Speech of Dr. Yahya Ghaddar, Secretary General of the Gathering, at the media meeting of solidarity with Syria after the earthquake disaster.

In the name of Allah, the most gracious, the most merciful
In my name and in the name of the Global Gathering in Support of the Choice of Resistance, which is present in 65 branches and countries, we declared full solidarity with the people and leadership in Syria, and we responded to the call at the moment of the Nakba, and we are still continuing until this moment.
We offered our condolences for the innocent victims and prayed for the wounded to recover quickly, after we had done our duty. Indeed, it is the least possible towards the beating heart of Arabism.
In the face of the tragedy that struck Syria due to the devastating earthquake, we call on Arab, Islamic and international countries and governments and their living peoples, and we hope for an urgent rush to extend a helping hand and help to contain the crisis, provide for the needs of those affected, and contribute to securing the Syrian people and alleviating their harsh suffering, not only because of the devastating earthquake, but also because of the global destructive war that was waged on Syria, we also appeal and call on the free countries and peoples of the world to exercise all forms of pressure to bring down the wars of starvation and the siege imposed by the American aggression on Syria to starve its people and punish them for their legendary steadfastness and rallying around the leadership and Mr. President Bashar al-Assad, in order to weaken Syria and overthrow it with the aim of securing the temporary usurping entity.
We call on the people of goodness and white hands among the sons of our Arab and Islamic nation and the free people of the world to campaigns of solidarity and donations to support Syria in this difficult ordeal.
We also cannot help but thank the Chargé d’Affairs of the Syrian Embassy in Lebanon and his work team, who organized from the first minutes of the disaster an operations room, through which he assured us of the most urgent types of aid and for anyone who wants to donate financially which faces a lot of difficulties.
Victory for Syria and the axis of resistance
Mercy for the innocent and a speedy recovery for the wounded
Wills and hands unite in securing the needs of the injured and the needy
Let us break the siege and bring down the conspiracy of starvation and sanctions.
Dr. Yahya Ghaddar
Secretary General of the Global Gathering in Support of the choice of Resistance.