The Kingdom of gas and sand and the emirates of normalization and treason are plotting against Lebanon the resistance and they will be defeated.

The Kingdom of gas and sand and the emirates of normalization and treason are plotting against Lebanon the resistance and they will be defeated.
Surprisingly and treacherously, the kingdom of gas and sand and its sisters went after an interview with the famous and wise journalist, George Qordahi, in which he said correct words about the treacherous aggression and conspiracy against the Arab Yemen, two months before his ministerial appointment.
The kingdom of sand and gas and its tails are among the sheikhdoms of the Gulf, families of normalization and betrayal of the Abrahamic Zionist states, those involved in Arab and Islamic blood, financiers of chaos, terrorist groups, and those who tamper with the sovereignty, stability and unity of states in the service of the American and their Zionist master. With Lebanon, they threaten to cut off commercial relations, restrict travel, and prevent remittances from Lebanese expatriates. They created the crisis using a lame unbelievable pretext that does not justify their aggression and treason.
Democracy and freedom give the media and the interested person the right to express his political opinion, and no offense has taken place. The citizen’s opinion does not hold the state and the people any responsibility, and it does not express the official position expressed exclusively by the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the President of the Republic.
The immoral Saudi-Emirati aggression against Lebanon, its people and its state expresses the extent of the predicament and the sense of catastrophic defeat in Yemen at the hands of the heroes of the army and the popular committees. And a desperate attempt to export the crises of Saudi Arabia and the UAE to Lebanon to evade their responsibility for an unjust, aggressive, criminal, terrorist and adventurous war against Yemen and its people.
In its aggression against Lebanon, Saudi Arabia is also trying to ignite the fire of crises caused by its allies, its deposits and its tools in the Lebanese state and by its orders and its financing of armed terrorist gangs and its financing to organize the Lebanese forces that set up an ambush in Tayouneh area of Beirut in implementation of Saudi instructions and to ignite civil and local wars in service and in implementation of Saudi Arabia’s absurd projects.
When the forces failed and the military judiciary nade its move and exposed their role and the danger of their plots, Saudi Arabia and the UAE rushed to stir up dust and crises in an attempt to cover up and protect the forces.
Saudi Arabia, its alliance and its tools have lost their absurd wars everywhere, and they will be defeated and lose their war against Lebanon, and their conspiracies will not pass and will only reap disappointment and humiliation.
Minister Qardahi is the master of his own self and the owner of well-known national stances, and he is not a member of the paid media, and the force he represents in the government is a solid force and is not shaken by media wars.
This force realizes that Saudi Arabia and the UAE are in a state of defeat and are waiting for crises, chaos and collapses in their structures, and realize that Saudi Arabia and its alliance are incapable of deluding the Lebanese and leading them to chaos and wars.
Minister Kordahi and the force he represents are aware that Mohammed bin Salman made his decision to withdraw from Lebanon when he arrested and abused his Prime Minister Saad Hariri in 2017, and that his practices and intimidation are just delusions, lies and attempts of the desperate defeated.
Lebanon resisted and defeated Israel and defeated terrorism funded by the Emirates, Saudi Arabia and others, and it will defeat all their plots and pressures, and will not respond to intimidation and media wars.
The time of Al Saud and their Wahhabi terrorism and their alleged and illusory influence in Lebanon is over. Their policies, tools and mercenaries have been exposed.
The era of resistance and victories is near, and Lebanon is the master of its own self, knowing its value, its achievements, its position and its role. And Beirut, the capital of resistance and liberation, will not be intimidated by the insults of the lords of gas and sand and their immorality, and it will not respond to the screams of their tools, their media and their satellite channels, inside and outside Lebanon, which are frivolous, bought, misleading, and involved in fabricating lies and sedition.