AlQuds takes revenge for Jenin, which fought and will not rest.

AlQuds takes revenge for Jenin, which fought and will not rest.
AlQuds is closer and the decision of the Palestinian people is clear; The days of liberation are underway, and victory is an hour’s patience.
Statement of the global gathering in support of the choice of resistance in support of AlQuds and in honor of the martyrs of Jenin
The armed popular revolution in Palestine is escalating, teaching the enemy harsh lessons, and imposing its choices with aggression and determination.
The land, sovereignty, AlQuds, the sea, and the river are ours, and Palestine does not accept division, betrayal, or sale and normalization.
Weapons are the solution, and bullets for bullets to repel and confront, and armed resistance in all its forms is a way to restore AlQuds, Lydda, Haifa, and the Negev, the homeland of our fathers and grandfathers, saints and messengers, and the Prophet’s ascent to heaven.
AlQuds said it in a loud voice and with bullets resounding like missiles and canisters, and the action came from a skillful hand, Khairi Alqam is a young Makdisi resistance fighter who was breastfed with his Palestinian mother’s milk. He grew up on the impact and victories of the axis of the resistance and made his decision to die in revenge for his grandfather who was unjustly and brutally shot by a settler.
May Allah grant him success to be the hero and the motivating model for the youth of Palestine. The spirit of his grandfather, who embraced the spirits of the moons of Jenin and the suns of the valiant resistance, called upon him. The spirits called upon him that the time of revenge had come and the time to teach the savage Zionist gangs a lesson and deterrence, as bullets perish is here. Revenge for the invasion of the heroic Jenin is the banner and title of the resistance and its capital, which did not abandon the weapons nor evacuate the squares and continued to fight and pay with bodies and profits as the flame of the resistance should not fade away and the agreements of humiliation, shame and betrayal will not extinguish the flames of resistance and will not stifle or weaken the action to achieve the national right and liberate the sacred soil that was quenched with the blood of Martyrs.
The treacherous forces attacked Jenin and ten of its moons were martyred in one day.
AlQuds responded to its call and decided that it would fight with weapons and would not accept or pass the Judaization of the Al-Jarrah neighborhood and would not accept the removal of Khan Al-Ahmar in the Negev foghting with a one man’s heart.
All the men, boys, and girls of Palestine who took up knives and were martyred while stabbing the rapists and those who drove cars and buses and carried out martyrdom run-over operations, unite and tighten the fingers of the historical hero, the star of AlQuds and Palestine, and its hero, Khairy Alqam, who is faithful to the secret of his martyr grandfather, may Allah rest his soul, in the land that God forbids bargaining with it or giving away a drop of water or a speck of soil.
Al-Alqam, in his bravery, persistence, and professionalism, and the losses he inflicted on the ranks of the herds of rapists and raging beasts, and his precise bullets are a harbinger of the resurrection of the good in the streams of bullets, missiles, and marches that scream Palestine the Arab state is ours, free, sovereign and we are still as per oir vow to pray in the Church of Resurrection and the blessed Al Aqsa Mosque.
The blood of Khairy Al-Alqam and the heroic martyrs of Jenin and their brothers in the land of sanctity and resistance is a harbinger of thunders, storms and rain of bullets to expel the murderous Zionists from Palestine and liberate it from the sea to the river.
The call of the martyrs of AlQuds, Jenin and Al-Alqami is echoed by the bullets of another mujahid in the old city in the town of Silwan to kill more herds of the Zionist invaders by hours apart. His means is to rise up and use weapons to end the contracts and agreements of treachery, humiliation and subjugation, and he decided to slap anyone who wagered on other than the people and the resistance.
Congratulations to Palestine, the embryo of resistance, to heaven, for the martyrs of Palestine, and to the nation, for the mighty people and the struggling fighters in Palestine, from the Galilee to the Negev, AlQuds, Lydda, Haifa, Umm al-Fahm and Nazareth.
Liberation is coming, of coirse it is coming, and its days are ever near.
May Allah have mercy on the souls of the heroic martyrs, and grant healing to the wounded.
All condolences to the families and the nation.
Every fallen martyr breathes the spirit into the revolution of the armed people, to increase awareness and anger, and motivate them to take up arms.
With arms, unity, rights, dignity and pride of the nation are restored.
Beirut, January 28, 2023
Dr. Yehya Ghaddar
Secretary General of the Global Gathering in Support of the choice of Resistance.