Australian Professor Tim Anderson, Vis Secretary General of the Gathering, visiting Lebanon. To follow the news of the meeting

The Australian academic, Professor Tim Anderson, General Coordinator of the Gathering in Australia and Assistant Secretary-General of the Gathering, visited Lebanon, congratulating the transition from the Arab and Islamic Gathering in support of the choice of resistance, to the Global Gathering to support the option of resistance, where he held a meeting with the Secretary-General of the Gathering Dr. Yahya Ghaddar, at the Gathering’s headquarters in Beirut, to discuss the development of the working mechanism of the Global Gathering, to which many academic, political, social and scientific elites from different countries of the world belong.
Discussions and studies focused on activating the work of the Gathering, especially the media, in more than one language, in preparation for creating an anti-imperialist and anti-Zionist public opinion in Western countries.
Professor Anderson’s studies, which were developed in order to activate and expand the circle of affiliation with the Gathering, confirmed that the world is changing, especially after exposing the crimes of Zionism and its flagrant violation of human rights, and the strategic retreat of US imperialism.
Dr Anderson and Dr Ghaddar stressed the importance of media success to expose the falsehood of the Zionist movements, and this constitutes a good factor to create a fertile ground for accepting anti-Zionist views.
Professor Tim Anderson explained some important political points related to the failure of the Zionist project in the region, after the liberation of southern Lebanon, the recent victory of Syria and Gaza, and the Iranian progress and the Axis of Resistance, which imposed political equations that constitute the appropriate time for the expansion of the Global Gathering.
In conclusion, the Gathering’s Secretary General, Dr. Yahya Ghaddar, thanked the activist Brother, Professor Tim Anderson, for his efforts and time, which he dedicates to serve the truth and defend the oppressed and the weak in the world, especially the Palestinian cause, and for his courage in confronting Global Zionism, which cost him a lot.
Secretary-General Dr. Ghaddar confirmed that a dialogue meeting will be held during Dr. Tim Anderson’s presence in Lebanon to develop the study and put it into practice due to its paramount importance and its positive results at all levels.