghaddar believes that the media and promotional campaign that preceded the visit of the killer Netanyahu and conveyed his speech in Congress and his meetings with officials failed despite what was done. It failed to polish his image, and it was confirmed that his meetings with Trump and Democratic candidate Kamala Harris reflected widespread and public discontent with him, his practices, and those of his government. This reinforces the conclusion that the visit was a failure and did not achieve its goal, and it is not true that he obtained a mandate to expand his aggression and drag the region into a stormy war.
And its real benefit is worthless; all it gained was a number of showy applause.
The facts confirm, as Dr. Yahya Ghaddar sees it, that the steadfastness of Gaza, the heroism of its people, and the qualitative resistance of the Palestinian people have transformed the Palestinian cause into a priority for nations and peoples as solidarity with it is increasing. the facts that both American and Israeli lie are rapidly being exposed, and their influence in public opinion is declining. Israel’s narrative has also collapsed, as forces, movements, and people have distanced themselves from it, especially among the youth, students, and elites. The fact is that Israel is a temporary usurping entity and its leaders are murderers, criminals, enemies of humanity, criminals, and responsible for acts of genocide punishable by international humanitarian law. Dr. Ghaddar believes that the visit and media parades did not achieve any of their goals. They did not intimidate the resistance in Gaza nor did they intimidate the fronts of support. Rather, they increased the vigor and strength of the resistance factions and their fronts, which inflicted daily losses on the enemy as resistance operations and achievements increased. All that the visit of the murderer Netanyahu and his speech before Congress has achieved is more exposure of America, its aggression, and its support for the genocide in Gaza. It confirmed that the temporary entity is doomed to disappear, as nations and peoples have learned its truth and stand in solidarity with Gaza and the resistant Palestinian people who are striving to liberate Palestine from its sea to its river soon, God willing.