Brother Ghaddar’s message to the dear brothers in charge of the International Campaign to Lift the Blockade on Sana’a Airport, respected ones.

Dear esteemed organizers of the International Campaign to Lift the Siege on Sana’a Airport,
Revolutionary greetings,
The Global Gathering for Supporting the Choice of Resistance, with its members, branches, and coordination committees spread across various countries, appreciates your noble efforts, values your steadfastness and dedication, and admires your firm faith-driven resolve and struggle.
Dr. Yahya Ghadar, Secretary-General of the Global Gathering for Supporting the Choice of Resistance, regards your patience, awareness, and perseverance as a revolutionary and ideological phenomenon that resonates with the principles and values of our great Yemeni people. It embodies their Arab and Islamic spirit and their renowned courage in actively engaging in the honorable and sacred battle to lift the siege on Gaza and support the Palestinian and Lebanese people, contributing significantly to defeating the brutal aggression and achieving victory against the genocidal war led by the temporary and fading Zionist entity, under the leadership of the terrorist Netanyahu and his extremist, racist government, fully backed by the global evil mastermind, the “Great Satan” America, and its Anglo-Saxon terrorist and savage world.
Dr. Ghadar, alongside the Global Gathering for Supporting the Choice of Resistance, with all its supporters, strength, and presence, stands with you, supports your noble efforts, and honors your remarkable revolutionary spirit.
Dr. Ghadar affirms his support for Yemen, its people, its leadership, and its fighters across all fields. He condemns in the strongest terms the expert report and any action by entities appointed by the malicious and savage state, the “Great Satan” America, and its “Lesser Satan” offspring, Israel, the soon-to-be-vanished entity. He views the report as a series of fabrications and lies, crafted by Zionist and American forces, to justify aggression against Yemen, intensify the siege, and impose a Zionist-inspired dictatorship on communication networks and platforms to secure and protect the aggressor entity and conceal its racist reality from public view.
Dr. Ghadar stresses that rightful ownership will return to its people, that the will of God will manifest, and that the innocent blood, the souls of martyrs, and the leaders who sacrificed themselves on the path to Jerusalem will be rewarded by God Almighty. This will hasten the collapse of the cancerous entity, ensuring a divine victory in this existential battle that will end the temporary occupying entity, allow the banner of resistance to prevail, and fulfill divine justice. The Yemeni people, with their thinkers, fighters, army, and heroic armed forces, will play a fundamental and pivotal role.
Our path to Jerusalem is paved by the bodies of martyrs, protected by their souls. Together, we remain steadfast and committed to the struggle to achieve liberation, unity, and soon, prayers at Al-Aqsa Mosque, God willing.