The Arab Socialist Ba’ath Party – National Leadership

The Arab Socialist Ba’ath Party – National Leadership
6 March at 20:29
Al-Hilal: The victory in Syria gave strength and solidity to the axis of Resistance.
Comrade Engineer Hilal Al-Hilal, Assistant Secretary-General of the Arab Socialist Ba’ath Party, met with the delegation of the General Secretariat of the Global Gathering in Support of the Choice of Resistance, headed by its Secretary-General, Dr. Yahya Ghaddar, at the party’s central command headquarters in Damascus.
Al-Hilal began his speech by conveying the greeting and respect of comrade Dr. Bashar al-Assad Secretary-General of the Party and the President of the Republic, to the comrades members of the delegation from the Global Gathering, indicating the vast difference between those who stood by the axis of resistance, dignity and honesty and those who stood by the axis of imperialism and treachery. What happened in Ukraine today and Afghanistan before it exposed the cowardly American position and exposed its abandonment of its allies selling them at the cheapest price for the US’s personal interests.
Al-Hilal pointed out that the current events at the regional level demonstrated the accuracy of the decision of the leader Dr. Bashar al-Assad. Sovereignty, dignity and independence are constants that cannot be abandoned, so that Syria today becomes a beacon for all the free and honorable people in the world, stressing that the victory in Syria ended the unipolar domination and we see it today changing the map of the world.
Dr. Yahya Ghaddar, Secretary-General of the Global Gathering in Support of the Choice of Resistance, expressed his gratitude for what the resistance leader Bashar al-Assad offered, not at the level of Syria, but at the level of the whole world, stressing that the resistance axis derives its strength from Damascus, the capital of the resistance, whose richness was mixed with the blood of honorable resistance fighters.
Comrade Yahya also gave a detailed explanation of the assembly’s action plan at the international level and preparation for the establishment of a conference on the disarmament of nuclear weapons in the world and the lifting of unilateral sanctions against 22 countries around the world, including Syria.
For their part, members of the delegation noted that Syria has become a beacon illuminating the path of the resistance peoples, expressing their appreciation for the sacrifices made by the Syrian army and people, hoping that these sacrifices will bear fruit on the beloved land of Palestine.
The meeting was attended by Comrade Major General Yasser Al-Shoufi, member of the Central Command, Dr. Ali Akbar Barati, the General Coordinator of the Gathering in Iran, Dr. Jan Formal, Secretary General of the International Association of Democratic Jurists in the World, and Dr. Hassan Jouny, Dr. Michael Awad, members of the Gathering in Lebanon, and Dr. Nidal Ammar, the General Coordinator of the Global Gathering in Syria.