In the name of God, the most gracious, the most merciful

In the name of God, the most gracious, the most merciful
Speech by Dr. Yahya Ghaddar, Secretary General of the Global Gathering in Support of the Choice of Resistance
We open our meeting today with the Lebanese national anthem, followed by the assembly anthem.
Honoring the championes of our Arab homeland, today coincides with the fourth anniversary of the second liberation and the victory over the terrorist and takfiri gangs from ISIS, Al-Nusra and other factions that represent nothing but terrorism.
This victory was achieved thanks to the Golden Trilogy, which was emphasized during the first liberation that it is the strategic roadmap through which we liberate the homeland and, God willing, through it we will also defeat the economic war, the unjust siege and deliberate starvation.
Normalization is treachery and shaking hands with the enemy equals recognition, and the nation that fought, resisted, withstood and changed the history of mankind by inflicting successive defeats on American imperialism as it dominates the world, a nation born, its boys and girls in Palestine and its men in the resistance are winning the most amazing battles in various fields and achieving victory after victory, as in all fields and all wars, young athletes are also advancing, the nation’s youth and the promise of its bright future, in the most wonderful lessons and sacrifices, they refuse normalization with the Zionist entity and stand in solidarity with their brothers in Palestine and its people, and they bear witness to the biggest of the truth.
They contribute to exposing the entity and its nakedness in front of world’s public opinion, and they slap the regimes and “royal” families that normalize and ally themselves with the usurping entity.
Champion Arab athletes rejecting normalization by refraining from engaging with usurping athletes against Palestine and racists who killed it, as the formers represent an aggressor usurper entity.
The Global Gathering in Support of the Choice of Resistance is proud of the Arab youth who affirm their truth and express their will.
The assembly, while honoring them, honors their families, their brothers, the sons of their generation, and the peoples on whom the bet for [a better] future is made.
Today, we present the Medal of Loyalty, Honor and Coronation to our championes, and it is our utmost honor that they come different parts of the glorious one Arab nation; a nation that does not die and does not give up its national rights and sanctities.
Today we honor the champion Abdullah Miniato from Lebanon, who withdrew from the World Mixed Martial Arts Championship after the lottery chose him to face an “Israeli” player. The champion, Miniato, withdrew directly from the tournament held in the Bulgarian capital, refusing any form of normalization and affirming his stance with Palestine, a message in the face of the usurping and occupying entity.
The champion, Abdullah Miniato, was born in Abidjan in 2004, and since the age of 5 years he learned the game of boxing in Abidjan until the age of 10. When he and his family lived in Lebanon, he joined the Mohammed Al Gharbi Club and learned martial arts with the champion Mohammed Al Gharbi and learned wrestling professionally with Bilal Al Gharbi. Till this day, he continues his training between Abidjan and Lebanon.
Miniato has other hobbies such as archery. He has embraced it since the age of 3 years and won the African Championship in archery. The credit goes to his father, Adnan Miniato, who planted in him his love for the Palestinian cause, and all he hoped for was that his son would be in the front lines for the liberation of Palestine, and also credit to his mother, Mrs. Labiba al-Bunni, the daughter of Sidon, who taught him Arabism and resistance, who is with us today with the coach of the champion, Muhammad Al-Gharbi, to receive the medal of the champion Abdullah Miniato, who is currently in the jungle of the Ivory Coast. We ask Mrs. Labiba Al-Bunni and coach Mohammed Al-Gharbi to receive the medal on behalf of champion Abdallah Minaito.
We move on to Algeria with the Algerian national anthem, where the champion Fathi Noreen is also being honored.
Noreen withdrew from the judo tournament in the Tokyo Olympics, and confirmed that his position is firm in support of the Palestinian issue, rejecting normalization, even if that cost him his absence from the Olympic Games. This is the fourth time he has withdrawn against an “Israeli” competitor. Champion Noreen is one of the most famous wrestlers in Algeria and Africa, having previously won a group of championships, most notably the African Championship in the weight category of 73 kg in 2018.
We give the word now to the General Coordinator of the Global Gathering in Support of the Choice of Resistance in Algeria, the representative of the Algerian capital, Dr. Ali Rabij, who is the head of the Parliamentary Committee for Health and Social Affairs and is also a professor of political science at the Higher National College of Political Sciences in Algeria. Brother Dr. Ali Rabeej, the floor is yours.
Speech of the General Coordinator of the Global Gathering in Support of the Choice of Resistance, Algeria Branch, MP Dr. Ali Rabij
The Algerian champion athlete Fathi Noreen, who withdrew from the Zionist player’s competition in the last Tokyo Olympics and refused to recognize the latter was honored and revered by the Global Gathering in Support of the Choice of Resistance, the Algeria branch, who organized the event with the Secretary-General of the Gathering, Dr. Yahya Ghaddar.
Ali Rabij, the general coordinator of the Gathering in Algeria, organized the honoring ceremony and fully supervised its success, accompanied by members of the Gathering, with the presence of a group of honorary guests from the leaders of the National Liberation Front Party, led by the Governor.
The General Coordinator of the Gathering in Algeria, Dr. Ali Rabij, stated the following:
In the name of God, the most gracious, the most merciful
Ladies and gentlemen, members of the Global Gathering in Support of the Choice of Resistance, headed by the Secretary-General of the Assembly, Dr. Yahya Ghaddar, I send you an esteemed salute of steadfastness and resistance that bled to you from the islands of martyrs and the cradle of resistance and jihad.
For all the schemes of the enemies aimed at killing the spirit of resistance and acknowledging the existence of the Zionist enemy as a state on the Arab land of Palestine, we and Algeria stand by your side and urge you to confront these malicious schemes.
We will strive to thwart any scheme of normalization and recognition of the enemy. Fathi Noreen, who preferred to sacrifice his career in the Olympics for the sake of the Palestinian cause, and refused to recognize the participation of the occupying, racist Zionist entity in a sports event that was based on the values of justice, peace, equality and justice, and it is a forum for free peoples.
Finally, we renew the covenant and the charter to stand by Palestine and the resistance movements in the region and the world to support the right and the oppressed colonized peoples to regain their full rights, a covenant left to us by our ancestors, the martyrs and the resistance fighters who sacrificed themselves for the dignity of the nation.
May Algeria and the Arab nation live a dignified life. Algeria will forever remain the rock that breaks all the plots of treason and normalization. Long live a proud and free Palestine, shame and disgrace for traitors and normalizers.
Peace be upon you and the mercy of God.
The general coordinator of the assembly, the Algeria branch, Dr. Ali Rabij.
We now move on to Nouakchott, the capital of Mauritania, with the Mauritanian national anthem, where the champion chess player Abdul Rahim Al-Talib Muhammad (14 years) is being honored. Abdul Rahman refused to play with an “Israeli” contestant, and decided to withdraw from the World Junior Championships, in which he was competing for qualification, after the lottery placed him in the last round with a player representing the “Israeli” occupying entity.
Abdul Rahman confirmed that he decided to withdraw, refusing to normalize and play with a representative of a fictitious state that does not really exist. The talented player Abdul Rahim Al-Talib Muhammad ranked 47th out of 215 players from the world’s elite of junior chess, and withdrawing from this round was decisive for him in the conflict, but he refused to proceed with the tournament no matter the size of the loss, despite the fact that he ranked amongst the best in both the Arab world and Africa.
In the past three years, Abdel Rahim participated in a number of local tournaments in Nouakchott and Nouadhibou, and won the Nouakchott Chess Championship for the years 2019 and 2020, and the Blitz Chess Championship for 2019.
The floor is now for the former deputy, Mohamed Ould Val, the general coordinator of the Global Gathering in Support of the Choice of Resistance in Mauritania, and head of the Mauritanian Welfare Party. The floor is yours, brother Mohamed Ould.
Speech of the General Coordinator of the Global Gathering in Support of the Choice of Resistance in Mauritania, former MP Mohamed Ould Vall, head of the Mauritanian Welfare Party.
The branch of the Global Gathering in Support of the Choice of Resistance in Mauritania organized today noon 30/08/2021 a ceremony in honor of the Mauritanian hero Abd al-Rahim al-Talib Muhammad, who withdrew from an international chess competition after the lottery placed him against a player from the Zionist entity.
The ceremony was attended by a number of Arab athletes who refused to engage with the Zionist players.
At the end of the ceremony, champion Abdel Rahim Ould Talib Mohamed received an honorary shield presented by the Global Gathering in Support of the Choice of Resistance. He also received a symbolic gift from the Welfare Party.
In his speech, the head of the Welfare Party, Mr. Mohamed Ould Val, gave his thanks to this young hero, praising the symbolic stand he took, which shows that the Mauritanian popular stance has an environment that rejects normalization, whose children are raised to be hostile to the Zionist entity and refuse to deal with it in any way.
In turn, the hero Abd al-Rahim thanked the organizers of the Global Gathering and those attending for their encouragement, drawing attention to the fact that the Palestinian issue for him is an innate issue and that it deserves every sacrifice and that he did not hesitate for a moment to withdraw and did not consult anyone, but announced his refusal immediately after knowing that the competitor is a Zionist confirming he will withdraw again and again whenever the opposite player is from this usurping entity.
Now we move on to Sudan with the Sudanese national anthem, where champion Mohamed Abdel-Rasoul from Sudan is being honored. Mohamed decided to withdraw from the judo competitions in the Tokyo 2020 Olympics to avoid competing with an “Israeli” competitor in full refusal to normalize.
Abdul Rasoul’s withdrawal came only two days after the withdrawal of the Algerian champion.
The choice of the Sudanese hero, Muhammad Abdul Rasoul, brought honor to his people, nation, humanity and justice when he chose truth, alignment with human values, and against colonialism and injustice practiced by the usurping Zionist entity.
The great Sudanese chmapion stressed that normalization with the Zionists is a popularly isolated matter and he will not find a supporter from all categories of the Sudanese people, despite the official pressures exerted on him.
We give the floor now to Professor Idris Abdel-Qader Ais Abdel-Qader, the general coordinator of Global Gathering in Support the Choice of Resistance in Sudan, a researcher in Arab and Islamic affairs, and a political activist opposed to normalization.
The General Coordinator of the Global Gathering in Support of the Choice of Resistance in Sudan
Mr. Idris Abdel Qader Ayes Abdel Kader
Today was a historic day at the global gathering in support of the choice of resistance, where the gathering celebrated and honored via zoom the athletes from Lebanon, Algeria, Sudan and Mauritania.
And they are from Lebanon: Champion Abdullah Miniato,
From Algeria: Champion Fathi Noreen.
from Sudan: Champion Mohamed Abdel Rasoul.
From Mauritania: Champion Abd al-Rahim al-Talib Muhammad.
Medals in the form of shields were presented in appreciation of them and their honorable stances.
The champions attended our event with their families via zoom. The Sudanese hero, Mohamed Abdel-Rasoul, was absent because of the aggravation he had to endure by representatives of the puppet normalizing government, which does not represent the Sudanese people at all.
On behalf of the Sudanese champion, the coach and head of the Karry Academy attended, Taher Muhammad Al-Taher, and received the shield on behalf of the hero, Muhammad Abdul-Rasoul.
The assembly’s coordinators in Lebanon, Algeria, Sudan and Mauritania, organized celebrations via zoom, managed and organized by the General Secretariat in Beirut.
The words were presented by the Secretary-General of the assembly, Dr. Yahya Ghaddar, and spokespersons of the branches of Algeria, Sudan and Mauritania.
We affirm that the Sudanese government cannot hide our hero Muhammad Abdul Rasoul forever. We will definitely meet him, support him, and hold him proudly.
Finally, I extend my sincere thanks on behalf of the global gathering support of the choice of resistance to all the brothers and sisters participating in the celebration of the young Arab champions who raised the flag of Palestine and achieved the most beautiful and wonderful championships.
Victory for Palestine remains the greatest triumph in the lives of the dear and great free peoples.
Beirut on August 30, 2021