The Gathering’s statement against the normalization conference in Kurdistan, Iraq.

⭕ statement

▪️The Global Gathering in Support of the option of resistance

▪️ With its members and branches scattered in more than 50 countries in the east and west of the Earth, its friends and supporters, and in the person of the Secretary-General, Dr. Yahya Ghaddar, we condemn the convening of the conference of normalization and treason in Erbil and all that was said about it. We consider ehat happened as a treasonous, fabricated and paid conference with clear treacherous and conspiratorial goals aimed at stabbing Iraq and its people by those who called for this conference, who organized it and for those who attended and spoke in it.

▪️ The call for this conference that was chosen to be convened on the same date as the referendum to separate Kurdistan from Iraq and in the context of current events and developments, reflects the desire of some individuals and groups cooperating with the American occupation and calling for the separation of the Kurds and the fragmentation of Iraq and the establishment of Zionist states complying with the plans of the American occupier to divide and destroy Iraq, and the establishment of occupation bases and settlements for terrorists and resettling them on the land of Iraq to avenge the Iraqi resistance that humiliated the occupation and imposed a defeat against them to withdraw from the Iraq of Arabs and Muslims and from Baghdad, the fortress of Arabism and resistance, and to fight terrorists and separatists from the American and Israeli agents and mercenaries.

▪️ The positions of the Iraqi Marjaiiya and national forces in condemning the conference and exposing those who attended and those who participated in it, describing them as traitors, conspirators and mercenaries, and the Iraqi clans and national forces’ stabce by absolving them, and revealing their truth as they are just marginal people who have no history, influence, effectiveness nor representation. This confirms that Iraq and its proud people are innocent of these traitors and their conferences and that Iraq will not be a corridor, base, or home to agents of normalization, traitors, and divisions, and that Iraq will pronounce them and bring the just national retribution on them in order to confirm the history of Iraq, the values ​​of its people, its Arabism, and its hostility to the Zionist entity and the American occupation, and the steadfastness in line with the axis of resistance and victory for Palestine.

▪️ The Iraqi resistance has proven its capabilities as it represents Iraq, its spirit and its people. These facts will not be changed by this meeting of a few marginal traitors paid as mercenaries and the designation of their meeting as a conference of normalization with the terrorist and usurper Zionist entity.

Secretary-General of the Global Gathering in Support of the Choice of Resistance

Dr. Yahya Ghaddar


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