Statement of the Global Gathering in Support of the Choice of Resistance, and statements from some of its coordinators on the anniversary of the July-August 2006 victory

Statement of the Global Gathering in Support of the Choice of Resistance, and statements from some of its coordinators on the anniversary of the July-August 2006 victory
July 2006 – August 2024, “A triumph on the horizon, with another one in sight”…and the liberation of all of Palestine is closer
The Islamic Resistance surprised the Zionist Entity and its racist, murderous leaders and criminal gangs in the July 2006 war with the Force, soldiers, and arms it had prepared. After 33 days of fierce fighting, the killing of civilians, and the destruction of infrastructure in Lebanon, and in the shadow of the silent, treacherous, and conspiring official Arab and Islamic regimes, and the support of the Empire America, along with NATO and the Anglo-Saxon regimes, it achieved an unprecedented, precious, divine victory.
The July 2006 victory was a creative and revolutionary accumulation of the achievements of the resistance and the miraculous triumph of 2000. It confirmed that when people take up arms and decide their choice to resist, they are capable of making the impossible. Our nation, its resistance, and the axis of resistance represent the conscience, will, doctrine, and firm belief that our nation’s rights will be restored and that God Almighty supports those oppressed, subjugated, and struggling.
The July victory was the cornerstone and the founding event for the victory of the choice of resistance in the nation. It transformed it, through the conflicts and events, into a strong, decisive nation, that has the will to restore its rights and sovereignty and eliminate the invaders and their tools.
Gaza and the people of Palestine, those mighty people, and these united fronts supporting Gaza are conclusive evidence of a war in which wonders and miracles are achieved. It draws the sign of the inevitable coming victory, accomplished with the blood of the martyred leaders and the children, women, and the elderly.
The will of the nation, represented by the resistance, its choice, and its axis, achieve victory and define, not only the nation’s future but the world’s. They also establish the end of the world of aggression and genocide, the “Anglo-Saxon world” and its leader, America, which is defeated, retreating, and losing its influence and hegemony. Moreover, the Zionist Entity is being defeated and unable to achieve its goals in the war of aggression and genocide against Gaza and the West Bank.
The resistance, the Axis, and its leaders promised that revenge for leaders Haniyeh and Shukr, and the people of Gaza and Palestine is inevitable. It will be the key to coming victory and the end of the Zionist Entity and its protectors, the colonial powers, and their treacherous and normalizing regimes and royal families.
The divine promise, the leaders of the resistance, and the souls of the martyrs will draw a new era free of the Zionist Entity and the forces that support and back it.
Victory is close, and, and our promise is divine.
الدكتور يحيى غدار امين عام التجمع العالمي لدعم خيار المقاومة
Dr. Yahya Ghaddar, Secretary General of the GGSCR
جنرال الان كورفيز، منسق التجمع في فرنسا
General Alain Corvez, GGSCR Coordinator in France
دكتور تيم اندرسون، منسق التجمع في استراليا
Dr. Tim Anderson, GGSCR Coordinator in Australia
دكتور ريبورتا ريفولتا، منسقة التجمع في ايطاليا
Dr. Roberta Rivolta, GGSCR Coordinator in Italy
دكتور مو ماسيمولا، منسق التجمع في جنوب افريقيا
Dr. Moe Masumella, GGSCR Coordinator in South Africa
دكتور دراغانا تريفكوفيتش، منسقة التجمع في صربيا
Dr. Dragana Trivkovic, GGSCR Coordinator in Serbia
دكتور ادريس هاني، منسق التجمع في المغرب
Dr. Idriss Hani, GGSCR Coordinator in Morocco
دكتور ارميلندا مالكوت، منسقة التجمع في بلجيكا
Dr. Ermelinda Malcott, GGSCR Coordinator in Belgium
دكتور بابلو لايل، منسق التجمع في التشيلي
Dr. Pablo leal, GGSCR Coordinator in Chile
دكتور سيرجيو رودريغيز، منسق التجمع في فنزويلا
Dr. Sergio Rodriguez, GGSCR Coordinator in Venezuela
دكتور كسيما سانشيز، منسق التجمع في اسبانيا
Dr. Txema Sanchez, Coordinator in Spain
دكتور داكس توسكانو، منسق التجمع في الاكوادور
Dr. Dax Toscano, GGSCR Coordinator in Ecuador